A 12 Week Training Block For A RARE Breed Of Athlete Who Is Ready & Willing To Kick Ass & Take Names ....
Location: NJ
From: Zach Even - Esh
Isn't it funny how nowadays people accuse others of being on steroids when they see someone packing on size and getting stronger than all their buddies.
"He MUST be on steroids" they say.
The thought of hard work and dedication to training, nutrition and lifestyle are foreign to many, but for the rare few who understand the mentality behind striving to be your best and improve every single day of the year, you get "it".
You are what I call "The Uncommon Man" (Or Woman!).
You understand that stepping into the gym means it's time to challenge yourself in mind, body and spirit.
You can train in your basement, your garage, the local globo gym. You don't care where it is, you just know that you're going to unleash your inner savage.
It's Time to focus and block out any bull shit that is running through your mind. Time to lose yourself and find yourself through Intense Work.
The athletes and the adults at The Underground Strength Gym get this steroid accusation all the time. Those accusations are words from the weak minded people who don't understand what it means to train the way we do, not even for 1 day of their life.
It's annoying, sure, but we also know that we are a RARE Breed of Men.
Our training is NOT focused solely on surface improvements (bigger biceps, pecs, abs, etc), appearance and looks alone. All show and NO go is the complete opposite of what we want.
Pretty Boy Bodybuilding Is Everything We Are Not About
When you follow this training & nutrition blueprint you'll develop Strength, Size, Mental Toughness, Speed, Power and Stamina to a degree you never experienced before.
There's something about our style of training that helps you kick ass beyond the sports and outside of the gym. You learn to overcome the obstacles of life and dominate the obstacles that would conquer the "normal" people.

If you don't mind being normal then go right ahead and follow the cookie cutter programs. Go ahead. Hit some cable curls and leg extensions. Fit in with the crowd. Watch Football all day and live vicariously through people on TV.
"Squeeze your muscles" and "feel the burn".
You have another choice in life, if you choose to venture down the road less traveled.
If you "get it" and understand what I am talking about, then you are ready to push yourself to the next level.

You are ready to train the body and the train the mind so you can walk tall knowing that you are a Rare Breed as opposed to just another guy taking up space in this world, aimlessly roaming through cookie cutter workouts and not reaching your potential.
You know what type of man you are and more importantly, the man you want to become - now it's time to step up and take yourself to the next level.
Nobody is gonna do the work for you, but with our Blue Print, all you need to do is follow the training program and the nutrition guidelines and you will be on the fast track towards kicking ass & taking names.
Inside The SST Blue Print You'll Get:
- 12 Weeks of Workouts. These Workouts that have been tested and proven on myself, on hundreds and hundreds of athletes at my Underground Strength Gym and thousands of strength athletes from around the world. NO Theory here, ALL application, proven through WORK and Tested In All Areas of Life, Sports, Military, LEO and Men who Want to Be STRONG in LIFE.
- 3 Videos (Linked Inside your PDF) describing the program design methods, how to adapt them for your own strength levels and giving you insight as to how they are applied for maximum effect.
- The Warrior Audio File. My words can not do justice to this, you'll understand after you listen to it and only then will you understand.....
You have nothing to lose, except your weakness.
Live The Code 365,
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You Have Nothing To Lose Except Your Weakness
GUARANTEE ** If you feel this course didn't deliver the results you wanted and you truly put forth the work, then e mail our support team and you can schedule a training session with me at The Underground Strength Gym. **