What trail are you blazing?


So, you wake up every morning, same routine, same time, same breakfast, same.....

You know the routine, dontcha?

Well, let me make you feel a bit uncomfortable for a moment, and uncomfortable is good, it's REALLY good.

Because when you get comfortable, you start letting life slip through your finger tips...

Not good.

I wake up every morning and fall asleep every night with a vision, a vision that gives me chills.

I want people to do what they love, I want people to make a living following their passion.

For some, strength training may have nothing to do with their passion, but, I have many people reading my Blog for the inspirational factor. That's great, because as long as I can help push someone to that edge where they follow their passion, then I'm on the right path ๐Ÿ™‚

I watched the movie, 'We are Marshall' last night. It's not the first time, I have watched it before, but things have changed since that "first time." I am on a new mission, a new path...I'm blazing a trail like a run away freight train.

What am I blazing a trail? I have this deep down gut feeling that people should be able to do what they love, and there is no reason to go through life doing things you don't want to do or don't love to do.

Now it's time for some action, wouldn't you agree?

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

P.S. - I'll be announcing the next date for The upcoming Underground Strength Coach Certification. I'll be accepting 12 people, but, I'll roll if only 1 is accepted. Too many cry babies and whiners out there who want this and that for free or for less, without effort, or who cry when it's not catered for their way. Sorry, this is NOT for everyone.

Here's what you'll experience at The USC Ceritification (Click HERE).

One Response

  1. chris gonzalez says:

    your articles and videos get me pumped! especially because i work in a chain gym after work i go to my other job and flip my tire and lift my keg, thanks zach!

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