The Ultimate Leg Workout & How to Build Strong, Powerful Legs!


Drop in on my workout during this Underground Strength Show and see how I roll.

Thoughts, comments, questions on leg training? Or, on this leg workout?

Hit it below.

More craziness to come from this leg workout as I went a bit ballistic that day πŸ™‚

Peace Bruddahs!


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13 Responses

  1. Niiiiice!
    U are ready to attack on this one Zach!
    Question: what was your rep/set scheme for the Zerchers?
    What else did you kill the legs/workout with?

  2. Keith Fine says:

    Nice work bro,think i’m gonna throw a few sets of these into tomorrows DL workout.KILL IT!!!

  3. Awesome. I love me some zercher squats. It’s is 330 a.m. here and I wish I could get to the gym to do some now.

  4. Whats up bro! im into the stone training(natural stones) and i do Zercher squats/front squats with stones..i`ll do -clean and press 5×5-Bentover rows5x5-front squats5x5 and deadlift 5×5.Very powerful workout!!what do you think about it? Ice from Norway.Peace!

  5. Billy

    hey bro, on my main lift I uually work up to a heavy set in the 2 – 5 rep range, I hit aheavy sey of 3 then dropped for a 15 rep set.

    you’ll see what’s next manana bruddah!

  6. Keith & Ronni,

    thnx bruddahs!

    love the energy U bring!


  7. Ice from Norway!!

    Yea bro, I do the same, natural stone lifting and just replicate the barbell lifts using the stone.

    My first stone workout years ago was when I was riding my mtn bike through a new housing development near my home.

    I found a stone and cranked 10 x 10 of the smo dealift, next day, my forearms, legs and back were rocked!!!

    hells yea bruddah!


  8. great workout brother!

    zerchers rule! they are OLD SCHOOL! good to have the underground strength show back πŸ˜‰

  9. Sean Kenny says:

    Hey Zach,

    I like the workout. I do not have access to such equipment as you do, but I do have a short bar and a 70lb kettlebell. On my leg days I usually do a set of deadlifts then superset it with a set of front squats with the kettlebell. I will do five sets each. So far I feel like my leg strength is improving. I was just wondering what is your thoughts on this type of training? Thank you for your great blog and inspiration.


  10. Love the Zercher squats! Great video Zach and I’m headed to train right now…ready to get after it!

  11. Zack, here is one my favorite leg workouts for our athletes. They hate it so I know it’s working.
    Kettlebell swings 2 X 15 to warmup
    Hex Bar Squats 3 X 5-6 with chains
    Bulgarian Splits 2 X 10 each leg
    Leg Press 3 X 30 continuous reps
    Stiff Leg Deads 3 X 10
    Forward Sled Drag 2 X 50 yards
    Back Drag 2 X 50 yds
    We could do without the leg press but a lot of my kids need to pack on more size so I throw in some high rep sets.

  12. Why should we be doing zercher’s? what do they accomplish that back or front squats do not?

  13. Hi Zack, great leg workout you have there. A question though: during my workout, I always train my legs with pistol squats mainly (2 or 3 sets), and a deadlift (1 or 2 sets). I used a barbell squat for for the first time a few days ago to add some variety, and the feeling is different, but I don’t want to give up pistol squats; so, do you think those are effective for leg training? My thought, honestly, is yes (since I could squat 90% of my bodyweight on my first squat for 6 reps), but I’d like to have some insights and different opinions. Keep up the good and inspiring work!

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