Zach Even-Esh, is a true inspiration. His passion for training and dedication to helping others succeed is powerful. His guidance and expertise have helped me become stronger, conditioned, durable and more confident in my abilities. I highly recommend Gladiator Strong to anyone looking to take their training to the next level! 
Nelson Benevides
Underground Strength Coach
Hey Zach,
I just wanted to let you know that your podcasts have been a real motivator lately. I competed in powerlifting and strongman, but have stopped now as time commitments with business, family and life as I'm sure you will know.

Getting that drive to hit the gym has been at an all time low and although I know I gotta do it and want to be strong as I get older for my wife and kids, not having that particular focus has made it much harder to get in, BUT I still do it.

Putting your podcast on as I warm up just helps flick a switch in my head as I can hugely relate to your content from business and in life so just want to say a huge thank you man, hugely appreciate the effort you put into it and the content you put out.
Harry Grove
Harry Grove, CSCS
Being a member of Gladiator Strong is much more than just mindlessly following a generic fitness program. When you join you become part of a fraternity that helps each other raise the bar, hold a standard, and honor the code. You become part of an iron family. 

I have tried several programs. Over the years, my goals have changed as they will for all of us, through the ebb and flow of life. However, Gladiator Strong not only varies it's programming regularly and with intention - erasing the need to bounce from one app to another, it also teaches you how to approach training efforts and programming for yourself. 

Since joining over a year ago, I've grown stronger, more fit, and better capable of serving my community as a law enforcement officer as well as my students as a BJJ coach. I am forever grateful to be Gladiator Strong.
Randy Wark
BJJ Black Belt 

Reality check

The gimmicks are just smoke and mirrors to avoid good, old-fashioned hard work. NO GIMMICKS HERE. Progress starts with the truth, and consistency with the basics is what will provide you with strength for a lifetime. I use information from Zach to tweak my own routine as well as the student athletes I coach (including my own children). I love the history lessons behind programs, techniques and nutrition. Sometimes we over complicate things and lose sight of what really works - Zach helps me get licked in. I preach effort and attitude to the kids I coach and if you apply effort and attitude towards the programs here, or one you create using the information, be prepared to conquer your goals. GET YOUR LEARN ON! P.S. lots of great advices in the podcast and the website
"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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