What were you Born to do?



Here we go, another one of my "deep" posts for you. I hope this will make you think and take action. You see, about 1 1/2 years ago I was having dinner at my friends home in Florida, Ryan Lee.

We were speaking about my readiness to open a gym so I can do what I love most, which is training athletes, especially young athletes, and getting them STRONG.

I love the internet, but, I need fresh air, I need to wrap my hands around iron and sweat like my athletes do.

He told me to do what I love, and I stated boldly, I LOVE to train hard core, serious athletes. His reply, "That's what you were born to do. You were put on this earth to get people STRONG!"

Without a doubt, he is correct. I am great at getting people stronger than a MoFo, and sure, I have my lesser skilled areas that I am always working on and regularly connecting with friends in this industry on... things such as mobility, prehab and rehab. So I connect with gurus in these areas because attacking weaknesses is critical if you want to be successful.

I am following my destiny. I KNOW this because I can feel it in my heart, my gut, my bones and deep in my soul. This sounds a bit crazy, but, when you find your way, you will understand this.

Now, the flip side is this....

What do you do when people try to stop you, bring you down or make you feel bad about what you are doing?

It's not easy, I will not lie, you will need thick skin, because the naysayers are out there and want to bring you down, they despise your success and despise you for having what they don't have, doing what they don't want or simply because they feel they "deserve" it and you don't.

I receive e mails about many topics by the naysayers, topicsย such as I should be offering my web site for free, I should not make my certification area exclusive, I should train people in my garage and not a warehouse, etc.

Know this and know this VERY well: Not everyone will be happy with you, not everyone will like you, not everyone will agree with you and not everyone will accept you.

Push onward, push forward and remain strong. If I would allow the naysayers to interfere with my message I would be hurting the 10,000 PLUS subscribers to this newsletter and Blog who LOVE what they get from my posts.

This is why I screen all applicants for training at my gym as well a for becoming an Underground Strength Coach. There is enough negativity and lack mentality in this world, I do not want to be associated with it. This is why you must create mastermind groups and regularly find ways to expand your inner and outer self.

So, get some alone time, find a place that allows peace and quiet and really let your mind drift so you can see where it takes you, as you think about your destiny and why you are here on this earth. Don't worry, there is never just one answer. My ONLY destiny is not just about getting people strong.

It's about being a great family man, a husband and father, a role model for my children and for anyone I coach. It's about spreading the knowledge so others can help make someone else's life that much richer. It digs deeper and deeper. The list does go on and on, as will your list, because as you grow with success, so will your list.

In the end, stick with your gut feelings, trust your intuition and steam roll the naysayers.

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

Feel free to post thoughts, commentsย or just share this post with anyone you feel will benefit from it.

In Strength,


PS - I am returning e mails to the many of you who have e mailed me in response to the USC Gymnasium internship opportunity. I think I have made up my mind, but, I will continue to look through the e mails (slightly over 15 responses thus far!!) so feel free to send your info and reasons why to UndergroundStrengthCoach@gmail.com

PPS - Many things inspired this Blog post, but, believe it or not, watching the movie Evan Almighty got me thinking ๐Ÿ™‚

PPPS - We have 7 spots left for The Gladiator Seminar. All participants will receive 1 FREE Year of membership to http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com. If you want in, act now and click HERE.

3 Responses

  1. Ken Pitchford says:

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. I really enjoy the insights I gain from your posts. Keep up the good work!


    Zach….you rock my man…

    Good S#*T!

    Negative energy is a terrible thing and shrugging it off when others spew (probably spelled wrong!) it at us is the only thing we can do. These people want us to fail….

    NOTTA CHUMP! (speaking to the negative person ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    For you (people reading this ๐Ÿ™‚ ) there is only one thing to do..

    MOVE FORWARD with it…

    Life is too short..

    Reach your goals by GOING FOR THEM!

    If you have someone telling you that you ‘can’t’ do something you need to totally ignore it and act like they never said a word.

    If it is deep in your heart as is Zach’s training, as I am with my training, then it WILl happen..

    It’s all up to you….

    If you feel it…

    DO IT!

    I know this will end up long, but I posted a thread on a few blogs and forums after a dear friend was just killed in a motorcyle accident..it’s below..please read it and take it to heart…

    Great Post Zach and it was great to finally meet you one one on at your kick ass gym! ๐Ÿ™‚

    In good Health,



    This is an email I sent out to my list..

    Thought I would share for you that are not on it..


    In Good Health,

    barry lovelace

    Good morning ..

    This message is coming at you from the heart…

    No products to sell or promote…

    No health or fitness tips….

    Sitting here enjoying the view at Panera Bread overlooking the water..

    I am online checking the obituaries before I start ‘wroking’…


    I couldn’t believe my eyes…

    A young man who we (my family) know very well died in a motorcycle accident…

    Only 27 years old…

    My heart stopped…

    I am sweating like crazy…shaking..

    This is crazy!

    Websters should have his handsome picture next to the definition of ‘Smile’..

    I NEVER seen him without a smile..NEVER

    His family…

    AWESOME people…

    Damn, here I go again…this is so sad..

    Darn it I have one thing to say to you..



    We just don’t know…

    Forget about YESTERDAY..

    Don’t think about TOMMORROW..

    Where are you in your life today?



    No matter where you are make it the BEST day of your life…

    The BEST day of your life…

    If you feel like going freaking shopping…SHOP!

    If you feel like freaking golfing….GOLF!

    If you feel like booking a vacation…


    Whatever it is you want to do..DO IT…

    Many people ask me why I am always upbeat..



    Well, not only am I the luckiest man on earth to be living my
    dream, but I also know that tomorrow may not be here..

    It’s possible…

    I don’t know for sure..

    My brother was killed in a car accident on January 9th, 1987…

    He was 23…

    He was the most down to earth..funny and quiet guy you can meet..


    Do you really think that I care TWO POO’s (yup..I said TWO POO’s!)
    if someone judges me for one reason or another?


    It’s not MY problem..

    It’s theirs ๐Ÿ™‚

    So…if I want another tattoo..

    I’ll get one..

    If I want to wear funky shorts with funky shirts..

    You got it..

    You got it!

    I can go on and on about how I feel we should live each precious day, but you get the point..

    Live today for today..

    Whatever dreams and goals you have..

    Go for it!

    Whether it is a new job you are thinking about trying..

    A business you would like to start…

    A weight loss or muscle gaining goal..

    Don’t talk yourself out of it…

    GO FOR IT!

    Thanks for listening…

    Thanks for making today YOUR day..

    Energy should not be wasted on what others think, but of how I, YOU are going to live each day to the absolute fullest.

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