“Train for LIFE” – WHAT Does It REALLY Mean?



Sometimes I get lost and don't realize that MANY people struggle with motivation to train and motivation to be GREAT in LIFE.

Look at the motivational videos on youtube compared to instructional videos, the motivational videos have MILLIONS of views.

I'll be diving into what it truly means to "train for life" these next few days with you.

The motivation is ALL around us. Often times, staring you dead smack in the eyes. Pay attention, or you'll miss out.

Here's some insight from 3 of our Coaches at The Underground Strength Gym. 

All 3 of these Coaches were once members training for sports AND life. Not ALL of our athletes keep kicking ass in life when they are done with competitive sports, some of them fall off and get sick of working hard and instead crave the couch potato lifestyle aka the "normal" life.

Listen as these Coaches give you insight as to WHY they keep training hard, aka, "training for life".

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSTmHPlxdUU[/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmCV9MamQ3Q[/youtube]

I decided to Google "Train for Life" and came across an amazing video about a boy who is now a man.

His thoughts on training and WHY he trains is amazing and you will see that ALL the motivation you need to train is ALWAYS in your heart.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j_N-VNpLTU[/youtube]

Training can change your life.

In fact, it WILL change your life when you STOP chasing just the abs, just the biceps, just the attention from others.

Train for LIFE, and then, All good things will follow.

Please share this with anyone you feel needs to hear this lesson on training for life.

In Strength,


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3 Responses

  1. Juliet Schutte says:

    Oh my gosh — a PERFECT message… wonderful videos!!!

    1. Juliet, thanks! You’re a #BOSS!!

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