Want an inside look at what happens at The USC Gym when our athletes go through the ringer?
Most of the time, I only post these at the members only forum at Underground Strength Coach.
So here's a little treat for you π
After our warm up, we hit the following:
1A) Zercher Squats 5 x 3 - 5 reps
1B) 1 Arm DB Rows 5 x 6 - 8 reps
2A) log bar or swiss bar push press 4 x 5 reps
2B) 1 arm Kettlebell clean 4 x 5 reps
3A) dips 3 x max
3B) pull ups 3 x max
Finish with grip and abdominal training.
Our log and swiss bars allow for a parallel grip while pressing, which is more comfortable for our athletes when pressing, as well as more of a natural movement.
Note the coupling of movements to improve work capacity. Being in shape is critical, "in shape" is all around physical preparedness and it will carry over to all endeavors. This group is not going through any SPP (Specialized Physical Preparedness) as none of these athletes are approaching their sport.
If you're looking to develop gut busting strength then give the above workout a shot. If you want all the insider secrets o what we do then check out my Ultimate Resource at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com
Time to get back to work!
Stay tuned for a critical announcement in 2 weeks time, you won't want to miss this one!
In strength,
Zach Even - Esh
P.S. - Don't let others get the edge over you, take control and put yourself on top by becoming a member of The Underground today!