Become a Certified SSP Coach & Learn How to Change the Lives of Your Athletes, Grow a Thriving Business, & Ultimately, Change YOUR OWN Life.


If you are constantly seeking self improvement as a Coach so you can better serve your athletes  then you've come to the right place. I firmly believe that great Coaches are always in search of the slight edge; constantly seeking ways to improve their knowledge in training and business because as I always say, "Good enough is the death of Greatness."

Since 2008 I've been consulting with and certifying coaches from all around the world. I've worked with Coaches who range from the private sector to the University sector of all levels (D3, D2 and D1 Coaches).

More Important Now than Ever Before in the Strength & Conditioning Field.....

You must be Armed with the Most Effective Training, Business & Communication Skills to Stay at the Top of Your Game.

You Need Business Knowledge to Balance Your Training Knowledge because the Only Guarantee in our field is that there are NO Guarantees.

At The SSPC Cert, you Will Learn Exactly how to Thrive as a Strength & Sports Performance Coach in Today's World.

Below is a break down of how things are going to work at the SSPC (Strength & Sports Performance Coach) Certification.

First off, do NOT rush through this page. Please watch the entire video above before you read the rest of the page.




Underground Strength Gym

202 East Main St / Manasquan, NJ

Date / Time / Schedule:


Arrive: 7:45 AM to check in

Start Time: 8 AM

Day 1 Schedule:

8 AM

- Intro to The SSPC Certification & Discussion: Training for Performance (Sports, Military, LEO & Training for LIFE!)

8:30 AM

- Intro Training Session (Hands On Portion, YES, you Will be Training 🙂

- How to Warm Up / Prep & Assess Before / During / After Training Sessions

- Cool Down / Mobility & Self Assessment

10 AM

- Discussion on Program Design, Art of Coaching & Assessment Procedures

10:30 AM

- Medicine Ball Training

- Training for Power / GPP / Strength / Athleticism

- Individual Med Ball Exercises / Partner / Team Med Ball Training

11:30 AM

- Basic to Advanced Bodyweight Training

- Jump Training / Plyometrics for Upper & Lower Body

- Program design Considerations for Plyometrics According to Age / Experience / Training Population

12:30 PM - Lunch Break

1:30 PM

- Intro to Strength Training: DBs, KBs, Bodyweight Basics / Age Appropriate Training

- Understanding Progressions / Regressions / Accommodating Individual Needs of Athletes in a Group Setting

2:30 PM

- Sprint Training / Basic Sprint Technique

- Sprint Warm Ups that segue into Speed / Power Training

- Sprint Training in groups

- Implementing Sprints for Non Field Athletes & Field Athletes

3:30 PM- 4:30 PM

- Barbell Training Exercises, Methods & Program Design

- Front Squat, Back Squat, Zercher Squat

- Teaching the Clean (Simple & Fast Method for Teaching / Learning). Even our middle school athletes perform front squats and clean


"To Learn firsthand from Zach was surreal. His Passion, Drive & Knowledge are Unmatched....."

- Joshua Beeler / Certified SSPC

Day 2 - Schedule: 7:45 AM Check In

8 AM - 10 AM

- Warm Up to Prep for Barbell Strength & Technique Work

- Shoulder Health, Back Health, Mobility, Training the Athlete for Longevity & Long Term Health

- Floor Press, Bench Press, Overhead Press

- Trap Bar Training, Sumo DL, Conventional DL

10 AM - 1 PM

- The Art of Coaching + the Finer Details of Coaching / Things that are Difficult to Write about.

- Developing Your "The Coach's Eye"

- Communication Skills that make or break relationships, jobs & opportunities.

- Building relationships with athletes, parents and other professionals.

- QnA on Training, Business, Anything


"This was my first ever big in person education purchase so I was definitely a bit nervous about not just the price, but the whole trip in general. However, you and Mike were so passionate, kind and down to earth it made the whole experience entirely worth it."


"I've attended a number of seminars and certifications over the last decade and none of them have provided the transparency with their methods, detail in their content, or support for their coaches that Zach does in the SSPC Certification."


"The knowledge I came away with was game changing. And thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone with some of that speed, agility, even front squats with that form and hang cleans. I'm pretty damn sore today!"


The BONUSES: Valued at Over $1,000

The Business & Training Bonuses are Powerful  and will pay you back for a LIFETIME.

My job is to give you the tools to succeed as a Coach, whether you are in the private sector, coaching at the collegiate level (D3, D2, D1) or working for another company / organization.

Most Coaches struggle with the business side of things but you will NOT have to go through the struggles that other Coaches go through.

Bonus # 1 ($400 Value): Recordings of The Garage Gym Godfathers Business Seminar w/ myself and Joe DeFranco

- This was a FULL day seminar with myself and Joe DeFranco where we share our proven business models which have kept us thriving in business since the early 2000s. MANY people who teach the business side of things no longer own a gym or actually never owned a gym!


"There is No Excuse not to budget this into Your Plans for this Year or Next...."

"It always seems like somehow every time I am looking for an answer during these times, I keep coming back to Zach...."

 Bonus #2 ($500 Value): Matt Wenning & Zach Sports Performance Seminar Recordings on Training.

This is a 3.5 hour recording with a deep dive into program design along with a recording of a LIVE Athlete training session from The Underground Strength Gym.

At the end of The SSPC Cert, We will also hold QnA to ensure all your training / questions / concerns are met. This is where you can ask any / all of your questions to ensure that you walk away with all the tools you need to take your coaching / training / business skills to the next level and beyond.

"Everyone was there to get Better & Help each other...."


This SSPC Cert is going to be like a Weightlifting Party and a Mastermind all in one!

Simply One Idea from this SSPC Cert can Completely Change Your Business, Career and  Life!




Running a Business & Coaching has Changed Dramatically through the Years

The way I coach today has changed through the years (I began coaching in 1995) and quite dramatically through these recent years. Along with running a warehouse gym, the business side of things has changed as well.

Coaches at the collegiate level have seen and experienced the volatility and so now more than ever before, college coaches MUST learn the business side of things. Nothing is guaranteed at the college sector.

My buddy always tells me, "The only guarantee in college / professional strength & conditioning is that there are NO guarantees." That is an unfortunate truth and so you must be able to count on yourself first & foremost.

ALL Strength Coaches Must Learn to become their Own CEO

Looking at the private sector today compared to yester-year, the mindset of athletes and parents is different and with "Strength Coaches" on every other corner of every town, you do have "competition". You must learn how to thrive in a crowded marketplace while staying true to your core values. You will learn exactly how to do so at The SSPC Certification.

The Underground Strength Gym has had staying power because we focus on changing lives first & foremost. Success is NO accident. I look forward to sharing all of my training and business experiences with you so you can "plug and play" this system into your own.

You Will Learn the Proven Training Methods & Business Model to Help Your Business THRIVE

Our athletes often begin training with us in middle school or the early years of high school. They continue training with us until college, and then they return during every college break.

We are able to experience this type of loyalty from our athletes because our training methods and our genuine relationships truly changes lives. We don't need all the fads & gimmicks that the others "experts" are peddling. That is NOT what works for long term success.

Many of our athletes train with us for 6 or 7 years before going to college. You can't achieve that with poor training methods and poor communication skills.

The skills you'll learn at The SSPC Cert will give you the tools you need to Transform Your business into a Long Term Success Machine.

You need systems in place, both for yourself and eventually, for your Coaches, which you will learn during The SSPC Certification.





With so many fads and gimmicks out there, it's time to give yourself the training and business tools you need to take your passion and truly earn a living from it.

Looking forward to seeing you soon at The SSPC Certification!

To register for The SSPC Cert on Aug 13-14 at Sorinex HQ, Please Click HERE.

Early Bird Registration Ends August 2nd:

$1,000 $750

After you register, an email will be sent to you with all details. Please check junk folder if you don't see anything or email Zach directly.

Refund Policy: There are no refunds for no shows or cancellations as space is limited at each SSPC Cert. If you have to cancel, you will be given the opportunity to go through the online course option but will still need to attend the next cert in person to earn The SSPC Certification. If you want to attend the next in person SSPC Cert, there is a $250 rescheduling fee.

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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