The Earth is Shaking


I am so pumped for the soon to be released new product I am tightening up.

It is packed with so much info and tons of killer bonuses...Oh man, I am so psyched can feel the earth shaking!

This new product will really give you an inside look at how I train with my insane schedule.

Speaking of training, I am setting up some backyard tools because there are times on the weekend when I really need to train just to clear my head.

I have a 70 lb Kettlebell, a climbing rope and next on my list will be a long chain, a long tow strap and some PVC piping to rig up a suspended pull up bar from a thick branch in the backyard.

It's gonna feel great to hit some sprints up to the corner, jog back, climb the rope, swing the kettlebell and then hit some pull ups on the PVC pipe. The pipe will revolve around the chain so my grip work will be intensified that's for sure.

The non stop moving will be great for my heart and overall conditioning and nothing beats outdoor workouts! If you are one who regularly trains in the gym then I suggest getting outside and hitting up a workout like I just described. Maybe you'll need to get to a playground if you don't have a backyard rigged up like mine 🙂

I guarantee your workout will be the best one you've ever had in comparison to any "gym training".

Go get em'!

In Strength,

 Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - If you're ready to take your training to a whole new level, outdoors or indoors, check this out.

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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