Underground Strength Gathering Highlight Video


This is just 1 highlight reel, MUCH more footage to come.

Big Ups to Joe Hashey for hookin' up this footage so fast!

Check it kids ๐Ÿ™‚


Check my 220 lb dip, 260 lb atlas stone lift and the rest of the crew KILLING BIG weights all over.

Yep, that's my Underground Strength Gym, lots of my members hung out and got involved with the strength gathering.

If you wanna run a lil' dungeon and kick ass doing what you love then you are a good candidate for The Underground Strength Coach Certification.

Click HERE for details.

Kill it!


PS: I will send an e mail tomorrow about a LIVE Chat I'll be doing answering questions for my Underground Strength Coach Certification. Time looks to be 10 PM EST.

PPS: Follow me on twitter & get regular updates on my irregular happenings ๐Ÿ™‚

==> http://twitter.com/zevenesh

2 Responses

  1. Christian says:

    On that last stretch, the one for the glutes that you guys were doing on the huge guy, just take the knee out of of the motion. It works better if you push it out to the side then bring it back in. Then again what do i know, sick stuff keep it up.

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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