I had a goal of Trap Bar Deadlifting 225 lbs for 50 reps.
It was easy, mainly because I didn't allow myself the option to fail.
I did fail, however, in my ability to count.
I watched the video and realized I did 49, NOT 50!
I'm a knucklehead, enjoy the Madness Below....
Drop a comment with your thoughts!
Lead from the Front!
PS: Just had a dude sign up for the 1 Day Underground Mentorship coming on March 20th!
Now that is Dedication, traveling to another country for a day of training & business! I will let attendees know about our meet up the night before which oughtta be off the hook, crazy as well!
No Excuses Bad Asses can Sign Up HERE
32 Responses
You did 50 in your mind, you easily had many more reps in you. You succeeded proving you can’t freaking count, thats about it….
I like that high combo bar, I only have the standard bar, makes it a little tougher on the tall basketball players, so I drop a few boxes under the plates, old fashion plastic milk crates work great.
awesome “SET”. I tried to see how many push ups I could do in 2 hours one time ……..
Hmm awesome but I don’t like the form, I think your back should be a few degrees more vertical and but lower…
but you were bouncing the weight on the floor and that kind of helped you cheat through the reps
i love watching your videos man. very motivating. we have the same style. BA
sure the back could have been more upright in the finish of the dead, but with high intensity like that as long as you can maintain a a tight core and don’t get sloppy, MOVE THAT WEIGHT! Awesome video! Carey thought she counted 50, so 50 it is…you easily could have repped out 60 in my opinion…
How did I know the form police would get invloved. Video yourself doing the same as this at the same weight he is using and then comment on form.
Great work Zach keep these videos coming ;0)
I find the usurping the title of Mr. Karelin’s poster questionable at best, especially for a former wrestler and a person that purportedly has such a hand in shaping the minds and bodies of the best wrestlers in the country.
H G H !!!!! Through the roof Zach. Another bar raised. Given me fuel bro. I will have to reply. In the meantime enjoy the ride.
Great Job Zach,
its amazing, it looks so easy. I think you should open the hip bit more at the top….
I love how you set a goal and just got at it. Doesn’t matter what you choose as the goal as long as you Beast it out and get it done.
Way to “Get Your Beast On”
Zach I regularly (every 5 days) did 2-3 warmup sets with 225 for 25 reps on my deadlift, and I weighed 155-160. NO suppliments, not even protein powder. I plan on going back to that high volume this summer.I will send you the video bro.
Way to be a lousy critic “lucky”. What kind of dick critiques the best example of a Beast on all of the internet? If you could have perfect form over 49 reps in a row I would love to see it. Awesome job Zach!!! you do lead from the front and motivated me to get off my ass(computer) and go out back and work out to be more like you. Whahahahaha
I love ya kid and your spirit! I’m however going with Lucky’s opinion. You have a lot of lifting left in your body Zach, weight amount nor reps should ever be sacrificed for form. This is from and older guy who never followed this advice and brother I’m paying for it. Keep up the good work Zach, you are one in a million.
That was fn crazy!! I was did 300 squats sets of 20 with 1min rest, 90% of body weight!!
Today was one of those days, 30 minute to train and warm-up and I went crazy. 10 heavy chains wrapped over the shoulders totaling 100lbs, and 3 different sandbags 50Lbs, 80Lbs, and 100Lbs, and deck of cards. 1 minute rest in between rounds. rounds also included pull-ups and dips with chains and sandbag to shoulders. I feel like HE-MAN, I have the Power.
The most Ive ever attempted so far was fifteen,but then I went up in weight….maybe Ill try this Monday.
I was using the straight bar though,I absolutely hate the rotating handles on my gyms deadlift bar so i always go straight bar.
I got a challenge in an email from Dave Lemanczyk to carry something that weighs half of what you weigh and carry until you cant phyiscally carry it anymore. when it starts to slip,reposition it and keep going!
Sounds Pretty brutal!Id like to try this rocky style out in the snow…lol!
Yo Dudes, great comments, good and bad π
when gunning high reps you won’t find me pausing at the top – it just won’t allow all the high reps to be done
doing 10-15-20 reps that is a different story, but 49, 50, etc. i wont be going all the way
yep, I can def. go heavier and yes, I proved I can not count π
Project X – that sounds nasty and brutal my friend, keep going after it!
I am NOT offended by the naysayers or critiques, this is the internet, the best way to represent is getting under the bar and actually lifting, NOT talking
I post videos to prove I don’t want others doing something I would never do
a 50 rep set is for someone advanced in lifting, physically and mentally ready for it
and, in the real world, military, sports, etc there is the “oh shit” factor, when your back may not be perfectly neutral or your feet athletically spread apart or even having a warm up
I don’t train for perfection, I train for the passion and the love of intensity, pushing limits and training mind and body together
I don’t do it ever once in a while, I train 5 – 6 days a week, where most spend 5-6 days a week on internet forums talking shit.
Brandon – usurping the title? Am I know claiming to be a better wrestler or harder trainer than Karelin?
Calm down and go lift for crying out loud.
Some have been motivated to lift harder from this video, others have cried and complained
Who do you think has the better attitude and will achieve more success in lifting AND life?
Sure as hell ain’t gonna be the cry babies π
PS: btw, my low back never rounded on the lift, this is a high handle trap bar, so lowering the hips wouldn’t happen much, locking out more can happen, but when gunning for a high rep set, you gotta get em’ done!
Remember, cry babes are not welcome here, there are other forums for the gathering of cry babies π
Zach you’re friggin great! This past thursday when we had that snow i threw on a 50 lb weighted vest and shovelled out 60′ of driveway covered in a foot of slush. i can honestly say that i wouldn’t have even thought of something so ridiculous if i hadn’t been keeping up with your videos and that fact that you never back down and always innovate. I also want to let you know that f**k all those deushbags talkin because they can’t even dream of doing half the things you, your athletes, and your followers do on a regular basis. This is what I strive for every day being a personal trainer myself.
-Definitely leading from the front-
That has reminded me how I SHOULD be training!
I train at home, when i used to train like that! – My wife said that i would be scaring her and our son with the intencity that i should be training at. so i back off a bit. less outward agression.
I NEED and WILL to get back to it!
Keep it up Zach!
Good work Z!
Forget all the nay-sayers. They talk too much and lift too little. Lets see them pound out 50 reps straight, then they can talk- even though they shouldn’t.
Keep up the great work.
Great high reps man. Looks like those will get your heart pumping! Deadlifts are my favorite. I’ll have to see if I can pull 50 reps off.
Great stuff Z- gotta love the internet guru’s haha. Train more and talk less.
Another diss to the whiners- the form was fine, and consistent throughout the set. In fact, given the fact that Zach wasn’t resetting every rep, it was more than solid. What impressed me though was speed and intensity. Lead from the front indeed. Love it bro.
Nice… Not crazy bout the bouncing or the high trap bar handles BUT you did a shit-load of reps. Dude, there will always be haters out there. Coming from a Strength Coach myself… I deal with people all the time who are a self-proclaimed expert/powerlifter/olympic lifter/ blah blah!!! F*** the CRITICS! They’re mostly frauds and weak both mentally + physically—– & that’s why they feel the need to belittle or talk shit! I SAY F*CK EM! Keep doing your thing!
awesome bro!!!
Great stuff! Thanks for the motivation!