Once again, what an honor it was, to hold the first Underground Strength Coach Cert of 2009 with such an awesome crew of guys from all around the USA and 1 homeboy from Canada.
It is beyond words to have people coming in to learn from me, and this time we really switched things up for them.
I brought in my athletes on Sunday and teamed them up with the Coaches to take them through actual workouts!
They loved it! I had goosebumps watching them.
Check out some of the footage, and there is MORE to come, especially when you see the workout they created for themselves to go through and coach one another through.
These guys are ready to kill it!
For those of you who ask what to do when you can't make it to my certification.
I have 2 answers for you to help you kick serious ass.
1) The Underground Strength Manual
2) Underground Strength Coach Private Club
Kill it!