There are MANY secrets out there teaching you how to get strong as hell, add 2 inches to your biceps overnight, add 20 lbs of muscle in 2 weeks....
But, there is a "Secret" that so many have forgotten to tell you about.
It's called Gut Bustin', Hard F***ing Work!
Yep..... Das da truth, Baby.
And let me let you in on another secret, my friend, the training isn't just what you do when you're in the gym or where ever it is you do your iron lifting.
It's ALSO what you do when you're NOT in the gym.
This is when some REAL discipline kicks in.
Are you eating enough?
Are you eating the RIGHT foods that support muscle growth?
Do you sleep enough?
Do you do the RIGHT things when nobody is looking?
Training might only take as little as 2 - 3 hours a week if you train in short 30-45 minute bursts a few times a week.
But, what about all the other hours that fill up your day and night?
If you're an athlete, it means working on your weak areas and transforming your weakness into a strength.
It means constant pushing towards mastering your skill, going the extra inch as often as possible and NOT allowing yourself to hang out or associate with weak minded people.
The pussification of the human race is rising.
People fear hard work and they seem to much rather enjoy getting fat(ter), lazy(er) and sitting on the couch watching Football games as they scream at professional athletes for not living up to their athetic standards (Yes, I know, VERY ironic).
You're either in the fight against the pussification of the human or you're supporting it.
Drop a comment below and let everyone know what you're doing to become a BEAST.
Lead from the Front.
PS: Until Christmas morning, 9 AM, we have an Underground Holiday Special: Sign up for 1 Year & Get 6 Months FREE. We'll add your 6 Months Once You Sign Up, HERE.
PPS: You also get a special gift, a FREE E Book, The Underground Sandbag Assault once you Sign Up.
15 Responses
it’s war everytime you train and an all out battle outside of the gym as well.
leave blood on the bar as you say z!
take no prisoners!
it’s YOU VS. the iron.
You hit it on the head the human race is soft. America is probably one of the worst examples of how people would rather point the finger for their short comings rather than nutt up and taking responsibility for their own life.
Keep Rock’n it
Everytime you touch a barbell, kettlebell, sandbag whatever you should be hell bent to kick it’s ass full bore intensity in your workouts.
If your not your wasting your time and disrespecting the iron.
I had a couple new athletes get the prowler flu today, they both came out of the game, but both came back strong in the fourth quarter to finish STRONG! They made me proud. Never quit, never surrender. THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH GETTING KNOCKED DOWN, its not getting back up that creates a problem. Train with character, passion and purpose. Destroy all obstacles and always move forward.
we gotta face it… human race(at least most of it) is a pile shit… human body was made as an athletic one… it needs get athletic training.Thats the last thing being done today… all the fern and chrome crowd , the pencil necks..the so called “gurus”, they are the last thing human race wants… inside the training room, its war,war,war..u versus the iron…
so go live the way u were designed to live!!!!
Strait up Zach!
We have one guy here at the gym who works out like a beast. The thing is he only has 1 working arm. ONE ARM! Nothing else on his body is under his control. He puts in more time and work than 80% of the people in this gym. He’s why I want to scream when someone comes up and wants to cancel their membership because of a sprained ankle.
No excuses, no failure and no mercy in VT.
FRom training outside with the prowler,tires,etc. to training in the gym,it has never been easy nor should it be. Get out and bust your ass and get strong as hell.
Zach . . . you always tell it like it is. I teach at a high school and hear kids talking about what they’re going to do on the playing field, and this and that. But, they don’t put the extra time and effort into it. They just think cuz they have some talent that that’s gonna get them to the top . . . NOT! And when you call them on it . . . they make excuses, turn and go away . . . they don’t take the challenge . . . these kids could be BEASTS! They could jack up the intensity, bring the pain!! I will continue to try and motivate my students . . . you continue to do the same to all your followers. I got right to it yesterday after reading your post on resolutions. The time is NOW!
That’s the truth baby!
I just finished the Karwoski chapter in Purposeful Primitive.
Zack, I just want to say you are a pimp of telling it like it is bro. you keep it up. you mainiac !!! If your ever in the Dallas, TX. area you give me a halla.
I only wanted to pass on that I agree with you 100% and you are one of the very few websites, newletters and products I even bother reading and absorbing. Lately so much regurgitated worthless info floating around.
Zach – keep telling it like and is and don’t EVER give into the main stream crap!!!!
Thanks for all you do!!
Thank you Z-man!
I´m vacationing down in Peru with my wife and her family for christmas. I don´t have weights here but I´ve got the willpower and the desire to kill it. The world is my gym and this was my workout the other day:
10 handstand push-ups on my travel Perfect Push-up
L-sit, 30 seconds
10 One arm push-ups per arm
10 hinges/kneeling back bend
I repeated this 3 times.
Keepin´ it tight for the new year! Have an awesome New Year´s guys!
Thanks for all your advice over the last several months! Much Appreciated! I will just make a statement about running, as you sent us all your thoughts. In HS, I was 5’6″, and weighed 119. I was a distance runner. I ran 10 miles in under 1 hr, 3.1 miles in just over 15 mins. But I could also bench twice my weight, and sprint just as fast as our running backs on the football team. Maybe I was the exception, and not the rule. But nobody messed around with me either! I trained alot running up hills, running stairs, carrying somebody on my back while doing laps! Keep up the good work! Look forward to everything you say!
Yo Zach!
While this was a good post, there was one line that stood out that, IMO, was the most important:
“Do you do the RIGHT things when nobody is looking?”
This applies to SO MANY areas of life. Not just training, and making sure you accomplish all of your physical, strength, and conditioning goals. But also to make sure you are a person of good character. That you’re a person of your word. That you’re a real man.
This is the kind of thing that I’ve spent years trying to impart to my kids. The thing that defines true character. But, as a fellow dad, I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about.
It’s what you do when nobody door are shut and blinds drawn that shows your dedication, commitment, desire, and character.
Keep up the great work, man.
Z,been a long time, you have down. Train hard be hard. Train like a pussy. Do I need say more. If any of you get a chance to meet the Z man. Do you’ll want to kill it.
Z can’t wait to get back to the underground and get killed.
From the tuffass 415