Do you want to be strong, or do you want to be highly conditioned?
Do you want to be explosive, or do you want to be agile, mobile and hostile?
How about training for all of these traits?
I know, many people say you must specialize to get optimal results. But, in the real world, you need everything. You gotta be "in shape", and that means having the perfect blend of many physical traits: strength endurance, power endurance, aerobic endurance, and overall conditioning.
Finding the right balance is key, and most people don't have the discipline to let go of what they enjoy doing, when they really need to focus on what must be done.
Can one truly blend powerlifting, strongman, metabolic conditioning, gymnastics based movements, mobility and more into an overall program?
Here is where you can find the answers.
In Strength,
P.S. - Do you want to imrpove your personal performance at break-neck speed? Maybe you're a Coach and want to blow the lid off of the results you are currently getting for your athletes and clients? If you want to kick ass, regardless of what you do and who it's for, click HERE.