My friend, Lachlan McIntyre from Australia sent this my way via FaceBook.
He got me fired UP! My Blog is my sounding board, it's of NO benefit to hold back my thoughts or words.
It doesn't help you nor does it help "Us" if I try to walk on egg shells for fear of upsetting others. Many will be upset, others will hate, I don't give a s**t, I only care about those who wanna go BIG in life.
I've had enough of the Bull S**t, and YES, some people will complain that I curse, oh well, this is what happens when I get fired up and passionate about something.
Watch this Video....
I am trying to focus on the BadAsses that come through my Underground Strength Gym, committed to dominating. But EVERY time I come across an excuse from an athlete I get sick to my stomach.
I am still confused by those who make excuses for NOT wanting to WIN or playing a sport and not giving a shit about your effort or lack of desire to dominate. Why do so many people settle for 2nd place or less?
This is a HUGE problem with our country, and often the comments on the Blog say it is also outside of the states.
Our economy is f**ed because people fear to do work. I've mowed lawns, cranked 2 paper routes at a time, washed cars, cleaned toilets and done sh*t that today's generation wouldn't do if you put a gun to their head.
There are COUNTLESS athlete out and about playing the game and not even caring if they lose.
They have MORE excuses than anyone can count, instead of training, they're joining groups on facebook such as "I love when you text me first" and other life wasting bull s**t.
There IS an army of Bad Mother F**ers walking this earth, I KNOW it. We need to keep banding together because 2nd place sucks. If you're here, reading my blog it is pretty likely you are like me, someone who has learned his lessons from the past and now you don't see any other option aside from FIRST PLACE!
I've lost a lot in my life and have a million regrets and will never be able to GO BACK and fix them. I understand that TIME is the MOST valuable thing because you can NEVER get it back. I am doing my thing NOW because I have learned that doing my best or 2nd place sucks. Period.
I NEVER hid the fact that I f**ed up and missed out on HUGE opportunities as a younger athlete, which is what motivated me so greatly to step up my game of life and it also has made me the Coach who has high expectations and nothing less. I take 100% responsibility for my lack of success AND the success I create.
I'm a tough Coach to train under and that is because I don't see or understand doing anything unless you're in it for 1st place.
2nd place sucks. Period.
Drop a comment if you're with me!
Lead from the FRONT!
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47 Responses
I am proud of you, bro. The swagger that you bring to the table is unmistakable. I hate being #2. We’re boys because you feel my pain. I train to win. I work to win. You are 100% right, success breeds success. I choose my friends, carefully.
Lead From the Front,
No doubt, son. You know I’m on the same page
LOVE your stuff Zach. You speak the truth and I feel it. Keep on trainin’ to be #1.
Nice one. Thanks for inspiring me today!
Awesome Zack! so true. The pursuit is PERFECTION… even if you’ll never get there, because you might surprise yourself. In training, nutrition, life. There’s so much bullshit out there and these kids, adults, whoever, continue to buy into it all. Bottom line, DO WORK!
There is no such thing as second place, just the first to lose.
Im with you 100%, there is nothing I hate more in life than losing. I feel the same way about having opportunities and missing out big time on them because I was an idiot. I want to give more than my all on what I do now to make sure I dont miss out on any more opportunities. Thanks for fueling the fire
Zach congratz to bringing it to the point again! And you are right it’s not only a problem in the US it’s basically a problem everywhere. You can see it here in Germany and I have seen it also in other countries. It feels like it’s a problem with the current generations. They have (almost) everything the wanted without fighting or working for it. And if you have the mentality in mind you don’t want to fight don’t want to win….unfortunately.
Damn ZACK this is some real shit! I didn’t know athletes complained alot too.
2nd place sucks and I hate it when people lie to kids and say “as long as you have fun is all that counts” Losing sucks point blank and I like the way you DON’T hold back.
The ancient Greeks never had a silver and if you lost your own mom would disown you (for at least a week)
But seriously the ancient games only had 1 winner
Real shit Zach. Keep bringing it man
Wit-ya! But honestly, I don’t care if lazy people want to come in 2nd… heck, someone has to wash my draws and sweep the street. ONLY one can be #1
Elliott, that’s what I’m saying! But DAMN, these lazy asses bother me!!
I haven’t seen a kid at my gym for entire summer yet his Mom was still paying, then his facebook status kept popping up with shit like:
1) i like it when u text me first b/c it means your thinking about me
and all types of other crap
SO, his Mom lost her money and he’s home making excuses for himself.
These kids are supposed to be the future of our country, what does this say??!!
There can only be so many people washing your draws!!! hahahaha
Much Love AND respect to you and all the other BAD MoFos!!
Ferruggia – time to start a NEW army my friend.
Nii – damn, imagine if we went back to ancient greek type competitions, the competition could get nasty!!
Just what was needed on Sept. 1st…the first day of the last third of the year. If you’re behind…then catch up and pass. If you’re ahead, push harder. Stop talkin’ and start doin’
You do a good thing Zach!
Reminds me of the old saying: “winners never try and triers never win”. To be a winner you have to win, thus the name..
so true!!!! 2nd place sucks….!!!! m’ ur message came across at the ryt time… our soccer team’s going against the greatest of the state’s schools in an interschool soccer tournament .. the day after tomorrow… its the first time we have reached the tournament… n’ we r proud of it… its one small step for our team… many small steps like this makes a big leap…
AMEN! I had an athlete quit because I asked him if his mommy did his homework and would he like me to ask her to do his squats too because he has apparently never done ANY hard work ever. To make matters worse, his Dad who coaches his high school sport encouraged him to quit.
Imagine that! A coach encouraging an athlete to quit! Even worse, a father encouraging his son to quit! Unbelievable. Everything was great when I called out his other athletes for being weak, tired, slack or other under performing. But Mr. Tough Bad A$$ b-ball coach, couldn’t hack watching his pu$$ified son struggle through workouts. I’m still pissed about it.
Congrats to THAT sport coach on being the first coach I’ve ever met to outwardly encourage losing! Thanks for producing the next generation of pu$$ies. My son needs someone to dominate!
Zach, keep preaching.
“You have to do what other won’t
to ACHIEVE what others don’t”
Zack, are we brothers from differnt mothers? I have spent my life trying to share the strong work ethic instilled in me by my father. Of the hundreds I taught and trained only a handful ever got it. They had what it took. I spent over 20 years training in the martial arts. I meet a teacher who after a year with him emailed me of all things and told me not to train so hard, some of the students were complaining. I said you have got ot f**king be kidding me. I train hard because I have a passion for it. I want to be the best, strive everyday to do so. you are on to something that I am quite sure you have been onto for quite some time. Keep moving forward and piss on the lackies. We do what we do because of the generation of pu$$ies that ipod, nintendo and x-box. Mommy and daddy will not be there for ever to wipe their asses.
I agree with you 100% I work twelve hour days to support my family. I am 40 year old don’t look it. I workout 4 times a week for twenty minutes balls to the wall that is all the time I have. Yeah my gym is limited they won’t put much weight in there. So do I cry about it no. I use what I have. I got a 50lb vest not the best for 66 dollars on ebay. And I use this for all my bodyweight exercises to punish my body people stop to look at me because they think I am insane.
Few words hit the nail on the head quite like what you stated. Here are a few more… Many are motivated to succeed, only a few are driven. The ones that are merely motivated rarely succeed (win). People need to stop the BS and start driving. Thanks for the motivation today.
Hell yea bro! Just reading this gets me so pumped! I have countless friends (friends that go to the gym and do a bunch of random shit just so they feel good that they “worked out”) that tell me I need to stop being so intense when I train… Seriously? Why would I not want to do the best I can at something?
My entire life, I’ve been the little guy. When I played high school football, I was 5’6″ 125 lbs. No one took me seriously, but I worked my ass off regardless of the haters. I barely got to play but that work ethic was instilled in me, and the haters just fueled the fire.
Also hearing the phrase “I can’t” really chaps my ass. “I can’t train hard like you”, “I can’t do that because I’m not good enough”. No, you can’t do it because you have no drive to be better. I refuse to be around that negativity.
There’s a small portion of the population that’s training like warriors. Those are the people I want to surround myself with. VIVA LA REVOLUTION!
Welcome to the awakening… Second place is slavery to the game…. MEN ON A MISSION gots to love that
everyone usually hears what they want to hear…i heard, shut the f**k up and train. if you’re doin work, as most leading from the front are, it doesn’t make sense to waste time spellin it out for those in 2nd. they know who they are…and if not, does it make a damn bit of difference? we’re eatin this up at the gym zach! keep it rollin brotha
awesome post Zach i love it! and what you said about fackbook…Awesome dude that is the truth!!!
A lot of you guys hit it right on……….a lot of todays kids and many of them athletes have this notion that they deserve respect, freedom, material things; just because. A lot of people disagree with me and maybe the way I parent my two daughters but I won’t let them have that attitude and the exact words I have used to them many times are “stop the bullshit!” Excuses are just that; excuses. If something didn’t turn out the way you wanted then work harder and make it happen.
YES! You said a mouthful brother! No sh!t! “Man the f*** up or get the f*** off the mat!” was what I was raised on. When I needed to earn money there were no shortage of ditches to dig, concrete blocks or mortar to be moved, boat hulls to be scraped, etc….
ZEE for President! LOL!
You gotta break some eggs in order to make an omelette.
Wow! I love it! I am inspired and ready to go!
I found your article and attached video so spot on that I shared it with my entire FB list. You’re right! 2nd place is just 1st loser!!! We might not be able to win them all, but the effort and never-say-die attitude should be present! Keep tellin’ it like it is bro’! I’m listening and hearing you!!!
All I want to know is … are the warriors ready for war? Against what??? Obesity! laziness! 2nd place! Anything that prevents me from being the biggest me! Lets sharpen the swords!
Amen! One of the best videos I’ve seen in years, it really says it all. Thanks for blogging about this one.
The people dont like to hear “out of your confort zone”, “push over your limits”, tabata, AMRAP,etc, but every day more and more peolple are trying to understand our way of life, when our clients hit one more sprint or pullup they feel # 1, for that reazon it’s a must to stay there for them. And as you say, I love CrossFit but I thing that I am not CrossFit.
Shana Tova and get your new surfboard and enjoy the life. (CrossFit level 1 certificated, personal trainer, kickboxing instructor and SURFER!)oooohhh, 52 years old)
The soldiers in the “BAD MOTHERF**KERS ARMY” WALKING THIS EARTH is who I’m fighting with….
True!…..Zach Even-Esh for President 2012!
Badass broseph! Take it from Reese Bobby, “if you aren’t first, you’re last!” Why do so many people accept mediocrity? When you think about it, human beings are the only organisms that do not constantly strive to meet their growth potential (ever seen a tree happy only growing half as big as it could?). Keep testifying broseph!
First is the only thing, but you have to want it. Not only want it you have to live it. First is not being scared of failing. First is getting kicked while you are down but still crawling forward. First is being able to get a win from a loss. First is swallowing your pride and asking for help. FIRST IS KICKING A$$ & ASKING QUESTIONS LATER!!! ENOUGH SAID
never never give up . play like you’re fighting for your last meal!
Zach great blog post. Look at the comments pouring in! All people who are out to kick ass, and TAKE ACTION and NAMES!
Keep up the great work man, keep GETTING IT DONE!
“TIME is the MOST valuable thing because you can NEVER get it back.”
This is brilliant.
Nothing more to add. I’m on your side.
Great post! From the comments above it would seem that alot has been thrust to the surface that we all take issue with:
1) Problems with the youth of today being lax in their approach to sport and life in general.
2) These same kids getting what they want when they want without working for it.
3) Adults that encourage and perpetuate the pu$$ification of society.
4) Coaches that are simply content to do a half a$$ed job and collect their “reward” in dollars and cents instead of blood, sweat and tears.
I think that these fews points mentioned above (and the many more mentioned above that I did not elaborate on) pi$$ off my fellow Undergrounders because it is such a stark contrast to the values and credos we all espouse and instill in our athletes daily.
I say loss is great! Now before I pi$$ more of you off please let me clarify – I am by no means satisfied with second and the cells in my body are saturated with HW but losing teaches us HOW TO WIN.
Losing tears us apart inside and is a pain we NEVER want to feel again! In losing we are forced into a position of discomfort and it is in this discomfort that we learn how not to make the same mistakes again.
Thre were three quotes that came rushing into my mind as I read this posting:
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
“Is not the very definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?”
“Past failures are not indicative of future success.”
So you see losing in sport is not an acceptable end but it is a necessary means towards the overall end of victory in life. Sport is and has always been a proving ground for the warrior. It was through sport that warriors were cultivated. Nii, in his reply above mentions the ancient Greeks but you need look no further than Native Americans and the game of lacrosse.
Lacrosse was a brutal way to settle land disputes between warring tribes without blood shed and unnecessary loss of life. I love contact and combat sports for that very reason – tough times and in essence tough sports don’t build character; they reveal it.
To this end I would like to leave this Underground posting with several little pieces of my own RULES OF ENGAGEMENT”
#10) You can’t help everyone; but you will help someone.
#11) Leave a LEGACY in those you CAN help; F#CK the ones that are UNWILLING TO HELP THEMSELVES.
#14) Never let ’em see you BLEED.
Age Quod Agis What you do; Do well!”
– Christopher Reed
HA! HA! This just made my day! I love it, and having “One” by Metallica in the background made the clip that much better.
As far as coming in second or losing… hey, you sure train harder and analyze what you are doing a lot more closely and make dramatic changes when you lose and get your nuts kicked by life or an opponent than at any other time. Sometimes that is what is what is needed for us to CHANGE and start winning!
Most people are not number one EVERY single time they compete or fight with life, however I agree that AIMING for number 2 or “its how you play the game” is bullshit!
Frederick the Great was humiliated the first time he went on the battlefield when he ordered a retreat but his general went forward and won the battle. He did not make that mistake again.
Keep up the good work!
Very respectfully,
Eric Guttmann
Great shit. That’s all I have to say.
Zack LOVE it! This summer I turned 17, I had a full time job at a hardware store that my mom is part owner of! But on top of the 40 plus hours a week I got I mow lawns for 2 people every week. Did side painting jobs just about every week after I got off work. And Ive been doing mulching jobs for about 6 different people! On top of this I found time to focus and clear my mind with training and becoming a stronger person each and every day!! I started school a week ago I do school over the internet I am in 11th grade now and This week I am working 40 plus hours and doing school when I can! Yesterday I woke up early and did school then went and mulched a guys yard for 7 hours!! Im not one for sitting in class being bored to death working the same pace as everyone else, thats why I do homeschooling I work on my own time I just have to have more commitment in getting things done!
Back to the post I see this lazyness with alot of my friends! Everyone wants the easy way out and aint commited to doing work to get there goals done! They all say they don’t have time but then they sit and play xbox for hours or watch a movie or tv! I had someone who wanted to go do hill sprints with me tomorrow morning (more like sprinting up a mountain on a worn down rocky trail!), I said im going to be there 7am then they came up with the excuse that its to early! That tells me they don’t want to work for it! It really SAD!
Zack I am so thankful I came across your stuff! I have learned so much and continue to take notes!! Thanks!!
great post and great video. i’ve gotta tell you zach, you are truly one of the most inspiring men on the internet. thanks for all of the hard work and great contributions man!
Man, bringin the truth straight with no chaser! Tell it like it is Zach!
Zach you are the truest of the true. Please keep making our youngsters strong, so that one day we might have a generation that grabs the world by the balls, kicks down mediocrities door, and takes no prisoners!