It wasn't too long ago I was maybe like you, or, maybe even worsed off.
$20K + in debt (that's Negative money!), struggling to keep up with the fast pace of the world while barely making enough money, and this is even while living at home with the parents!
Even when I had a Masters Degree, I was stuck in debt, and no, not because I payed my way through school, my work actually reimbursed me, the bottom line was that making 50 - 7- grand a year didn't do jack shit for doing things like fixing up an old house, paying rent, putting food on the table and paying the typical bills like heat, electric, phone and my car.
It took me 4 years to start earning 6 figures through my business, and honestly, I believe YOU can do it faster.
Why do I believe you can do it faster? Because I'm going to teach you how to avoid ALL my mistakes, which should cut your time down considerably.
The bottom line: You can start doing what you love, working with only who you want to work with and make a great living doing so.
I don't like to emphasize the money aspect here, but it's a dead honest truth - you need money nowadays to make it, especially if you have a family.
Plus, the constitution did say you have the right to pursue happiness, am I wrong here?
Oh yea, you won't have to work 8 - 10 hour days training clients like the majority of other trainers. Those days are gone. Your free time can be spent with family, friends or growing your online business WITH your offline business.
Gotta love the multiple streams of income 🙂
Watch the video below and I would love to hear your comments...
Ready to kill it?
Ready to start doing what you love?
Ready to make a great living doing what you love?
Procrastinate or take action and kick ass. You Choose.
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: Want to become a Certified Underground Strength Coach? Click HERE and take action NOW.
2 Responses
Yo Z,
Nice post your def one of my inspirations between you and the hulse I am were I am at today
Hows my jersey look on the wall
Yeah Zach – I remember at one point in time, living in my parents basement, making very little money, with limited social skills – A heck of a lot of trainers that are doing well now, I think, started in a similar situation – The good news is as a trainer, YOU have control over your future and success –