You've heard me talk about how The USC Cert has changed lives.
It's true. I've been to events, met people, experienced events, etc that have changed my life forever. It's in my blood to help this happen to others as well.
I can't allow my cert to simply about training, exercise, working out, etc. I bring my passion, share it, open my mind up to you.... I am an OPEN book for you and I see NO other way to run this cert, EPIC is the least I will allow it to be!
Check out Underground Strength Coach, Matt Ellis, from Rhode Island, speaking from the heart, REALLY getting me choked up!!
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This is The 2nd Time The USC Cert is Coming to The #ATX.
The Location? Red Black Gym in Austin, TX
The Red-Black Gym was modeled and built after a crew of 10 + Coaches from CrossFit Central rolled up to The Underground HQ in Edison, NJ, for a specialized certification JUST for the coaches of CC, all of them traveling from Austin, TX to learn in the trenches and bring back our training methods to their hungry community of athletes & fitness fanatics.
NEVER have I seen such a LARGE crew of passionate Coaches coming from under the same roof, must be something in the waters of Austin, heck, Lance Armstrong lives there!
If you want IN, get after it and see the details below.... we've got a growing army of Underground Strength Coaches who are LIVING their passion.
AFTER the cert, you will LOVE the LIFETIME of support you get, as we have a private Mastermind area where you are able to connect day in and day out with what other USC Coaches are doing AROUND the world. It is a VERY powerful support system that will catapult your success and knowledge 10 X faster at a minimum.
Check out some post USC Cert success stories from two guys that escaped from Omaha while working at a commercial gym, we've got MORE to come.....
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[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
I am psyched to hit The #ATX again, the energy and atmosphere have REALLY blown my mind. The majority of certs I hold tend to be ALL men, but when I hit The ATX we have a large number of serious Coaches rolling through who are women, and these Girls Kick ASS!
All details for our ATX Certification are HERE
If you have questions feel free to connect with me on my Fan Page - HERE
2 Responses
I tried to buy Bodyweight Bodybuilding Secrets but I cant complete the payment. Trying to pay with South African Cheque Account. HELP PLZ!!!
@Riaan: Thanks for the comment, ha ha. I am not sure why this won’t work but you can see if my support team can help you
E mail them at
Pay pal, etc works world wide, I am sure we can help ๐