Become a Certified SSP Coach & Get the Proven Blueprint as to How You Can Transform Athletes into BEASTS, Grow a 6 Figure Business, & Ultimately, Run a Business that Changes Lives, Including Your OWN


If you are constantly seeking self improvement as a Coach so you can better serve your athletes and give yourself more freedom in your life as a business owner or Coach, then you've come to the right place. 

I firmly believe that great Coaches are always in search of the slight edge; constantly seeking ways to improve their knowledge in training and business because as I always say, "Good enough is the death of Greatness."

And of course, as a Coach, you are consistently challenging your athletes, pushing them to get better. If we expect greatness from our athletes, then first & foremost we must expect greatness from ourselves.

That is where The SSPC Cert comes into play, giving you the opportunity to learn the proven training methods I have been using for 20+ years to build BEAST athletes with a successful training business. 

From Youth to D1, from Adults to Spec Ops Military, this is the Exact Training System I've been Successfully Using for 20+ years.

Now it's Your Turn to Earn 6 Figures with a Strength & Conditioning Business that Delivers Powerful Results & Gives you the Lifestyle You Want & Deserve!

Since 2008 I've been consulting with and certifying coaches from all around the world. I've worked with Coaches who range from the private sector to the University sector of all levels (D3, D2 and D1 Coaches) as well as Naval Special Warfare, The FBI and more. Now is your opportunity to learn these trusted and proven methods from anywhere in the world, no matter where you live.

NOW, More Important than Ever Before in the Strength & Conditioning Field.....

You must be Armed with the Most Effective Training, Business & Communication Skills to Stay at the Top of Your Game.

You Need Business Knowledge to Balance Your Training Knowledge because the Only Guarantee in our field is that there are NO Guarantees.

With The SSPC Cert, You Will Learn Exactly how to Thrive as a Strength & Sports Performance Coach in Today's Over Crowded Space of Coaches.

Here is How The Online SSPC (Strength & Sports Performance Coach) Certification Will Benefit You & Grow Your Business ....

Mr Even-Esh,

I finally got around to printing out the Underground Training Manual.
Best £100 I ever spent. This manual is gold. Packed full so much interesting, useful and practical Information.
I’m also embarrassed to admit that I got so focused on the videos contained within the SSPC that I forgot about the manual.
Big mistake. This is why I flunked the written test first time round. Because the videos are just a small part of the course. The manual IMO is the real meat of the course, the how to.
Anyway, you live and learn. Sometimes a teacher, always a student.

Module 1: Introduction to The SSPC Cert and Building Athleticism


Module 2: Art of Coaching + Programming Athletic Warm Ups

Module 3: Live Training Session with Voice Over breaking down in detail the entire training session with our athletes ranging from middle school to high school and college.


Module 4: In Depth Program Design

- Program Design differences for Training large groups at a high school vs private sector smaller groups. Discover how to effectively coach, manage and build a thriving culture in ANY program you run, regardless of age or location.

- Discover the Secrets of getting athletes, coaches and parents to trust you by building "buy in" early in the coaching relationship. This is why we have athletes training with us for YEARS not just a few months and this will transform your business 10 fold.

- Standing out as a private facility even if you're small regardless of all the other large "Super" training facilities that mill in a bunch of athletes who struggle to get results. 

- Organizing Training / program design during the various times of the year (in season, post season, pre season, off season). This expert insight is where many coaches struggle and in turn, they lose athletes in season and struggle to have athletes who are consistently training.

Module 5: Live QnA Recording on Training & Business

- Systems for training different age groups / athletes of various abilities

- Business Systems to keep you organized & to help you grow a business that changes lives & brings in predictable income with our "Low Hassle, High Profit" Approach

- Preventing Coaching Burnout so You Can Build a Thriving Business

- Creating a Schedule for Yourself (According to Your OWN Rules) to Maximize your Health, Personal Time & the Success of Your Business

Module 6: Assessments & Programming

- The various assessment models / methods used while training athletes of all ages / levels. Do this in a 1 on 1 or group setting to understand how to train athletes or, use this as a way to hold free clinics and grow your business.

- Addressing injuries and helping athletes train around bumps and bruises in season. This will keep your athletes trusting you through their athletic journey and is a large part of delivering results to your athletes.  

- Acquiring the mindset of a GREAT Strength Coach so you can speak with confidence and expertise regardless of the scenario. 

- Understanding, addressing and coaching the intricacies of athletes who perform at high levels in sports yet mediocre in the weight room and vice versa. 

- How to effectively incorporate individualized programming in a group setting

- Adjusting training & understanding the role that stress plays in an athlete's life



Module 7: Simplifying Sprint & Speed Training / Program Design with Guest Coach, Mike Guadango

- Sprint / Speed Training for high school athletes vs adults

- Implementing hill sprints to build blazing fast athletes who shock the competition.

- Implementing resisted / weighted sprints via various sleds

- Powerful Lessons learned from Charlie Francis

- The High - Low Method for programming sprints / speed training to ensure your athletes stay healthy and shock their competition with newfound levels of explosive power and speed.

Module 8: Speed Training Prep / Warm Ups, Plyometrics & Speed Program Design with Zach & Mike Guadango

- Warm Up / Prep before Sprints / Speed Training & Plyometrics

- Proper Mechanics in Sprinting without over-complicating speed and sprint training

- Common Mistakes in Speed Training & How to Avoid Them. Make yourself standout as a true expert in speed development for athletes.  

- Acceleration / Deceleration Drills to ensure your athletes can be fast from any angle and direction

- Combination Drills for Athletic Development: Jump Variations combined with Sprints

- Speed Training QnA with Mike Guadango

Module 8B: Speed, Medicine Ball & Power Training

- Outdoor Training for Speed, Agility & Power

- Implementing & Blending Athletic Training into an Overall Training Plan









Module 8C & 8D: "Game Speed", Plyometrics / Jump Training, MedBall Training & Program Design 

- Understanding the difference from bland "speed & agility" training to "Game Speed" - let the other coaches follow the fads & gimmicks while you build athletes who destroy the competition.

- How to implement Game Speed to give your athletes the edge no matter what sport they compete in

- How to use Plyometrics from beginners to advanced

-  MedBall Power Training integrated into your warm ups & training sessions 

- Program Design of Speed Training while In the Weight Room (Use of Isometrics, Eccentrics, Jump Training Variations & More)

- Tony Villani presenting on Game Speed to discuss the intricacies of how to Move in Sports vs copying track mechanics for Sports! 

Module 9:
Athletic Warm Ups, Plyometrics & Jump Training

- The cornerstone of training athletics is their ability to display their strength & power

- Use these warm ups and plyometrics to build athletes up safely so they can get the edge over the competition

- You can use these speed & agility methods to run your own speed camps to boost the growth of your gym and the success of your athletes

Module 10: Dumbbells, Kettlebells & Barbells for Sports Performance

- Most training programs are limited to barbells, dumbbells and bodyweight. Not with The SPPC Cert!

- Learn how to blend a variety of training methods and training tools together to keep your training exciting and effective for athletes.

- Discover our step by step blueprint for progressing and regressing athletes according to their age and experience. This allows you to maximize results for all your athletes ranging from youth the high school, and from college to adults.

Your Final Exam & How it All Works

Part 1 ==> Multiple Choice Exam

Part 2 ==> Practical Exam where you film yourself coaching through specific SSPC exercises and standards. ALL instructions are explained in depth inside the SSPC members area. 

You Will Access POWERFUL Bonus Materials (Over $3,000 Value)



11 Modules with 9+ Hours of World Class Sports Performance and Business Information.


"To Learn firsthand from Zach was surreal. His Passion, Drive & Knowledge are Unmatched....."

- Joshua Beeler / Certified SSPC



"This was my first ever big in person education purchase so I was definitely a bit nervous about not just the price, but the whole trip in general. However, you and Mike were so passionate, kind and down to earth it made the whole experience entirely worth it."


"I've attended a number of seminars and certifications over the last decade and none of them have provided the transparency with their methods, detail in their content, or support for their coaches that Zach does in the SSPC Certification."


"The knowledge I came away with was game changing. And thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone with some of that speed, agility, even front squats with that form and hang cleans. I'm pretty damn sore today!"


BONUS #1 (Value $500)

Garage Gym Godfathers Business Seminar Recordings

The Business Bonus Alone Will Pay you back for a LIFETIME.

My job is to give you the tools to succeed as a Coach, whether you are in the private sector, high school sector, coaching at the collegiate level (D3, D2, D1) or working for another company / organization.

Most Coaches struggle with the business side of things but you will NOT have to go through the struggles that other Coaches go through.

Joe DeFranco and I share our "Low Hassle, High Profit" approach to building our strength & conditioning businesses. 

Bonus #1 ($500 Value): Recordings of The Garage Gym Godfathers Business Seminar with Zach and Joe DeFranco

- This was a FULL day Business seminar with myself and Joe DeFranco where we share our proven business models which have kept us thriving in business since the early 2000s. MANY people who teach the business side of things no longer own a gym or actually never owned a gym!

Learn from Coaches are actually living this business for 20+ years.


"There is No Excuse not to budget this into Your Plans ...."

"It always seems like somehow every time I am looking for an answer during these times, I keep coming back to Zach...."


"Everyone was there to get Better & Help each other...."


Simply One Idea from The SSPC Cert Can Skyrocket the Success of Your Business, Career and Lifestyle.

Discover the New & Improved Blueprint for Changing Lives & Building a Thriving 6 Figure Strength & Conditioning Business.


Upon Successful completion of The Online SSPC Cert, You will receive The SSPC Certificate (this will be emailed to you).

Running a Business & Coaching has Changed Dramatically through the Years

The way I coach today has changed through the years (I began coaching in 1995) and quite dramatically through these recent years. Along with running a warehouse gym, the business side of things has changed as well.

Coaches at the collegiate level have seen and experienced the volatility / lack of job security and so now more than ever before, college coaches MUST learn the business side of things, not just coaches in the private sector. Nothing is guaranteed at the college sector.

My buddy always tells me, "The only guarantee in college / professional strength & conditioning is that there are NO guarantees." That is an unfortunate truth and so you must be able to count on yourself first & foremost.

ALL Strength Coaches Must Learn to become their Own CEO

Looking at the private sector today compared to yester-year, the mindset of athletes and parents is different and with "Strength Coaches" on every other corner of every town, you do have "competition". You must learn how to thrive in a crowded marketplace while staying true to your core values. You will learn exactly how to do so at The SSPC Certification.

The Underground Strength Gym has had staying power because we focus on changing lives first & foremost. Success is NO accident. I look forward to sharing all of my training and business experiences with you so you can "plug and play" this system into your own.

You Will Learn the Proven Training Methods & Business Model to Help Your Business THRIVE

Our athletes often begin training with us in middle school or the early years of high school. They continue training with us until college, and then they return during every college break.

We are able to experience this type of loyalty from our athletes because our training methods and our genuine relationships truly changes lives. We don't need all the fads & gimmicks that the others "experts" are peddling. That is NOT what works for long term success.

Many of our athletes train with us for 6 or 7 years before going to college. You can't achieve that with poor training methods and poor communication skills.

The Skills You'll learn with The SSPC Cert will give you the Proven Tools you need to Transform Your business into a Long Term Success Machine.

BONUS #2 ($500 VALUE)

Triple Threat Seminar Recordings

The Entire Triple Threat Seminar recordings with Zach, Matt Wenning and Joe DeFranco.

Over 2.5 hours of video footage where you will learn:

- How to assess your clients using the vertical jump, movement and warm ups

- How to Keep your clients healthy for the long run. Longevity is the ticket regardless of the age of who you train.

- Conjugate Method programming to maximize gains in strength, size, power, speed and overall health & longevity.

- Programming Jumps, Plyometrics, Sprints and Power Training for various age groups & goals. Learn how we adjust power training for high school athletes, college athletes, adults, first responders and adults in their mid 30s and beyond.

- Upper Body Training Session (LIVE) - During this segment you will see 3 different variations of the upper body training session according to age, experience, injuries and all around physical preparation. 


You need systems in place, both for yourself and eventually, for your Coaches / Staff / Team, which you will learn during The SSPC Certification.

- How to train an athlete on day 1 and progress them through your training system


- How to communicate with parents and other coaches properly and effectively (the wrong communication will put you out of business) to get them supporting your training like raving fans!


- How to train athletes in your own gym / weight room, a place you're renting from or without a gym (outdoors, sports camps, etc). 


- How to train athletes in groups while individualizing for them and giving them exactly what they Want AND Need.


- Learn how to adjust training for different age groups, different sports, different times of year (in season, off season, pre season, etc)

With so many fads and gimmicks out there, it's time to give yourself the training and business tools you need to take your passion and truly earn a living from it.

The SSPC Cert will help you eliminate the confusion and get straight to delivering AND receiving results. 

BONUS #3 ($2,500 VALUE)

Come to The Underground Strength Gym and spend the afternoon / evening with Zach and his Team! 

When someone wants to spend a few hours with me for consulting, it's NOT just a few hours they are investing in and paying for. They are getting my Decades & Decades of experience all wrapped into one so they can bypass all the time wasting / money wasting activities. 

"This Reminds me of when I paid Invested $3,000 to have "lunch" with Gary Vee..."

For those who think any of these investments are too expensive, it reminds me of when I paid Invested $3,000 to have "lunch" with Gary Vee except we NEVER ate lunch. We sat inside a Taco Bell as I took notes and those "advices" that Gary gave me paid me back well over a million dollars. This was a 1 hour consult that I invested in and it continues to pay me back almost 15 years later!

This is what we call Skin in the Game. This is how you push yourself to go next level and beyond!

During Your Visit to The Underground Strength Gym.....

- You will train with us during one session so you can experience exactly how we train athletes and adults

- Learn from us and gain firsthand experience seeing how The Underground Strength Gym operates. Ask me questions as we are side by side, coaching and pushing athletes and adults to be their BEST!

- Discover how we train athletes of varying ages, experience levels, training around injuries, in season / off season and everything in between. These are the nuances that are impossible to explain in a podcast, email or through video. You have to BE HERE to experience it all firsthand yourself!

- Zach will assess your training and coaching skills as you jump in and train with us as well as coach along side Zach and his team. If you arrive the night before, you can train with Zach in the morning. 

NOTE: These open dates for the 1 Day Coaching & Shadowing will be sent to you via email are Only available for those who successfully pass the written and practical portion of The SSPC Cert.

BONUS #4 - ZOOM QnA Calls ($500 Value)

After registration closes, Zach will send an invite for a Zoom QnA Conference call. This will be business and training talk. 

Every zoom call will discuss business strategies, coaching and training strategies as well as QnA.

4 Weeks later, there will be another Zoom call to follow up to ensure you have the support needed to achieve more success as a SPPC Coach. 

To Register for The Online SSPC Cert

Click HERE.

Registration Ends Soon!

-740Days -19Hours -55Minutes -34Seconds

Your Bonus Materials Alone are Valued at Over $3,000 and The SSPC Cert Information is Everything I have learned (Training & Business) through my experiences since 1989, bundled into one Amazing package & available for You to learn from Online, no matter where in the world you live.

Don't miss out on this opportunity as we only open the doors 2 or 3 x year!

Click HERE to Register for The SSPC Cert.

After you register, an email will be sent to you with all details to log in. Please check Your junk folder if you don't see anything or email Zach directly.

Refund Policy: There are no refunds for not completing or failing to pass The SSPC Certification.


"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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