Strength Coach Mental Toughness


My thoughts on how Strength Coaches should be thinking and performing in today's world. If you get pissed then I'm likely talking about you.

[youtube width="640" height="380"][/youtube]

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9 Responses

  1. Jonas "Honey Badger" Deffes says:

    Hell Yeah…. Coaches get Mentally tough… get your hands out the pockets Yo!

  2. MAN! I used to F%^&n HATE it when my trainer breathed coffee breath at me! And she was hot. You know what else I hate more? Disinterested trainers. I would be all excited about the routine, or something I read, and the trainer would be like “yeah, um, cool”
    do what you love

  3. Excellent video, Zach. You are 100% right, no excuses, no explanations. If someone invested (even if its just time and effort) then it is your DUTY to give them 100% each and every time. It is easy to write a blanket workout on the board and turn on a clock. It is TOUGH work to motivate, inspire and coach for hours a day, but that’s what we do and that’s what we love.

    With my morning crew, I make sure the energy is through the roof at 6AM. They may not feel like it that day, but I promise — by the end of the session they are all smiles and loving what just went down.

    Thanks BRO!!!!

  4. Love the video Zach! Coach with passion and your clients will not only love you for it, but get better results. Keep coming with the great motivation you bring all your readers.

  5. Kevin Salisbury says:

    This is good advice for any line of work… Thank you for sharing…

  6. Adrian Daisy Day says:

    Hey big guy. Couldn’t agree more. Sometimes the coaches lose the plot and think it’s what they will get out of it.

    Shared it with my brother who is undergoing some training, just to give him a bit of motivation.

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