The time machine…



Physical culture goes back many, many decades, well over a century. These were times of true strength and athleticism.

Times when men were strong, mobile and agile and... drug free.

Training was a variety of bodybuilding movements and methods, powerlifting movements, strongman drills, gymnastics drills and more.

The physiques developed were nothing shy of incredible, and, ironically, this was the simplest form of training ever. No complications or fancy ying yang methods, yet the results from way back when, are what the strength fanatics of today only wish they could achieve.

The influx of never ending training has confused many, resulting in slow and agonizing progress.

Some of us influenced by Physical Culture tend to lean one way more so than the other. And, this may very well be the case between myself and Steve Maxwell, who I'll be co hosting the Gladiator Seminar with Steve Maxwell, Saturday, July 12th.

Steve utilizes bodyweight drills, gymnastics movements, kettlebells, indian clubs and the like.

I tend to gravitate towards the methods of the strongman from this iron age: stones, sandbags, barbells, dumbbells and gymnastics based drills.

The end result, regardless of which direction you choose, is phenomenal.

If you are a Coach, this seminar is for you.

If you are not a Coach, and you want to experience a day to blow the lid off your current rate of success and progress, this seminar is for you.

We have a few spots left, and registration is closing in a few days.

Take action now or miss out forever. This seminar will likely never happen again.

In Strength,


The Gladiator Seminar...shutting the doors in 72 hrs. Take action HERE.

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