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From the Desk of Zach Even - Esh
Location: The Underground Strength Office
Time: 6:07 AM
Dear Coach,
Running a business can be extremely stressful, especially when you're confused and not as successful as you truly want to be. I know the feeling because I have 2 gyms and I've been running my own business since 2002. There have been times where I've had 3 locations plus a 4th satellite location inside of a Baseball facility. I started training athletes full time back in 2002. I've been through multiple "generations" of the internet and have seen some interesting things come and go.
I've also seen MANY gym owners and strength coaches come and go. Those who are thriving are those who consistently evolve and improve are the same ones who are open and willing t0 listen to me. Those who struggle or go out of business are those who refuse to invest themselves to learn, evolve and improve.
Remember, running your own business is supposed to GIVE you a better life, NOT take away from enjoying your life. That being said, Success is no accident and neither is mediocrity. This goes for business, athletics, academics and anything else in life.
I've made plenty of mistakes, trust me. You don't want to repeat my mistakes. Heck, why should you? The answer is, you shouldn't struggle. And just like people reach out to you to help with their training and look for a mentor / coach, you need to be willing to do the same if you want to improve.
The cool thing is, you can run your business any way you want to, as long as it's ethical, you can create your OWN rules. Do things your way. I've listened to the "experts" before, you know, the guys who don't even own a gym or coach people yet they tell you how to run a gym? WTH is that?
I've had my boots on the ground, coaching and living this full time since 2002. My first coaching job was 1995. I've seen a lot and been through a lot. And just like I am on a mission to change the lives of athletes, I want to make sure there are more die hard, genuinely caring Strength Coaches out there crushing it.
The more GREAT Coaches we can get running their training business effectively, the more lives we can change together. For way too long I've kept all my business info under wraps. I've been heavily immersed in coaching. From training my athletes at The Underground Strength Gym, to D1 University coaching, consulting Spec Ops Military and being full time at a high school, I am training 100-200 people a day.
If my business was not running properly, I'd be screwed. You don't need to go through these mistakes. No need to guess what works or guess how to run your gym for maximum profit and less headaches. Instead, you need to stop stressing yourself over things that don't matter, regardless of what the internet "gurus" tell you to do when they haven't ever owned a gym in their life.
Yesterday morning, I had a private meeting with a friend who also runs a successful gym. He told me that people are always telling him how they have been following me for years, some have been following for me 10+ years. But they didn't know how to connect with me for coaching.
Well, if you're here, reading this letter, I know you're here for a reason. And the good news is, my buddy and I came up with a "Battle Plan" for ALL of my info & coaching to take place under one roof. A plan where I shut down all the different websites, get laser focused and give only the most dedicated & hard charging MFers an opportunity to come together & dominate in the gym AND in life. You see, if you've been following me for a bit, you KNOW, I DESPISE laziness & excuses.
So if you are getting pissed off for greatness, then this group just might be for you. After all, if you're here reading, it means you're looking for change. And good for you, you should be looking to make a change. If you're not getting better, you're getting worst. Stillness is the beginning of the end.
The STRONG Life Brotherhood will have NO stillness. You will advance & conquer or you're out. And that is the big problem for men nowadays.
Men Have Lost Their Edge, Both Physically & Mentally. Here's How to Get it Back....
Men are severely lacking in physical and mental toughness. Men are lacking grit. Without grit and toughness, this business will eat you alive. Trying to go at it alone is a recipe for disaster. You need a group of brothers who support you, push you, keep you accountable and keep you going when the going gets rough.
The reason so many Coaches struggle is from seeking and enjoying too much comfort in today's world. They think they should be able to sit home, scroll through facebook 5 hours a day and suddenly their gym will magically be pumping. NO. Everything you do needs to be strategic and result producing. Wasting time is the ultimate sin because you NEVER get your time back. Lost money you can always replace, time can never be replaced.
Learn the Low Hassle, High Profit Approach to Running Your Business
Comfort is the enemy. Comfort is like a cage that holds you back, yet you are fooled into feeling comfortable in that cage. It's time for you to destroy your inner weakness and flip the switch.

I know that I am personally at my best when I am working with other high achievers. Men like Joe DeSena (Founder of Spartan), Quatro Deuce (former Navy SEAL), the late Ultimate Warrior, Special Forces Military and the like.
Men NEED to be surrounded by other high achievers. It is inspiring and influences you to rise up and live your greatest life. Without being surrounded by other great men and having accountability, you begin to settle.
You feel fine being "normal". When deep, deep down, you KNOW you are capable of more. You have a deep, inner calling telling you that you SHOULD be more.
So after planning with my buddy after a morning thrash session at The Underground Strength Gym, we mapped out a plan of attack where I bring my best self to give you the best opportunity to work with me & other like minded men.
A group of men who are ready to transform themselves on all fronts:
- Physical Strength that also builds Indomitable Mental Strength
- Gain an Edge that gives you Confidence to Crush your obstacles & achieve your Goals
- Gain Support from a Small group of driven, hard charging men who want Greater Success in Mind, Body, Career, Relationships and LIFE
- Business strategies & skills to give you a business that THRIVES regularly, regardless of the economic circumstances or where you're located.
The bottom line is this: Men have lost their edge. How can you be a GREAT Strength Coach if you are not leading by example? Too much complaining, crying, giving up and all around weakness. It's time to punch your excuses in the face and join a group that DESTROYS all the Weak BS that is living on your mind and body.
My buddy and I were chatting about this issue and we both agreed. We said it's time to open up the doors and give Coaches an opportunity to work with me on the regular. It's time to bring Coaches into my world where I flip the switch and train you the way I build Hammers in my gym.
My friend, who also runs a very successful gym, sat with me in the corner of a quiet NJ diner as we spoke about the need to deliver something ALL inclusive, something powerful and ultimately, something that will Change YOUR Life. A place where ALL of my Coaching is under 1 roof along with access to me via a private forum, weekly video calls, VIP discounts, special invites to live events and more.
Those who are in the group will be invited to training & business events at The Underground Strength Gym. Training for your business, mind and body.
My passion in working with hard charging, dedicated, driven men was crystal clear. Perfect? I never said "perfect". Perfection doesn't exist.
Wait for perfection and you'll be waiting a life time. F--k that, time is running too fast and so the time is NOW.
High Achievers like You & I take Action. We do NOT wait for Perfection. In fact, High Achievers do Not wait for Opportunity, We go out and CREATE Opportunity.
Now, I'm not just talking about helping Strength Coaches with their business here, I'm talking about any Coach who wants to do the following:
- Get STRONGER in the Gym AND in Life
- Achieve More Financial Success
- Achieve More Career Success & Happiness
- Get in the BEST Shape of Your Life, Regardless of Your Age
- Become Part of a Brotherhood that Supports one another through thick & thin, through the good times & the bad times...
- Have MORE FREE Time & LESS Stress
- Learn how to Create Systems in Your Business so You Can Create Predictable, Reliable Success & Freedom Every Month
You see, I've been sharing my information on the interwebs since 2002. And to be honest, it's been scattered because I have been through multiple generations of the internet. I was writing articles and "blogging" before there were blogs. I built my own websites. I've created 100+ training courses, countless business courses for Strength Coaches, held close to 100 seminars and most of them are recorded. But where are they?
They are all scattered on this website, maybe that website and often times as a stand alone project.
They will ALL be inside The STRONG Life Brotherhood. Each Month I will add something new. Too much information actually stalls progress. You need just enough info and then the Coaching + Accountability to take ACTION.
I was creating information on the internet before there was social media, long before MySpace for you men who are in your 40s and older.
And through these changes on the interwebs, my information and my ability to dedicate to 1 thing has been scattered.
Until now.....
I came to a hard conclusion that I am DONE with running multiple websites, scattering my energy and efforts. Instead, everything is going under 1 roof. And under that 1 roof will be a band of brothers.
A Group of Hard Charging, Hard Working Men. Men who want to crush it in ALL areas of life:
- Optimizing & Maximizing Health & Strength
- Developing an Indomitable Mindset
- Accelerating your Success in Career / Business
- More Happiness
- More Free Time
- More Financial Success
And so every week inside of The STRONG Life Brotherhood, I'll be giving YOU and only YOU the best of my best. It will be under 1 roof, members only. Instead of posting on YouTube, Instagram, The Underground Strength Academy, here, there & everywhere, I will Now Dedicate my BEST work to The Brotherhood. I've got almost 2 decades of FREE information on the internet. There's plenty of it and there doesn't need to be tons more of it, that's for sure.
You see, with everything being free, you end up not valuing the information. You're not invested. No financial investment, no time or energy investment, nothing. The truth is, people who pay, pay attention. I certainly do. So when someone tells me they're sending me something for free, I tell them, NO. Let me buy it. Let me EARN it.
This group will Not have tire kickers or mediocre minded men who are kind of, sort of interested. Like I said, I want nothing to do with the half hearted men and I know you feel the same.
Battery Chargers ONLY.
NO battery drainers allowed.
You'll get a Massive Download of my Most Popular Training Courses upon signing up. This is the type of training that I've used on D1 Athletes, Military Special Forces and Athletes from Youth to Adults in their 60s.
In a Nut shell, this training is Grade A Bad Assery. You WILL become a BEAST when you follow these workouts and have myself and the group holding you accountable.
Here's just Some of what You'll Get as a Part of The STRONG Life Brotherhood:
- LIVE Weekly Video QnA Sessions. If you miss these, you can always pre-post your questions to have them answered. I will always re-post the live videos so you'll always have access to them.
- Weekly Workouts Posted with individual adjustments made for YOUR experience levels, injuries, goals, time avalaible and more.
- MASSIVE Bonus with my Most Popular & Powerful Training Courses, both Training & Business.
- NEW Courses (Training & Business) & Videos Added Monthly.
- Discounts of The USC Cert & Live Events.
- Video footage from my hidden Underground Strength office; Old School Strength Books & Magazines, Business Tips, Life / Mindset Tips & More. These are going to be POWERFUL.
Your Investment in yourself will only be $497 $197 / Monthly.
This discounted "Founding Members" Price won't last long and will remain in effect as long as you're a member.
If you want to cancel, just send an e mail and we'll take care of it.
The time is NOW. That's how Successful people operate. They have Urgency.
They are consistently seeking the practice of the slight edge, learning & doing things that give them an opportunity to craft their perfect life.
Special Founding Member Price
$497 / Month
$197 / Month
Yes, I want IN! Join the STRONG Life Brotherhood HERE & begin Transforming Your Life today.
Once you sign up for The STRONG Life Brotherhood, you will be invited into a private Facebook group within 24 business hours. You can contact support HERE with any questions.
*REMEMBER: As a Thank You for becoming a member of The STRONG Life Brotherhood, you will receive an e mail with All the downloads of my best training courses like Bodyweight Bodybuilding, The Underground Strength System & Many More (Valued Well Over $1,000 in Bonus Materials)