Underground Strength Show # 13 – The DeFranco Challenge!


Joe DeFranco is one of the best Performance Coaches in the country, actually, the world.

2 weeks before my wedding, I finally got the chance to get a 1hour consult with Joe D. It took 6 months to get into his schedule, I never stopped asking him via e mail and I didn't care what the cost would be.

I receive many e mails from people who want in on the USC Cert, the apprentice program or any other coaching variation, but everyone is "in a bad financial situation".

I think my investment made a HUGE difference in how I trian athletes, and because of it, I got better results, which in turn led to more clients, leading to a bigger and better business, leading to me never having to say those words I hear so often, "I can't afford that right now, money is tight".

Today, Joe D and I are good friends, and last week when I went to his gym I was challenged to beat the trap bar deadlift record of 600 lbs for the "washed up meathead category" πŸ™‚

I don't deadlift often because they make me sore as hell. Musta been 3 months or so since I deadlifted. Regardless, I don't back down from challenges and, OTHER things I do make me plenty strong to grip and rip big weights off the ground.

Let's see if I broke the record.....

It wasn't the prettiest lift, but then again, it isn't called the deadlift for pretty reasons!

What records have you broken lately? Maybe it's in strength, maybe business, maybe it's deep within and personal. Share your success stories below, let the world know!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

P.S. - 4 spots left for The USC Cert on 11/1 and 11/2. Who wants to kill it? Click the "get certified" link at the top and e mail me if you are ready, 110% ready, nothing less!

3 Responses

  1. Corey Bachmeier, M.Ed ACSM-H/FI says:

    Love it!

    The Jersey Jackel had no chance.

    I have always found that people are motivated by fear or anger.
    When you are so “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired”…you
    can make things happen in your life.

    Every success in life has a road map. IF people would just follow that map, ANYTHING is possible.

    Love the videos – KEEP EM COMING!

  2. bergknappe says:

    Congrats comrade,

    nice lift! hard work is paying off always!

    looking forward to your audio/video about the trap-bar deadlift!


  3. Sean Polidore says:

    That’s major weight!!! Way to go on that deadlift. I also like that “T” bar Joe has going on over there. His gym is really the kind of gym I wish I had acess to. Your PR are bound to go up in a place like that. Keep Killin’ it

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