STRONG & LEAN OVER 35 is HERE and it’s only 7 dollars.


I am tired of seeing the BS being peddled out there for Men Over 35. 

The training I see being prescribed is conservative at best. “Coaches” are out there acting like Men Over 35 will disintegrate if they squat or deadlift.


Men have a moral obligation to themselves and their family to be STRONG & Capable.

This requires a certain style of training and it’s Not the soft BS I see out there nowadays.

Men need to train like MEN, not like fragile snowflakes.

STRONG Over 35 is a short yet powerful ebook giving you the tips you need in training and nutrition to get Leaner, Stronger and in Better shape, even as you “get older.”

“Getting Older” is NOT an Excuse to be Weak & Flabby

STRONG Over 35 is available HERE and it’s only 7 dollars. 

NOTE: This is NOT a full blown training course like my programs on Train Heroic……

STRONG Over 35 is a Series of tips and sample workouts for Men 35 & Older so you can take fast action and start getting results today. Now. 

No confusion. No fancy complications. Instead, you’re going to go straight to the source of what delivers results.

It’s simple yet powerful and of course, like all of my training info, this requires ACTION.

In a world where everyone is so busy, I decided to keep this PDF short & to the point.

My normal style is to go ALL out and pack everything I know into one but I found that people today simply want to be told what to do and nothing else.

There are sample workouts in:

If you want the PDF, you can get it HERE.​ 

You’ll get the PDF download immediately after your purchase.

Live The Code 365,


"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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