Who Do I Owe 99.9% of My Success to?


Please read this letter in its entirety.

If you have know me for some time, you've heard me speak about this guy, who I had never met in person before, yet he took me under his wing like a little brother, or, like he was my Uncle taking me under his wing.

Not sure what it was, but the guy thought I was alright, and I was sincere and genuine, and he saw I was super passionate about becoming successful and helping others by sharing with them what I do.

We exchanged e mails frequently, and one day our e mails became instant messages, and from there, it became a phone call....a 4 hour phone call.

This guy was doing something called "Pay it Forward" - because when he was an up and comer, everyone he asked to help him turned him down.

Our four hour phone call layed out the foundation and the blue print for my business.

Yes, I am serious, those 4 hours shot me to the top ASAP!

The shocking thing about this was that the entire time we were on the phone, I didn't know that my friend was taking away his rest time to chat with me.

Why did he need to rest? He had tubes sticking in and out of his chest from plenty of angles, and he was going head to head, toe to toe with Stage IV Cancer.

Yea, you think you're tough - you ain't shit compared to this guy.

The man's name is Alwyn Cosgrove - man or machine, not sure which he is, but this guy is beyond what my words can describe.

Whatever I try to say or do doesn't mean or amount to 1/100th of a fraction of what this man has done for me.

In fact, if it wasn't for Alwyn, you and I would probably not have the relationship we have. I would not have this Blog, my gym, or the knowledge to spread my wisdom your way.

Alwyn has left a legacy inside of me.

In addition, he has helped spread the knowledge and passion that has allowed him to be successful.

More importantly, he has followed the adage of "Pay it Forward"

Every year I run a fundraiser called 'LIFT STRONG.

It was created by Alwyn, just like Lance Armstrong has LIVE Strong.

There is also a CD Rom of approx. 800 pages with AWESOME strength and conditioning articles.

100% benefits The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

If you could, please Pay it Forward and picking up 1 copy of http://LiftStrong.com

Please spread the word by sharing this link or Blog Post or doing anything you can to spread the word of http://LiftStrong.com

In Strength,

--Coach Z--

4 Responses

  1. Z,
    You are the man bro! and of course Alwyn as well!! The cd rocks I still have not made it through every article yet!!

    -Matty Holmes

  2. Taylor Lopes says:

    I ordered my copy bro, thanks for your inspiration and dedication to us! The USC workout of the month has been killer.

    Taylor Lopes

  3. Zach,

    I ordered the cd a year or so ago after Alwyn first released it. Its got some great content in it.

    You are right, Alwyn is the man and thats why I just bought his program design manual

    Peace out


  4. He sounds like quite a guy. It makes you realize that the most “successful” people also give the most. I guess you dont realize it but its mostly true – you give more and you always get way more back. I know you have mentioned Joe Vitale and of course your guy Dax before – I like them both a lot. I know you are busy as hell – me too so I use audio books from I tunes – but I’ll throw you two books you may be interested in: Lucky or Smart by Bo Peabody and The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Like I said – I know you;re busy as hell but I think they would be right up your alley. Enjoy!

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