First off, thanks to all who responded to my "personal blog post" late last night.
The responses have been very motivating to me. As you can see, I am very emotionally driven when it comes to training and life in general. If you personally know me, you cna attest to this 🙂
I also know that not everyone will be on the same page as I am, and I don't expect them to.
It does remind me of some very funny instances though, where I was told by a friend and colleague of mine how a big name strength coach was bad mouthing me.
At the time, I was training athletes from my garage, run down playgrounds and anywhere else we could find space to train at. The "Coach" who was putting me down was hosting his certification seminars all around the world, all over the USA, Europe, Canada and beyond.
He even had his own chain of gyms which were world wide.
I laughed because I saw the jelaousy and weakness he showed by bad mouthing me. It also showed his blazing insecurity that God for bid someone was doing powerful stuff other than himself.
I then caught an e mail by someone I once respected, until he bad mouthed me via his powerful keyboard. He continues to visit my web sites and blogs and then writes about what I write with his special twist hoping to oppose my materials and information.
I must laugh again at the obvious sign of weakness and jealousy being shown as he tries to be the better person.
Whatever happened to being well mannered, respectful towards others and actually walking the talk and talking the walk?
The internet is a great place because of all the information we have access to.
On the flip side, the keyboard gurus show their jealousy and weakness as others "dare" to talk about strength training.
I write for you, the reader, with hopes that all the
mistakes and the great experiences I have been through can be passed on to you for you to take advantage of.
I learned long ago that "paying it forward" is where it's at.
So for the keyboard gurus reading, feel free to keep reading my web sites and then talking trash like some WWE super star.
I'll raise the bar by getting under the bar, being respectful to others and not wasting time talking trash and being jealous.
In my mind, prosperity is limitless, and thus there are enough pieces of the pie for everyone....expect for the internet - keyboard gurus 🙂
Speaking of paying it forward....
On May 10, 12 noon, I'll be hosting my annual 'Lift STRONG' fundraiser in the way of a strongman event. My clients will be competing so feel free to come down and watch, talk training with other fellow strength fanatics and bask in the sun.
My mentor and close friend Alwyn Cosgrove battled through cancer twice and during these tough times he never said a word about it as he spent countless hours with me on the phone.
He coached me for hours on end via phone, e mail and instant messaging. His selflessness gives me goosebumps and tears every time I think of these times, and till my last breath on earth I'll always be hosting some form of a fundraiser for Lift STRONG.
Alwyn saw me as a passionate guy who wanted to make a difference for young athletes. He gave me the powerful tips and know how to get my gym off the ground so I could transform the lives of young athletes for the better.
Those trash talking internet Gurus could learn a few things from such a man like Alwyn. They're probably too jealous and insecure to allow such a thing.
Keep an open mind, surround yourself with like minded people, stay away from pessimists and "tough guys". The best talking is done by getting results and the weights you lift, not by bad mouthing others.
Dedicated to your success,
Zach Even - Esh
3 Responses
Though I’ve never met you or Alwyn I have read and listened to a fair amount of info from both of you. Three things you seem to have in common are passion, honesty and modesty. These three traits are so important in business and in life. Many athletic Gurus will talk about their athletes like cars they’ve tuned to perform better. You talk about your athletes like a proud father who feels blessed to pass on his wisdom and insight and passion. You are wise not to pay heed to the trash-talkers as I am sure those you inspire out number them 1000 to 1.
I like that quote on Joe DeFrano’s website:
“Whether they love you, or they hate you, you’re doing something right.”
Keep up the good work and continue running your own race. I enjoy your blogs and USC website so much.
Stay true to you Zach!! I love your stuff and believe like you do!! Pay it forward dude!!! Jersey peeps in the house!!