The BEST Way to Pack on Muscle & Strength


I've been under the bar since age 13, that 20 years of iron work baby!

I have found some HIGHLY overlooked methods for packing on some serious muscle and gettin' strong as hell.

Watch the video & see what I'm talkin' about.

Drop a comment when you're done bruddah....

The rest of this workout is coming and it was bad ass!

You don't have to KILL yourself on the BIG lifts I have found.

What I am learning more and more is to do just enough to elicit a response.

This is what keeps me healthy, keeps me packing on muscle and keeps me getting stronger and stronger.

Drop a comment with your thoughts / questions. Lookin' forward Bruddahs!



PS: Get your FREE Copy of The Grip Experts Training Course & please tell your friends about it ==>

PPS: Yes, still a few spots left at The USC Certifications. This is where I unveil my entire training system and hook you up with business tips to blow up your fitness business


PPPS: 5 copies left of Lost Secrets of Strength, many are calling it the Best Seminar they EVER attended! Over 7 hours of info between the DVDs and the Renegade Fitness Business CD!


8 Responses

  1. Pingback: Fitness Blogger » Blog Archive » The BEST Way to Pack on Muscle & Strength
  2. Zach!
    Great to see you squatting again and kickin’ vids of your training sessions! Helps get me psyched up for my own sessions!
    How many sets working and warm-up did you end up doing on the squats?
    Keep killin’ it Casper! lol!

  3. Matt yo bro, thnx!

    I did jogging, skipping, galloping, hopping, lunging and various jumps – all were done forwards / backwards

    got my legs ready to rock and my mind in gear! hyped me up bruddah!


  4. Zach,

    Deads and sprints! Sounds tough and very ‘Underground’.

    Keep killing it.


  5. Hey Z,

    I very often go with how I feel in Workouts these days… not to say that I slack but your spot on…

    Kick ass with the Big Lifts and leavin just a little in the tank to then go and wipeout with sled drags is killer

    Great vid dude thanks


  6. Coach Z!

    1) Congrats on being back under the bar…by my count that is what…7 almost 8 weeks after your knee surgury!? FMS (F#ck me sideways) Incredible Br’ah!

    2) Something of note…you mention that you have been under the bar know for 20 years. 2 comments:

    a) There is no substitute for experience. Over time you build kinesthetic awareness- body savvy…you know what works and what doesn’t for your body. You know what feels right and what doesn’t. When you have put in the sweat equity you can be uber selective with how to push; but you gotta do the leg work first (pardon the pun) and build a solid foundation using fundamental lifts like: Pull-ups, Push-ups, Dips, Squats and Deadlifts.

    b) Muscle maturity is a great thing. If I could impart one piece of knowledge it would be this: GIVE YOUR BODY TIME TO DEVELOP! Do not abuse sport enhancing or ergogenic aids! (my opinion and my opinion solely) The more sweat equity you put in with the most frustrating beginner stages the greater the reward will be later on. I am speaking from personal experience. I am 30 years old right now, I was always a perennial late bloomer. I enjoyed a fairly successful athletic career but I am enjoying a twilight to my athletic career that I never thought would be possible. With the right training you will have a longevity that will become a way of life and will transcend your particular field or arena of competition into the very essence of your daily living. You will be a better person in all that you do because sport and lifting give you a character that is quite literally forged in steel.

    Age Quod Agis


  7. Legit work out! Living in California I am always looking for new techniques to keep in shape. Thanks for the great post!

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