Underground Strength Training in Brazil


Watching this video was great. I came across it by chance, as my TV watching days are slim to none, I have lost touch with who's who in MMA. The last time I rented a UFC pay per view fight I fell asleep on the couch before it ever started!

This video reminds me of some of the training I would take my wrestlers through down at the field. Cleaning & Throwing kettlebells for 5 minute rounds, brawling drills and sumo drills on the grass immediately after sprinting up hill, carrying a partner on your back.

Watch this video and you'll see what brings me back to my first days. It's super primitive, yet it brutally effective.

This style of training is not just for fighters, it's for anyone. Training does not discriminate - it never did, it never will πŸ™‚

I am inviting you to join myself and Steve Maxwell at our Gladiator Strength Seminar, July 12th. Space is almost full, and those who attend this event will get a deep, up close and personal look into the extremely effective methods Steve and I use for training athletes and people from all walks of life.

Get your info HERE!

In Strength,


P.S. - Don't live close enough for the Gladiator Seminar? Get the next best thing HERE.

One Response

  1. Cool video Zach. Brutal training and I can just imagine the humidity.

    Both my kids are in Brazil for their summer vacation. My son (9) will be taking some BJJ classes while there too.


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