Smokes, Drinks and Can Still Kick Your Ass


Back when I was paying my way through Grad School I was bartending on weekends at a shot and beer joint. Bar tending was also mixed with bouncing.

Saturday nights got wild because bands played most Saturday nights. It was often standing room only and because this was a shot and beer joint, the drinks went fast and people regularly consumed an average of 8 drinks no problem.

I met some serious drinkers, who smoked quite heavily as well, who worked at the nearby factories and industrial plants. They were strong as hell, and they used to help me carry beer filled kegs from the basement to the tap before we had taps running through the floor down to the basement.

These regulars had big hands and thick forearms, all from their manual labor jobs. ย They also had no fear of throwing down should anyone bother them in any fashion. Their confidence came through their strength.

Sure, they may have had some extra "beer" confidence, but, they knew they were stronger than most anyone walking through those doors since they were lifting car parts all day, moving boulders and broken cement, etc.

I started seeing the benefits of strongman training by watching these guys carry beer filled kegs up the worsed flight of stairs known to man, as well as struggling with the kegs myself.

I was shocked to see these drinkers easily cruise up the stairs while my non-functional bodybuilding strength left me in the dust!

The lesson here: Mix them together: old school bodybuilding basics and hard nosed strongman training with odd objects.

You won't be disappointed, I can talk from experience and so can my clients as well as anyone else who's gotten their hands on THIS.

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - Want the strength that kicks ass from every direction? I know you do, who wouldn't!?!? Click HERE for your ticket to ass kicking strength.

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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