The 80/20 rule



Tim Ferriss encourages the 80/20 rule like a beast to keep your business kicking ass. It simply means 80 % of your results often come from 20% of your actions. He's correct. Now it's time to apply these rules to getting ripped, getting stronger and getting in better condition.

This rule is basically telling us that much of what we do can be wasted time, maybe, possibly, perhaps? YES.

I feel the same rule applies with your training. How many movements are REALLY helping you get where you want, look the way you want and perform the way you want?

I have my select few that jack me up and increase my strength without fail and you can see these at The Underground as I post my workouts on the forum every single time.

When I see the gym across the street and all the members pumping away with side raises, front raises, 20 lb dumbbell curls, smith machine presses, etc I know that they are missing the boat.

Try this little assignment:

1. Write down your last 3 workouts

2. Circle the "Money" movements that you KNOW make the biggest difference in your appearance and performance.

3. Cross out the time wasters that don't do jack squat for you. time you train, stick to your "Money" list and focus your attention and energy on these movements for a solid 3 months. I guarantee you'll be stronger, more ripped and in way better shape than ever before.

Don't waste time...time can never be brought back.

In Strength,


PS - Don't waste time on training methods and programs that are not doing jack for you. Come and see how Gladiators train and I guarantee you'll be making the best gains of your life after this rare experience.

PPS - Get the insiders access to the most effective training methods for getting stronger, more explosive, highly conditioned and ripped HERE.

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