The Mark Of A STRONG Man, Lessons Inspired from Andy Bolton


"Weak Legs & Weak Back = A WEAK Man"

doug-hepburn-pressWhen I heard about Andy Bolton breaking the 1,000 lb Deadlift Barrier I knew this was not only a strong man, but most importantly, a SMART man.

World records are never set because someone got lucky. It takes some serious experience and a blend of brains and brawn.

As a Coach and a student of life and the iron game, I never feel that I am "good enough". Good enough is the devil. I knew that if I could learn at least 1 thing from Andy Bolton I could improve my strength, my back health and in turn share these tips with you and the athletes I work with day in and day out.

Check out my review and my thoughts on what is the mark of a STRONG Man or Woman.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

If you have tips to add on what it takes to truly be a STRONG Man, be it in mind, body & spirit, drop a comment below.

If you're humble and a student of the iron game and want to keep learning (especially from the first man to ever deadlift over 1,000 lbs) then Click HERE to learn from Deadlift Dynamite, a course I stand behind and highly recommend.

MUCH respect!

Live The Code & Talk Soon


For More Info On Deadlift Dynamite Click HERE


6 Responses

  1. Dustin W. says:

    Got EEERRR!
    Strong shoulders, back, legs and grip! Live strong! Be strong!

    1. Exactly! And NO shitting the pants or running to the bathroom during a squat workout!!!!

      Damn dude, it’s against the law to bench more than you squat, at least at the high school and college level

      Maybe as a Powerlifter specializing in bench, but I’ve seen TOO many dudes go sick over squats or unable to squat past half way with 135 lbs!

      1. My buddy was a wicked back squatter but when he injured his shoulder he was unable to get his arm back so I introduced him to the front squat. He shit himself the first couple times and asked if it was normal for your mid back to feel so pumped. Now he only front squats and loves it!
        Be strong live long!

        1. ahhhaaaaaaa

          Get a safety squat bar as well, brutha! They are NASTY on the upper back, the bar weighs about 75 lbs!

  2. Your poor Macbook with all those folders on the desktop – better have an awesome back up … what am I sayin’? All those deadlifts! Macbook’s gotta be doing some too, right?

    All kidding aside, I’m finding that getting back into deadlifts / squats after a summer off of them is really hard – so I’m starting easy, only once or twice a week. I need a longer bar by the end of December so I can put more weight up. At least that’s the plan.

    Stronger than yesterday!

    1. Mark, ha ha, YES, all backed up brutha!

      Bro, go light on the squats, warm up weights, 3 x 5 and I would go with that 3 x week

      The deads you can do 2 x week light as well, 3 x 3

      Slowly, slowly add weight

      U do NOT have to kill yourself in these lifts to get stronger w/them

      Remember!! EZ Strength brother!

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