Underground Certification and Internship Updates


Our Underground Strength Coach Cert. for September is now closed and filled up πŸ™‚

The first ever cert. was un-freakin-real and it really blew the roof off the gym. It was better than I ever planned or expected. Yes, things went that great!

For those of you who have e mailed me for possible internship, I have more than likely found our next intern and I want to thank everyone for taking the time to send in applications.

If you're looking to learn as much as possible form what I do and how I do it, then head on over to http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com or sign up for The Gladiator Seminar taking place July 12 w/Steve Maxwell and myself at my gym in Edison, NJ.

Until the next time,

stay strong!


P.S. - No baby yet, just waiting for that moment when my wife tells me it's time to go! I'll keep you posted but if you see I am MIA for a few days, you know why!

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