The Underground Bodybuilder Workout, Part II


Amazing strength and muscle can be developed in a garage, basement or in your own lil' corner of that fancy commercial gym.

Check out some workout footage from

This program would be SICK if you and a few other iron lover friends jumped in on the program TOGETHER, this is when the training can get REALLY intense, just as Arnold did when he was training and competing in Gold's Venice, he always sought out the best training partners.

If you want a blue print on packing on muscle and raw strength, an A - Z blue print, then stop the guess work and go straight to the answer.

You're either serious or you're not.

Which are you?

In Strength,


Underground Approved! ==> Click HERE

One Response

  1. sean polidore says:

    these were the heaviest good mornings I ever saw in my life!!!! I really thought they was squatting at 1st πŸ™‚ I wish i had that chain set up like that to try it

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