Stay Away from Egos and Assholes


One thing I have learned greatly through the years is that people with egos and attitude problems need to be eliminated from your circle of influence. They're no good for you and they want to bring you down. They also have that "Holier than Thou" attitude where they talk about how great they are, how great their information is, what they say and do is the best, etc, etc.

These people can literally brain wash you. Once you begin thinking you are THE Ultimate ________ (fill in blank) you are truly finished.

Life is very much about constant learning. Once you learn from only one source you limit your true potential.

At my membership site I love seeing what other people post regarding their own training or how they trained others.

It is how I learn so much, because I keep an open mind. I don't feel threatened by others like so many other "Internet Yodas" who trash talk and bad mouth others who have a presence on the internet.

I used to visit a lot of internet forums to learn training but so many of them were filled with negativity, complaining, trash talking, false claims and untested information.

I am reccomending that you stay far away from these forums where keyboard heavyweights hide behind their computer monitors and talk a big game yet never back it up.

Surround yourself with as many optimistic, success orineted and kind hearted people as possible. Eliminate the negativity and watch your own success skyrocket. Think prosperity and be excited for the success of others. This happens when you understand there is plenty pieces of the pie for everyone.

I'll be talking plenty more about success principles and getting out of your comfort soon more and more. I've been down and I've transformed myself greatly, but truly only scratched the surface of my potential. I want to show you how so you can use these principles as well!

Dedicated to your success,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - Wanna become part of a community loaded with optimisim and open minded strength fanatics? Click HERE.

P.P.S. - If you're an asshole or have a Napolean complex this community is NOT for you.

One Response

  1. Z, you have been a major influence in my training!
    I know you do everything you teach, and that makes your credibility very high.
    Keep rockin’ ’em!

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