Underground Strength Nation Inspiration Contest


Deadline to Post Your Video Below: Monday, Sep. 19, 2011 @ 9 PM EST

Winner Gets a Lifetime Membership to Underground Strength Nation and a FREE Underground Strength T Shirt

underground strength nation

Psyched to see your Inspiration Video!

Remember: title your video as "Underground Strength Nation Inspiration"

Post your video in the comments section below. Use the embed code. If it gets marked as spam let me know & I'll fix it ๐Ÿ™‚

Good Luck!



PS: Underground Strength Nation will open it's doors on Tuesday, make sure you are subscribed for e mail updates by entering your e mail at the top of my blog (& get your 5 FREE Gifts!).

PPS: USC Cert is coming soon, next one won't be for a while. Don't be "That Guy" who always says he'll do the next one, ass kickers take action NOW!

17 Responses

  1. Frank this is AWESOME! Seriously, brutha, I am honored BIG time and humbled. I LOVE having you as part of The Underground Brotherhood! With guys like yourself on board I know we are “Living the Code”!

  2. Yo Zach, GOOD SHIT achi, as always! I got a question for you man… I got on old video (from 2 1/2 weeks ago) not that old but its definitely NOT from this week man, anyway what I was saying is that I DONT have acces to a camera to shoot a video rite now, cuz my parents took the videocamera on vacation & that was the ONLY 1 I had to shoot a video with you understand… but I STILL got older footage of myself training, again from 2 1/2 weeks ago… Its from me doing a Snatch test (Non-Fixated Snacthes) with the 24kg kettlebell in 10 minutes… I 304 snatches that day bro! STILL fucking PSYCHED about it!!!! Just asking if that video would qualify as a Underground Strength Nation Inspiration Contest video? Yallah achi lemme know!


  3. Matti – crap bro, can you borrow a friend’s camera?

  4. Vincent Ramirez says:

    The Underground- Live it

  5. Zach – Super Pumped to have the chance to join the Underground Strength Nation! Thanks for being the ultimate inspiration!

    In Faith & Strength, Ed

  6. Ed! This is AWESOME!!!! I am psyched to see what YOU got going ON, my brutha!!! Thanks for speaking from the HEART!!




  7. I’m in Sweden so I have no idea if I’m too late or not.

    But here’s mine, with original music and all. Hopefully it inspires someone!

  8. Yo Zach, Late entry coming. I’ve had trouble uploading, but it finally seems to be working.

  9. Yo Zach! Hope it’s not too late . Check out my video please! Not sure how to link but my YouTube user name is “bigozzie75” thanks!

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