Underground Strength Show, Episode # 5: Backyard Stone Traning


Check out some of the good times had with stone training. This is just a small taste, but don't forget, basics kill, not the fancy stuff!

Post your thoughts in the comments below!

--Coach Z--

PS: Want more stone training, No rules training and workouts that will get you kicked out of your pansy ass gym? Click HERE and get your workouts. Enjoy!

12 Responses

  1. Hey Zach,

    I was actually up at my buddy’s Lake House Saturday morning and did a killer little training session with some big ass stones he had laying around.

    Did some boulder box jumps, stone clean and presses, one arm presses, and windmills.

    Good stuff,

    Kyle Battis

  2. Sean Polidore says:

    Man that was a powerful video right there bro. Where I live I don’t see many stones just laying around to be honest with you but it’s something I surely want to try. I can see the power that it would build and your right if you could train people with just stones and body weight they would kill EVERYTHING!!!!

  3. Awesome video, yet another aspect I can add to my outdoor workouts that consist of rope climbs, ring dips and keg cleans!! Anything to keep me out of the local golds gym!!

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Nice workout . I am a girl but a strong one..
    I’ll deff try this out. Always looking forward to your

  5. Thats awesome Zach! I never would have thought you could do SO much with stone training! I love getting these kinds of emails because eventually I am going to start training people here in PA. I get such a big inspiration from you to keep pushing no matter what. Love it!

  6. nicholas liu says:

    awesome workkout, it changed my workout perception thinking, I also got a question for you. Whats hand walking? My perception of working out right now is just doing handstands. Then I would let my feet and legs stay on the wall and keep walking my hands back and forth until my body goes to a pushup position with my still on the wall. I would get to that position by walking my body forwards with my hands, my feet will stay on the wall though. Is that what hand walking is? please answer me asap. thanks dude. keep up the good work!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  7. nicholas liu says:

    soory, i meant my feet still on the wall

  8. Nice one, as I said on the other stone related blog- chucking them about in various stances and ways or walking and pressing are also fun ways to train.

  9. Hi Zach I recently got Convict conditioning, can I really build a strong body with this method, and is it really good too use free weights. I can’t even do a chin-up, I really want too strenghten my hole body.

  10. Jeffery B Maharip says:

    Cool! Got to try this! Of bodyweight workouts for me still rock! But Strongman events and workouts have always been one of my greatest passions. Keep posting the great videos, man. Thanks for sharing.

  11. This is the same kind of stuff you do with sandbags.

    And well you could say a stone is a really big grain of sand.

    The only thing is you can’t adjust the weight without moving to another stone.

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