When I grow up…


Inspired from all the videos from The Underground Inspiration Contest, let's go back to where I started, and who told me "no", "don't do it", "get a real job", "you can't make money and earn a living doing that!"....

Oh well πŸ™‚

Says who?!?!


What are you gonna do when you grow up, if you even decide to grow up?


- follow your heart


- do what you love

- if it makes you smile, do it!

- if you will do it for FREE, do it!

- lift HEAVY!

- love your family

- do what you love

- do what YOU love

- surround yourself with others who do what they love

- share your love with others!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Comments? Thougts? Let's hear em'!

PPS: I am showing others how to do what they love...through the iron:

--> https://zacheven-esh.com/coaching.php

5 Responses

  1. Not only are you bringing old school training back but you have

    HipHop at its purest from. I actually sing the old Toys R’ Us

    song during boot camp while people are suffering doing pushups.

    My friends from middle and high school are not surprised that I

    am a performance coach since I was doing this back in high

    school. As for “growing up” and “being realistic” I never

    thought that helping people be their best, improving lives,

    and keeping people healthy was some “far off dream.

    The funny thing if I met a 10 year old kid that wanted to be

    the CEO of Fannie Mae or a Microsoft executive I would think

    they were weird. The truth is most people in corporate America

    are a lot of people with unfullfilled dreams


    p.s.- you u at Ryan’s boot camp

  2. screw growing up man! I am a kid everyday at heart. Growing up and getting old is all in your head, a friend of mine had his bday party last night and hes only 24 and was like wow I am getting old I told him the shut the hell up and enjoy his life! Everyone deserves to always have fun it does not have to end when you have to so called “grow up and get a job” Screw that I am not going to follow the rules!


  3. Andrew Tolbert says:

    hi zach, this is my first comment to one of your videos, and ive got to say…it hit me hard man. im currently a junior in highschool and i had to stay out of football this season cuz of a broken collar bone, and im really trying to get into strength training. me and my friend are going to set up his dad’s warehouse/workshop into a gym and kill it! ill send pictures when we get it up and running!

    p.s. i ain’t never growing up!!

  4. HAA! Thats funny about you talking about being a coach in HS… in my HS yearbook I wrote that in 10 years I’d be a Strength & Conditioning Coach and have 8 children with my HS girlfriend, Colleen.

    Today – I AM a Strength & Conditioning Coach… and
    Colleen and I have 3 girls (I’m only 5 short of my goal!)

    Those kids in the vid are cute as hell!!

  5. Ramon Ruenes says:

    Hey man thank you for all your videos and your messages, specially this one. You know I’ve always wanted to be a boxer but everyone thinks I’m crazy. I’ve trained for around seven years now but never gone to tournaments because my parents didn’t want me to and people say i’m a little bit old to start boxing seriously (currently twenty). But I will enter a tournament in about three or four months, and in about eight months to the golden gloves. I will send you videos of my fights and training later. Thanks for your inspiration. I’m from Mexico City.

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