“Sky’s the limit!”


If you're in a slump, don't worry, I'll help you step it up and make your way out of it.

It's mind power, and you and ONLY you can control your mind. The mind must be trained, just like your body, if you want it to be strong, powerful, mighty and fierce.

I can relate to you, trust me, I have heard many tell me I can't do "it", and what I'm doing won't work, etc, etc.

Other "Big" names try to stop me, trash talk me and slow me down.

Sorry, there will be NONE of that.

I'm picking up momentum and the best thing I want to share it. I don't want to keep it all to myself. There are no secrets. What I have learned was passed down to me by others, or, I learned through experience, in the trenches, kicking ass the only way I know how.

Stay tuned, I have some ass kicking stuff coming your way.

A new e course, more Underground Strength Coach Certifications, motivational videos from yours truly and much, much more! Hold on tight, we're gonna Kill it.....TOGETHER!

--Coach Z--

One Response

  1. That weapon was also a remarkable human being who broke down national barriers and had supreme mental strength and was a devoted father and husband. In my books, a top bloke. I would rather face some punk with a knife than Bruce Lee. I’d have a chance against the punk and his knife!! Very inspiring indeed

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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