Every now and again I crank a rant. Sometimes ya gotta just say it like it is.
My friend, Johnny Drama is also fired the fuck up! See what he has to say, how pissed off he is, and then see what I have to say below.....
I've received too many e mails from people wondering why they can't pack on the muscle or get stronger. They have a million excuses as to why this or that doesn't work for them.
Too many people asking for everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.
Too many shit talkers.
One dude e mailed me stating he cancelled his membership to http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com and then followed that up with 5 BIG questions. Is that rude, stupid or BOTH?
In business, I receive countless rude e mails telling me they are going to stop by my gymย and see how I do things. Thanks for inviting yourself ๐ I never spent a dime on my business education and since I don't know you and you're so polite, feel free to stop by.
If some people were a bit nicer and had better manners things would have been different.
The first time I e mailed Joe DeFranco asking to stop by and do a Qย & A with him I said this, "I know you're extremely busy and I value your time. I'd be willing to pay you whatever the investment is for an hour of your time, or whatever time you have available."
I payed him less than 2 weeks away from my wedding which was a time when I was in serious financial troubles but I KNEW that I needed a mentor and I KNEW that the investment would return 10 fold. It has returned infinitely.
I guess 5 years later everything is supposed to be free and easy. Does anybody realize that success requires work?
Feel free to shout out your own rants in the comments section. Some people really shock me with their rudeness, laziness, jealousy, trash talking, and sense of entitlement.
On with the show...
Top 10 Reasons Why You Train Like a Panzy....
1. You can't get stronger. Fucking add weight to the bar and crank the tunes. Stop being scared of the weights.
2. You can't gain muscle. You're not training hard enough, period. You train like a pussy and eat like a bird, enough said.
3. You think dumbbells can't do the job. I have a 150 lb dumbbell in my gym. If you can snatch it, clean & press it, floor press it, row it, carry it and swing it, you ARE a strong MoFo! Dumbbells work, and if they don't work, it means you ain't workin' hard enough.
4. You keep looking for the "Secret Sauce". Stop looking for the secret supplement. You won't find results in a bottle or a jar. Earn it, SON!
5. You have NO passion for strength and muscle. If you don't love the iron you will NEVER gain strength and muscle as fast as the next guy who loves wrapping his hands around a heavy barbell or dumbbell.
6. You're a Fucking Quitter. Push yourself to the limit. Train hard. Stop popping zits in the mirror and checking your hair. The set ends when you have pushed past your limits.
7. You use a cell phone while training. Do you check text messages or take phone calls when training? You SUCK!
8. You don't Deadlift. This exercise ain't pretty. Squat down, grip it and rip it. And NO, the leg press is not a substitute!
9. You don't Squat. Putting BIG weights on your back is no joke. Squatting heavy AND for high reps will shock your body into new growth.
10. Your stomach always hurts. If you eat like shit your stomach will always bother you. Stop eating like shit and do what needs to be done to improver your fitness. If not, you will always be nauseous. Get in shape and commit to yourself. And guess what, sometimes you just might throw up. Oh well.
That's my rant.
I'm tired of the half assers and tired of the free loaders.
I'm tired of the quitters, the whiners and complainers.
Tired of the jealous assholes who feel entitled to everything.
It's called WORK.
Step up, train hard, work hard and get your hands dirty.
Till the next time...
PS: Add your rant in the comments section. I can't wait to read your thoughts!
78 Responses
You are one hell of a dude. I can honestly say that I have met a handful of people in my life that mean what they say and say what they mean. You are one of them man. I 150% agree with what you say and stand behind you. This needs to be posted in every gym across america and the world. Get well soon and keep kickin ass!
Love it. Couldn’t been said better than that.
The only thing I could possibly add to this is……You wanna go to dinner and a movie sometime??
Too much wussification these days. Hell yeah! Like I tell my IronDogs, “Finish Strong!”
All our best from Mike’s Creative Fitness.
Mike G.
Damn, that is right on!
That’s right Zach!!!!!!!!!!! You always seem to pump me up
Your words are very powerful!! Everything you said fits
for life period!!!!!!!! Get well boy!!!!
Mario S.
HAHA, that just put the biggest smile on my face Zee. I won’t even say the words “you rock” because all the people that know and follow you know all this already.
Just remember the people who let you down are the ones that let themselves down and will never be true to themselves.
Keep on rocking on the freeway.
Keep the faith bro
I heard that all the way up in NH! Keep representing brother.
Go Big Z,
Totally agree wit ya bro,
Check it out, I sent an email with all the information possible to this fat women who found my ad on craigslist. I did it so that she knew what to expect. Even directed her to my website so she can get testimonials.
Well she shows up while going through the training she has this look on her face like she was expecting me to pull a wand out my ass, tell her to repeat three magical words and tap her feet and automatically transform her into a hot momma.
I thought maybe it was me failing to communicate but f-that.
She either didn’t read the info or got turned off when she realized she had to do some f*%ing work.
Alright now….I feel better now.
Lets get it on.
By the way Zach, I’m coming over!
Right on brother. I would add, “I don’t have time.” Make it happen. Cut out the tv, the Facebook, and all the other b.s.
That made my day Zach! I appreciate every second of your time at fast track this past weekend. Thanks for helping a dude out! You are the man and one hell of an inspiration.
Oh and that list kicks ass! I couldn’t have said that better myself!
Yummy blog Zach…makes me wanna get on the treadmill at the local gym, eat a “power” bar, watch t.v., and talk to the pretty girls…cuz hey, i’m getting PUMPED, America style!!
Zach WTF was that?!
Well said!
Amen Brother! Your list is right on. I refer to this disease as “The Wussification of America.” The only thing that I would add to the list is “My hair hurts so I can not train today.” Excuses, excuses, excuses! You might be hurting, but who isn’t? If you are not in a cast or if you do not have a scar to show the work, get back in the game! Pain is a gift, use it!
Regarding Quote:Some people really shock me with their rudeness, laziness, jealousy, trash talking, and sense of entitlement.
This is why I am very careful about what and how I come across or teach other fitness pros online….
Alot of things are misinterpreted secondary to hypeed up marketing..get rich without doing a thing/while you sleep crap..
It takes work no matter what your referring to …getting in shape,fitness business, any business,etc etc
All that to say I agree with YOU 200%
one more awesome post!
hopefully a lot of half-assers read this powerful stuff.
I was running today with ex-karate-world-champion from austria in knee-deep-water in a river for 6 miles. one of the hardest workouts in my life. I almost puked. often times we had to swim, then run, then climb up a few river stones. man, what a brutal way for conditioning. but it works. there is no easy way to anything. you need to put some work in it,
thank you Z! fight on!
11. You and your gym buddies criticize things you don’t know about (i.e. bands, chains, foam rollers, grip work, heavy 1-rep sets, etc.)
thanks for the comments guys.
Dominik – wow, that workout sounds awesome and amazing and extremely tough!
I understand not everyone will agree w/my words, and I don’t expect them to,
I am just shocked at the way people choose to communicate.
My friend Chris McCombs spoke about how he built his business with “the giving hand”
Today, I see a lot of take, take, take – even from people I don’t know.
I can see who cares and who doesn’t.
In regards to jealousy, I am not shocked, but I learned long ago that you need to focus on creation and not worry about what others do.
You are entitled only to what you have earned through work.
Some people work harder and faster – I like that ๐
I couldn’t agree more. I use to work out at a commercial gym. This one kid started laughing at me while i was doing hand stand push ups against the wall. When i finished that same kid went to the bench. Loaded with a whopping 135 lbs. Prob the same weight he has used for the last year. He was too worried about he looked in the wife beater in front of girls at the gym, rather than trying to add some serious strength. I quit the gym and haven’t looked back. Thanks Zach for saying what all of us are thinking.
Hey Z,
Just catching your rant, man you tell it like is..always, and that’s what I like about you, my dude. Nothing but love for ya bruddah! I’m with you all the way 150%. Recover quickly bro…. the prowler awaits your return!!!
Your “rant” brought to mind a guy who approached me after a kettlebell fundamentals lesson. He actually asked me if there was an easier way to train and still get the same results. I showed him the door and directed him to the Pilates studio down the street.
Training hard isn’t for everybody, but if you want the same results, you need to work. Seems like a simple equation (work = results), but I’m not saying anything you didn’t.
Thanks for the post, it made my afternoon.
Sheesh so many things to rant about! I really hope someone opens an Underground gym in my area. All we have are lame fitness clubs!
Personally, it really infuriates me when people do not understand the point of a max effort workout. Just because you learned in high school that 3 sets of 10 reps is supposed to stimulate ‘optimal hypertrophy’ doesn’t mean it’s true 100% of the time!
I didn’t start growing until I started squatting heavy in the lower rep ranges. Every now and then, I’ll add even more size by doing a set of 20 reps for variety.
“Fitness” people and trainers at the commercial gym I train at see me squat and say “oh, he can only do {insert low number of reps here} with that weight.” Unfortunately they don’t realize that muscle fibre recruitment is not mutually exclusive, meaning by recruiting fast twitch fibres the slow twitch fibres are being recruited also! So I can do a set of 20 rep squats with 320 lbs, where said trainer/trainee can’t even perform one rep with good form at this weight.
Then highschool and university athletes around here will ask me about functional training, and never perform low reps because it “will not build endurance.” WHAT!?
A powerlifter who can squat 1000 pounds can probably squat 500 very easily, many times. Endurance.
On the topic of max effort workouts, other frustrating notable mentions are : skinny/small guys who do not lift heavy; new trainees who do not build a solid base; new trainees who are scared of heavy weights; new trainees who are scared of heavy weights because they feel it will ‘make them look too big’ –AS IF ITS THAT EASY; people who say heavy lifting is bad for the joints/back/etc.
A final pet peeve: people who spout off their body fat percentages. All lean guys say they are 5% (when it’s more like 12) and all fat guys say they are 10 (when it’s more like 18). On top of all of this, BF% is really a useless distinction. People who compete don’t care! It’s just about looking good for the contest — whatever that entails. If tracking BF% helps you, then great, but at least track it accurately.
PS AWESOME BLOG. I’ll be following it for sure!
Work, Dedication, Work, Determination and MORE WORK!
I too am tired of this you owe me, give me something for nothing society that we are becoming.
If you want it EARN IT. That includes strength & size.
Right on with it Zach
Awesome words Zach,
I tell all my boot camp clients that I only want people who are 100% serious about getting in the best shape of their lives and that the training sessions will be the hardest thing that they ever did. I’ve had had a fair few nearly faint but the thing is they keep coming back.
I was an Royal Marines Commando and I thrash my clients to the same degree. And I bet you would not believe that its women that make up 90% of my clients. The guys cannot cope, they must think they know better
Keep on rocking
Marc Kent
YES, SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA SAY IT LIKE IT IS! Great one Zack! Get that knee well man! You’ll be back before you know it!
Real quick, there was a great pro tennis player a few yrs. back who got hit by a car in his home town of Austria. Was back on the court a few weeks later in cast up to his thigh, on the court hitting while seated in a chair!! Cool huh?
Sometimes you just gotta say WTF! And go out & kick ass take names!
Also, you need to put this info out on a e-book, the one about starting up your own gym warehouse & everything you mentioned above!! Cause I need to stay here in sunny Fl. training & doing what I do, man. ๐
Yo Z
Man, I admit I’m not half as good as I should be, and this type of post makes me look at myself and know I have to do better.
And I agree; people want the secret supplement, while still eating cheesecake and loving McD’s.
I say get a life. And a dumbell.
Right up there with you man, Thanks so much for coaching us, bud. You’re so awesome and a huge help.
Take it easy, unless you want to take down a freeloader.
where is the rant? all i read is the truth. half-assers don’t like the truth. if you can do another rep you have not done enough.if people want to do something easy they can put there thumb up there a$$ and set on the couch.
keep sending us more truth like this.
thats the hammer hitting the nail right on the head z! i wish that hammer would hit some of the dumbass’ i meet on a daily basis. the underground is coming soon to nebraska baby! we might just have to take this post, put it in a frame and hang it by our front door so all the fake ass’ and posers can turn around and not even step foot in our door.. some people just dont even know bro. its like this dude the other day, always in the gym doing machines and curls and tricep kick backs, you know the “real” muscle building and “sculpting” lifts. anyways that dude comes up to me every now and then and wants to know how I train and what I eat and this and that. So I share info with him. i gave him some workouts for free. afterall, this stuff wasn’t invented by me. i didnt create it. i live it to the fullest though! i went out and learned these techniques by you and joe d and other greats. These techniques and ways of working with the iron are no secret. the key is work ehtic. this guy did not have that! he didnt listen to what i said, kept his tricep kickbacks in his routine, curled in the squat rack, and ate like a bird (i like that one, nice z!)and he had the nerve to come ask me again for advice saying to me the techniques i had told him before weren’t working!!! what a punk ass bitch! that guy wouldn’t last a sec if he were to try a workout with a true undergrounder. he wouldn’t even make baseline! its the dudes like these guys that piss a guy off! i’m gonna do some push ups now, i’m pissed!!! hope that knee gets better bro!
The only ones that will get offended by any of that are the pussies that do it…..I personally think that if you use a phone in the gym you should die…..
But there’s nothing like throwing iron, rocks and anything that weighs lots..
Zach rules!!!
Heal fast! I can not thank you enough for your inspiration this weekend at Fast Track! I fuckin’ loved the fact that I got to come down with the Aussies and see your spot live and in living color! Props once again to your fellas that were busting their ass! As per your post- fuckin’ awesome! I have a few pet peeves I’d like to rant about:
1) If I am lifting heavy- doing squats, deadlifts, cleans, power press, power shrugs DON’T FUCKIN’ WALK IN FRONT OF ME!- GET THE FUCK BEHIND! YOUR IN MY SIGHT LINE AND IF I WASN’T WEIGHTED THE FUCK DOWN I’D PLANT YOU THROUGH A WALL! This to me is the epitome of rudeness. Like driving- there are rules of the road that all must obey for safety. I guess common courtesy just isn’t all that common anymore.
2) If you are strong enough to pick up a dumbell or dumbells you are strong enough NOT to drop them between sets- and you are strong enough to put them the FUCK back when you are finished using them! Dropping the weight between sets makes you look like a complete fuckin’ tool or worse yet a PUSSY!
That my rant short and sweet. One other point about work before I go:
To see improvements in your training you can use a simple physics equation that has served me well in the last 5 years of my 18 years of training- P= W/T; Power= Work / Time. How much work can you do in how much time!? (It is more complicated then that perhaps I may have the chance to elaborate in the future but for simplicity I will say that much for now!).
The second equation I live by is B + S + W + HW = S! That one I will not elaborate on- you will just have to figure it out for yourselves!
Keep training hard and heavy guys (&gals) and keep posting the great content all- Thanks again for taking the lead Zach!
– Christopher
Thats a hell of a post. True Inspiration.
Your gonna go down in the history books as one of the big dogs of iron.
Keep spreading the message and thanks!
Zach your rant reminds me of Larry Winget raging underground style! F’N LOVE IT!! You need to write a book and retitle it (from Winget’s book), “Wussification Is Your Own DAMN Fault!” I’m gonna add that top 10 list to my other rants from bad asses that I have collected. I’m gonna use it for some of the kids who come into the martial arts school, that I teach and train at, albeit the language.
Keep on calling a spade a spade!
I also often get mails from people, who don’t know me and ask long training questions and much more. these folks show no respect. you give them one finger and they bite into the whole hand!
I also paid for my first coachings with some guys in the trenches, but you get it back a lot times more, as you said Z!
I hate it, when some buddies think, everything is for free, they copy e-books like it is nothing and so on. that shit is not good!
Thats awesome. It should be stuck on the door of every gym.
I just hate excuses of all types. And those clowns that jump on the cell between sets.
Keep it comin man, love the blog
Preaching to the converted mate!
However it still puts a smile on my face.
Gotta run, training my kettlebell group, don’t want to be late, they’re a mean bunch.
There’s 3 of em couldn’t finish the class for the first 3-4 sessions they joined, they’re the stars of the show now.
Oh and the chick (she’ll kill me for calling her that) that trains with us, well she was forced to retire from competing in triathlon events because of a small injury. Severe arthritis in the knees and a case of spondylosis.
She now lifts alongside the boys and is often the last man (woman) standing at the end of a session.
Keep strong people
Right on the money Z, peopler are scarted of the truth coz its confronting, theyre full of a million excuses and not one reason. having a membership card to a gym does nothing but empty your wallet the only “juice” you need is B.H.W. and lots of it ( bloody hard work, big heavy weights) dont be scared nothing ventured nothing gained.
you guys are awesome, there is a HUGE number of hardcore iron and muscle fanatics all around the world, very impressive!
Donald Trump said during one of his Apprentice shows that the younger generation coming up got screwed up because we’re always trying to make them feel good and stroke their ego, so their toughness and willing to work for what they want is much less than it should be.
He is right, I do agree.
Thanks bruddahs!
Zach great stuff! I love the no BS attitude you have. People want everything the easy way and sometimes I just want to scream with the stupid excuses that I hear. Just shut up and train!
You can’t have everything in life.
Case in point, you can have:
1) excusses
2) Success
You can only pick one. Choose wisley.
Be fit and live free!
Well put – simple and blunt.
i just head butted my wall 17 times, it’s fuckin great! Keep killin it, dudes and dudettes!
Hey Z,
I use my phone during training…does this mean im a panzy? Pleas clear this up for me asap
I just sent this to all of my clients.
Let me here an AMEN brotha! Says it all and then some! Think, Look, and Be Strong!
You are an inspiration! You’re doing a great job with your business thats why i love tuning in to your show’s and RANTS lol. Keep up the crazy hustle bro!!!! by the way i’m posting your top 10 on my wall… just in case lol
Your the f*** man.. keep spreading the word Bro stay strong brothers
Killed that post Z!
When a man talks from the heart AND experience it is powerful!
Keep on your rant, I know you will.
you put it perfectly train hard /train hard/train hard shut up eat train hard you get out whot u put in no rant z just the truth u speak bang on
Strong words but the truth usually hurts.
Those were some brutal, yet honest words!!
Great read Zach!! The only thing which sucks about it is that Im currently rehabbing my lower back so as motivational as it was, I couldnt use it to burst into the gym and deadlift.
But Ill be sure to read it when I resume proper training again!!
You’re right on, but unfortunately that is our society. It isn’t just pussies thinking they can get rocked by doing some freakin shrugs and curls – many of the people in this nation want something for nothing. In fact, they think they are entitled to something for nothing. Hell, just look at our government and all the bail outs – people actually think they are owed something just because they breathe!!! I’m totally with you Mr. Even-Esh. The cry babies in this country need to shut up, get off their butts, and work for it (muscle, money, or whatever)!
THANK YOU!! This should be posted in every gym. Most people are afraid of breaking out of their little comfort zone and heaven forbid BREAK A SWEAT. Most gym goers have NO CLUE what hard work REALLY IS.
SERIOUSLY, IF you bust your ass, get in and out in 60 minutes, you WILL GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT.
The funny thing is people get offended when you tell them this kinda shit, but hey, like you have said, this ain’t for everyone! Athletes especially!! If every person learned how to TRAIN, not WORK OUT.. Everyone would be much better off.
Long live physical culture! Keep it up Zach!
-John Cortese
Tellem. I’m tired of all these cry babies who think that they will get bigger and stronger by going to the gym for 2 hours a day lifting pussy weights and not eating. I just started lifting 6 weeks ago, I am 18 and started out 6’1″ 150lbs I am up to 6’1″ 155. I went from a 155 lb bench to a 195 lb bench and from 230 lbs deadlift to 275 and from 240 lb squat to 290 lbs. Only way that happened was by eating like a freaking horse and doing all but killing myself in the gym (which is my ratty ass garage with rusty weights leftover from my dads days). Keep killing it.
Dude.. this is the 1st post i read off ur blog n.. im just speechless.. to the point.. ur just impressive ๐
thats…wut im talkin bout…shut the fuck up n train…u wanna talk n hang out ..get the fuck out
Preaching to the choir!!!!
Free-loaders are the worst.
I feel ya bro !
The same rude people “inviting themselves” to your gym seem to exist everywhere.
Keep Cracking the whip !
Hope your recovering well Z.
G’day Z
I have one for you
11. Those ugly things called KETTELBELLS, they are 20 kg each now piss off and let me workout!
Talking on the cell phone infront of the mirror DOES NOT MEAN YOU WORKING OUT
So cool! Yaaa! Burning!!!!
it like your a mind reader i hear all this shit all the time people want it all but dont want to do shit, you make my workouts to hard or why do i have to do this preach on brother
Abso-fuckin-lutely… I encounter these people you describe in this business at least every other week! Thanks for the rant… I found it very therapeutic.
You acknowledge paying Defranco, but how about the ones who helped you freely because they were paying it forward?
No more ‘for the love of the game’, bro? It’s all just ‘show me the money!’ now?
Steve, I’m sorry you had to accuse wrongly my friend, b/c if you read the article, I speak of THE man who helped me beyond words, Alwyn Cosgrove.
I speak of him frequently, I speak of him every time I present at seminars & why I am successful.
I hold a fundraiser every year and double the largest contribution.
So, Steve, unfortunately you are wrong that’s it all about “show me the money” –
Speaking of success, it is people like you I urge to stay away from, b/c you will find the negative in everything and anything in hopes to bring good things down.
You showed it just now by not reading about THE man that helped me so much and the entire reason behind this post to benefit ‘LIFt Strong’ –
Keep your negativity to yourself when it comes to these things, thanks, we don’t want you bringing others down around you, especially not here, people want to be lifted u, not brought down ๐
My bad, Z, I hadn’t got up to that article yet, so I owe you an apology.
Aside from that, don’t be painting me with a negative brush now yourself. Don’t want to damage that karma.
Love it!
Zack….I feel your pain. Hard work? To get stronger, move better, build muscle and stamina??? Shit! Direct me to the Play station!
HOLY SHIT ZACH!!! I can’t add my own rant, I’m too busy giving myself a whiplash nodding in agreement and howling in laughter!! YOU ROCK MUTHAH!!!! I couldn’t agree more with any of that shit and I’M A CHICK!!
NO WHINERS!!! Here’s to the No Whiners Club!!!!
I’m tweeting out this link now. The world needs to see this!
luv ya!
ok, I’m done wiping tears of laughter from my eyes and just thought of a rant:
women afraid of the iron… sigh… I don’t even know WHERE to start. You will NOT “bulk up” and look like Arnold. You WILL get really ripped and toned. Get heavy, stop being a pussy. It won’t bite you. I promise. Now get out of my way so I can get to the heavy big-boy weights please.
Great post, well said.
On point! people spend too much time on wishing/complaining and not enough on putting the time in.
I totally agree with you. When I was training my trainer was always praising me because I didn’t bitch and moan and complain. He was telling me about his clients that wouldn’t do what he was telling them to do, or half ass it. Then eat badly all week and ask him why they weren’t losing weight. I saw amazing results eating healthy and strength training till the point of exhaustion without injury!
Hell-to-the-f-in’-yes, Zach! I don’t do weight lifting, but I read your stuff and its inspiring and kick-ass!
Awesome post! My favorite is the “secret sauce” I get mad at those questions all the time. Pick something heavy up, put it down, Repeat often! That’s the secret!
amazing text!!!
Love the list! The only rant I’d add is too many people are full of excuses and victim mentality – too often I’ve heard “but it’s easier for men” or people blaming family history or genetics for why they don’t get results.
Hard work = results. That’s it. Who cares whether someone else has it easier because of some supposed magic genetic formula. Athletes have the bodies of athletes because they train like athletes.