You Have No Choice:You MUST Be Strong!


I have no pictures for you this time around.

No videos.

No cool graphics, no flashy anything.

These are my words, not hidden or lifted with any technological gizmo.

i wanted to share what I went through, and pass my thoughts on to you.

Because if you've been to my Blog before, you know it's about "Pay it Forward."

I hope this lifts you, educates you and helps you, in some way, shape or form.

I just spent 1 & 1/2 days in / out of the hospital after something my son experienced.

My son is actually perfectly fine, but our Peditricians reacted very strongly and we got scared into taking it a step further. The way it was all handled made it impossible for us to leave the Emergency Room and bring my lil' Dude home.

The time spent in the hospital was the toughest time.

My wife went through hell with all this and when tough times like this are faced it reminds me exactly why I lift. And exactly why you need to lift...HEAVY!

Reason # 1: Be STRONG!

Strength in mind AND body.

It's easy to crack under pressure, and I won't pretend to be perfect, trust me, I've been there, done that.

But things are different for me as a father compared to my days without kids.

I could have broken down with all the stress this past 48 hrs or so.

But I had no choice, I had to be strong, not just mentally, but physically. what.

Hungry....too bad.

HARD workouts prepare you for the real world.

Most people have a VERY different idea of what an intense workout actually is.

Almost every person who experiences a trial workout at my gym vomits in less than 20 minutes - and this is always from the guy who trains at a regular gym and thinks he's strong as hell and already trains hard.

They find out very quickly that their world is completely different than "our" world. I'm talking about the world you and I train in.

The Emergency Room must be the easiest place for someone to break down. All the screaming, the crying, the stress, the confusion, the urgency to make decisions on the fly. I honestly have no clue how things get done in such a place.

Emergency room or not, You will one day be faced with a high stress situation and you must be prepared as best as you can. Nothing ever fully prepares you for real life situations but if you push your mind and body to greater heights you will understand how to handle these situations in a much better fashion.

I was shocked to hear parents complaining about being tired or not having eaten for 8 hours while their children were in distress.

At times like this, your mind must shut down all emotion regarding yourself. Instead, you must show strength, character, the ability to think clearly and the ability to make solid decisions.

Notice that NONE of which I just stated has anything to do with bigger biceps, ripped abs or a bigger chest.

This is about YOU and those closest to you. Maybe your like me, married with children. Maybe not....maybe it's just you and a friend, or your wife / husband or your parents and grandparents that mean the most to you.

In the real world, strength wins. Start training for RAW strength today.

When you train, I suggest taking your mind outside the realm or "reality" and think about developing inhuman strength, yea, exactly like a super hero!

Family is # 1. Nothing else even comes close.

If you are a family man / woman, you MUST be strong. Let the excuses be gone now.

The bigger your family the stronger you must become.

Today, it seems to be the opposite - the bigger your family gets, the weaker you get and the fatter you get. Society is accepting this as the standard. Excuses are being made for parents.

It's time to represent your family. Be able to carry them ALL on your back and be mentally strong during tough times.

If the mind breaks the body follows suit.

Shut the f**k up about being tired and busy and just LIFT heavy sh*t.

It doesn't have to be barbells, it can be a stone and you can carry it, squat it, deadlift it and press it. Get ready to wrestle like a mofo to hoist this unyieldly stone. STRENGTH is what wins and it must be pursued with an undying passion.

My son and I are growing closer and closer. This time spent in the hospital certainly made us grow even closer. I'm sure you've had those times at least once in your life, right?

A few years ago everything was about me. But, since becoming a family man, I have learned and grown into someone that simply wants to take care of my family and make them proud.

I have grown into much more of a care taker and I feel that role with you. This is why you might find me going way beyond basic training information.

I like to motivate you and lead from the front. It is NOT "Do as I say, not as I do."

It's about leading from the front and I expect nothing of you unless I have been there, done that myself.

I can see down the road, sharing rusty barbells with my son, hitting heavy deadlifts together, dragging sleds and running through the trails of a nearby park to escape the noise and take the human body to ever greater heights.

I've received countless e mails from cry babies telling me they have no time and are too busy to train now that they are married and / or have kids.

They ask how I find the time to do everything I do.

I make NO excuses. I get up early, I stay late and I always do the extra to make things better for my family.

Whether you have family or not, I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with tough times and how you use strength and the iron to make things better.

Post your comments below...

In Strength,


PS: My son is perfectly healthy and fine. The crazy part was that getting a simple check up at the ER became a full blown nightmare and we basically got locked in, unable to leave against medical advice. I feel great right now because my son is home, we're all together, and he's sound asleep in his comfortable bed and getting home cooked meals and the best care ever 🙂

I can't say I have ever experienced anything better than being a Dad 🙂

PPS: Drop your comments below and share how you stay strong and what you do to become that way.

57 Responses

  1. Mike Rojas says:

    Amen Brotha, Amen!!!

    No need to go to church tomorrow after that beautifully put Sermon!

  2. so true man im a doctor myself and understand wateva u said,evn im a beginner bodybuilder manage it with studies coz as u said we’ll ve to get strong…..

  3. Zach, Awsome Buddy!! First, glad to hear your son is home and OK. Next I just want to say that I completely agree with you. Every time I am flipping my loader tire, or carrying tractor weights, calves, or milk barrels- and I think I am tired and need to rest- the thought of my family, the possibility of needing to protect them, keep them from harm, or simply wanting to be healthy, strong, and able to be here for them for as long as possible- is what keeps me pushing on. I always try to out do my personal best- I push harder so my wife feels safe when we are out- walking down the street on a “date night”, or when my son or daughter tells some little shit on the playgroud that “my dad can kick your dad’s but” and it will be true. But to live a long healthy life, and give that as an example to my family is a huge incentive and helps me to push through to be the best I can be in every facet of my life. Thanks Again Zach!!

  4. That is some serious S@#$% man I get you… People complain about working out, make a lot of excuses and wonder why fit people manage life/death situations better than people who sit on a desk and do nothing.
    P.S. Your blog rules…

    If you get to read this mail me, Im interested im going to a gym or buy stuff for myself to use but im lost on what to do.

  5. Hi Zack,

    I’m glad everything is ok and your family is healthy. I have to thank you for being such an inspiration for me. I’m not a father but I would like to be one in the next couple of years. I have a beautiful wife who supports me no matter what anyone says and she truly believes in me as much as I love her and support her with everything.

    I won’t tell my story because it would be too long.

    I just want to let you know that I know what is like to be in a place like that waiting not hours but days and hoping for the best and just to be able to go home and return to a normal day.

    Talking about strength, it is truly the way you think and the mindset you have that makes you lift heavier and work harder. When most people are going thru the motions in the gym, all you have on your mind is “ok this is between me and this sh*t in front of me, and there is no one who is going to lift it for me, there is no one who is going to feel the pain, there is no one who will understand what I do, except for those who are truly close to me” and sometimes even those think I’m crazy.

    Every day people tell me that I’m going to get hurt for lifting heavy. While I squat, bench or death lift they talk about pills they use and injuries they have. One day I took a Kettlebell to the gym and they didn’t let me use it, they thought I had a bomb or something, not even the trainers knew what it was. It was f-ckng ridiculous.

    We are being told every day that we can’t and the truth is that we won’t. When everyone is looking for problems and things to blame you are the one who is looking for solutions and ways to take control using your body and mind. I also think lifting heavy and getting out of your comfort zone during workouts is not only because of the physical factor but also the psychological factors, the mindset, the focus and the action taken on those moments when most people would quit, make you a better human being, a stronger human being.

    Thanks for this, I needed it,

    Is 2am and I’m taking a break to write you this. Is Saturday night, and instead of getting drunk with my friends like most people do here in Puerto Rico I’m at home with my wife working on something that will make our life better in the future. At the end I’m strong and free, thanks to people like you Zack that inspire me every day.

    Take care

  6. Zach, first of all, I praise God that your son is all right.

    As the father of six children I am constantly haunted by the idea of something happening to any of them, and I’ve had a couple of terrible scares over the past 11 years. So although we’ve never met I’m relieved beyond expression to know that your son is doing well.

    Secondly, I admire and appreciate what you have written about the virtues of strength training as a source of character training to meet the challenges of parenthood. That’s a theme I’ve touched on in my conditioning-centered blog.

    A few years ago, in an essay about a man who died while trying to save his family in almost insurmountably lethal circumstances, I wrote the following:

    There is a quality of will inscribed in a father’s heart by his Creator, a determination to protect those he loves at whatever price to himself. This essential quality of soul will impel a man to see his body broken before he will yield and admit defeat.

    One really good way to learn about that quality is to challenge your limits regularly and honestly in the gym.

  7. Very, very true Zach.

    Firstly, I’m glad that you and yours are healthy and safe. That sounds like quite the ordeal. I was in a similar situation with a former girlfriend where we spent about 18 hours in the ER (and they never figured anything out!) We went in at like midnight and we ended up sleeping on the hospital bed together as I fell asleep keeping guard. The only time I left the room was when the docs kicked me out and when she forced me to go eat (I couldn’t even finish it).

    I know that if I didn’t have the mental fortitude from years of training and athletics I would not have been able to put her needs first. Lifting with purpose teaches you to be a more responsible person for the simple fact that there is a solid reason behind what it is you do. Anyhow, lifting for an actual strength benefit prepares you in so many ways you can’t even comprehend them all until you are thrown into a situation headlong and you somehow fight your way through it. If you’re mentally weak, you will NEVER be physically strong. Your mind has to be in the right place to train to the max.

    I always agree with you, but I really couldn’t agree more in this situation. Super motivational.

    Thanks Coach!

  8. Zach, Glad to hear your son is home and well (for that matter all of you).
    I just found you and your site on the web a couple weeks ago and I am (and my students will be)so glad to have found your training and advise.
    This post has really shown me that you do really care about what you do and how you advise all of us out here that follow you and rally us to strive for a healthier, happier life and I will tell you what I am going…Heavy

    -Darrin Walton

  9. Zach-

    Spoken like a true warrior. I feel you completely!!! Got to have a tough mind in today’s world!! Strength, commitment, honesty and work ethic are missing today. But there are some soldiers left!!

  10. Z,

    First, it’s good to hear that your son is home resting and safe in his own bed. I would like to share the following regarding tough times:

    “Chase your dreams until your dreams chase you”

    “With courage, honor, respect and discipline; I DEMAND AND EXPECT more from myself then anyone else can possibly imagine”

    The above were mantra’s that I used to have to repaet during the 5 years that I studied Goju-Ryu Karate growing up as a kid. To this very day I often recite the latter to myself when sh*t gets real. I remind myself that nothing is placed on our plate that we are not capable of handling, I think that I- like you, am in a unique position to lead.

    However, being a leader is a choice and as such this responsibility bears consequences- quite often do not get the luxury of quiting or saying I can’t- we bleed, sweat and puke more in the pursuit of personal bests but at the same time the very way in which we live inspires others to achieve greatness they might not otherwise have found the strength within themselves to aspire to attain.

    Seeing someone turn a corner and become better then they were the day before is rewarding- it is why I am in fitness, to see and facilitate others achieving their peakthis honor keeps me steadfast in my resolve in times where it would be much easier to quit!

    I would like to end my thoughts with a famous quote that I am sure you may know very well- it’s by Theodore Roosevelt:

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    Thank you Zach for being candid in your postings, not being afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve (big time f#ckin respct), genuinely giving a sh*t and paying forward more without ever asking for anything other then what you would expect of yourself- GREAT F#ckin’ example to follow brad’dah!

    Age Quod Agis

    – Christopher

  11. Zach,
    I feel you brotha! I’m reading this at night and its getting me amped up beacause family is everything (whether blood or people that have earned to be in the family) and just thinking about not being strong for them to be able to handle anything that come your way is your privilege!

    I remember it being about me and now it is US.

    Whether you like it or not training relates to life and if you are a lazy ass with no work ethic in the gym it carries over to life, and thats not going to help your family… step your game up!

  12. Brendan Ford says:

    Hi Zach
    A week before my son was born I destroyed my knee! I snapped the ACL and exploded the meniscus, multiple fractures in the knee socket and sprained my ankle for good measure . My Wife had her heart set on a home birth for our child so thru labor and birth I was there for her and dared not say a peep about my pain as it was proberly jack compared to her’s. She had no pain killers and I had to catch a baby in my lounge on one knee having had bugger all sleep beforehand. We just do what we have to do and don’t say a word. 8 months later my son is excellent and my wife is too. I am still getting over my injury and have been using your methods to heal myself before and after the operation. My ACL is as tight as a drum but my knee socket can’t take large impact and I am having to retrain myself in Website Design, PHP and MYSQL as I can’t go back to Shipbuilding.The above is smoking my brain but I have to do it for my family.

    “Don’t think like a victim
    and you won’t become a victim.”

    Train hard then go home to see your family it’s priceless.

    And the most important thing to remember is
    Dead Doctors don’t lie.

  13. Hey Zach,

    Awesome post !!! How true, as a man, husband, human, feel we need to be responsible for ourselves….even more for the care of our family. As we develop our strength of will working out, we grow, when we don’t give in to blowing off a workout, or rep, digging in even deeper, to finish, we Grow.

    Your post hopefully will wake up that very real human part in us all to be the best husband, father, wife, mother, human, we can possibly be and to…. Keep Going …. Keep Growing!!

    All the best to you and your family Zach.
    Btw, glad to hear your son is back home enjoying the warmth of family.


  14. zero_trooper says:

    Zach, great that your son is fine – I suppose that it’s a case of better safe than sorry.

    I have a wife and kids and your words resonated and hit in ALL the right places. I would consider myself a ‘normal’ family guy, living a ‘normal’ life with a ‘normal’ job. But it’s family that makes my life EXTRAORDINARY. It’s family that makes me want to be super strong, super fit, super healthy – both mentally and physically. When the challenges of family life come I’m there, I won’t waver, I’ll take whatever action is needed, make whatever decision is needed and accept responsibility for those actions and decisions.

    Zach – in the past you have been an inspiration to me. A bit gonzoid at times, but your massive heart – your most important muscle – is in the right place. Remember that comment I made about your ‘old school Van Halen’. Only a small comment, but you made the effort to reply personaly. It was then that I knew you were a ‘brudda’. Reading the above post I know that you are THE BRUDDA.

    best of health to all your family


  15. When I am underneath a barbell doing heavy high rep squats, when my mind is telling me to stop and my body is burning, there is not a great deal of things in life that can push you more physically or mentally than hard training. When you are faced with stressful situations, especially when your family are involved, you feel you can handle things better because of the strength you own.

    Great Post and all the best to you and your family.
    P.S I have my first child on the way in 4 months.

    Oli Martin – England

  16. Joe Chizek says:

    Damn Z!

    Glad it was nothing too serious. I have also had times when I need to be strong as hell to get through the bad. I’m not married, but believe in a strong family structure. Without it, people fall apart. In time I hope to find the role that you have. It just depends on what the lord wants for me. Anyway glad to hear you and the fam are fine. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Stay sronger than ever.

  17. Z-

    You speak the truth about NO excuses and how family comes first. One of my best reasons for waking up way too early to train everyday is so that if sh*t does hit the fan when I get to work or toward the end of the day, at least I have already lifted something heavy and my my is clear. I just don’t feel the same during the day unless I have pushed some physical/mental limits early in the morning.

    I appreciate that you mentioned “It’s time to represent your family.” Sometimes I forget, and shame on me, for how hard my family has worked to get to where they are and how I need to continue to work hard, be healthy, and never give up in order to represent them in the strongest, and most positive, light.

    I’m glad to hear that your son is now doing well and that the chaos you were experiencing is over. Thank you for sharing your stories. I can always take something away from them.


  18. Correction to comment: the second “my” in the second sentence should be “mind.”

  19. Raul Correa says:

    Thank you, Zach, thank you. Puts many things in a better perspective. Happy to hear your boy is doing well.

  20. Whew Zach!

    Glad to hear your little man is alright. I was nervouse there for a second.
    You hit the nailt right on man. In our culture of “sexy thighs and six pack abs” We lose sight of what’s really important. Back in the day, the fittest people didn’t seek perfect proportions or the V-cut. The sought strength. Pure Brute, raw, tackle-a-giant-with-one-hand strength. That’s how they became the ledgends they are.

    I’m off to lift some cinder blocks 😉


  21. Relief all round!!

    Such things can quickly refocus our lives,and show us what we really have.

  22. Nothing rocks your world like a child with a medical condition, especially when you aren’t sure how serious it is. You nailed it about family being what it is all about. As fathers, we have to be the one to set the example for our chidren, especially our sons. I heard it said once that our children may not listen to what we say ,but they never fail to do what we do! That makes me examine daily the kind of man I am being because that is the kind of man my son might become or that my daughter will seek out to marry.Keep Killin’ it Zach!

  23. Jeremy Miles says:


    Being a father of two young boys myself, I have been in your situation. A father has to be the family’s rock during certain situations. I know that physical strength does breed mental strength. I am so glad your little man is ok. Nothing is more stressful, when something happens to your children! Dads, your family needs you to be strong. Your kids look up to and want to be like you!

    Much love to all the fathers out there!!

    Sincerely, Jeremy Miles

  24. Justin Hall says:

    I am glad to hear your son is recovering. I think that at times like that you have no choice but to be strong for your family. They look to you and no matter what you are feeling inside you must show them strength and faith. I love my wife and kids, I love lifting, There for I love Life.
    Thanks for sharing your story

  25. Z

    Glad everything turned out ok with your son.

    It’ s become the great American excuse for not to do something I’M TOO BUSY (Train, Raise your Kids, You Name It) BULLSHIT yeah we all have stuff going on. SUCK IT UP, SHUT UP AND MAKE TIME.

    I’M TOO BUSY makes me crazy when I hear people say this. Lazy and don’t care thats all it is.

    Strength and Honor Joe

  26. I work in the industry, and have a son and daughter myself. You are right about having to transition your thinking from yourself, to thinking about others first (admittedly this wasn’t an issue for me even when I was married, before kids!). I actually get my drive, and strength to push harder from my children, as opposed to them preventing me from having the time to train. The reason is that, like yourself, I want to share the experience with them as they grow up(they are 2 and 4), as opposed to watching from the sidelines. I’ve become obsessive about this. At 39 I am fit (other than some tempermental hip joints), and feel that there is no reason that my training shouldn’t continue as I age. Heck, that’s what I’ve been preaching to my clients all these years! The long and short of it, is that I want to encourage, teach, and most importantly participate with my children in their fitness and strength training. The only way I can see this happening, is to train as hard and as long as possible myself. It’s a win-win. I stay strong and healthy, I set an example and a lifestyle as a parent, and I get to spend time with my kids who have become the most important thing in my life. If that doesn’t motivate you to train hard, nothing will.

  27. -Z- You hit the mark today. I’ve spent almost every day of the last two weeks in hospitals. I was half way across the country getting treatment for my wife while my Mother was having major back surgery. My Grandmother came to town to help take care of my Mother and three days later had a stroke and is now hospitalized.
    Pushing yourself through strenuous physical training prepares you for the unexpected stresses of life…that sometimes seem to pile up one on top of the other. If you fail to train, you train to fail. Period!

  28. Glad to hear everything turned out ok. Amazing post as always! Next time that happens, like Belton says just muay thai kick ’em in the head!

  29. Glad to hear little “E” is ok. Although I don’t have kids at the moment, if and when I have them I am hoping I can be as great a father and husband as you Zach! You are a true example of “pay it forward”. Thanks for the inspiration and all that you continue to do for the “world of strength”.

    Think Strong, Look Strong, and Be strong!

  30. z

    i’m happy to hear everything is ok!

    you can’t express that any better bro – strength is one of the keys that holds a person together. not just in the weight room or in sports, but in life!

    you can learn so many life lessons from pushing yourself through tough workouts. it makes you that much more stronger in ALL areas of life.

    people consistantly will ask me when i’m working out why i’m training so hard and for what. most people just dont get it. they don’t understand what hard work can do for you.

    its exactly situations like the one you just posted about zach that i train myself for. not specifically for that reason but i know that when a situation will arise i will have able to cope and stay strong myself. training like mad will help prepare me for situations if they do occur. I hope to god that they never do, but you must be prepared!

    at anytime there may be people that will be depending on me. if i am weak physically, mentally I will become weak as well. in those situation, you are the glue that holds things together so you must be strong.

    the solution – get strong and stay strong!

  31. Z, my man. Glad to hear your son is ok.

    I crashed my car yesterday with my 2 girls in it. (we are all ok, btw) Like you, I was calm about the whole thing, as the kids were ok. Everything else does not matter. And your advice and drive has driven me on, and you know this by now. So you are right.

    NO EXCUSES!!! Spend time with your family, teach them the clean way. And find time to work out. Always time for 70 press-ups in the house right?

    Z, Keep the faith. You are on the right path.

    Your friend


  32. Zach,
    Good to hear things are okay now. I know all to well what you went thru! I was one of those people that was unable to evacuate my family durring Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and we had to deal with it, plain and simple! It’s funny how all that crap we think is so important to us, ie (Material STUFF)gets forgotten when one of your own is in harms way!

  33. Rick "Kunoy" Rogers M.S. C.P.T. says:

    I’m so glad too hear your little man is alright,

    It is remarkably satisifing too hear that some one else out there feel the same way about training and our society as I do. I was a huge fan our your training methodologies before but now I am a complete devotee. This world needs more people like you, that come at training from a healthy real world mind set. Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us and hopefully reminding us why we do what we do.
    All the best, and you and yours are in my thoughts.

  34. Wow Z!!

    i’m glad the little gladiator is doin fine and you and the wifey are home and resting up. i love what you said and how you apply it to life principles. it doesn’t matter if your not competing in wrestling, football, or a strongman contest. Life is the toughest competition anyone WILL EVER face and if you can’t be strong in life your potential of success in any avenue is severely limited. Take care man and now go lift some heavy S*#t!!!


  35. I’m glad to hear that your son is ok Zach. I hope that he and your whole family stays healthy!

    As for hard work preparing you for life, I can’t agree more. I just tested for my green belt in Judo and to get it I had to complete 40 matches in a row. It was more than an hour of nonstop grappling! It was one of the hardest things i have ever done, but after completing it I have never felt better.

    Keep up the awesome work!


  36. Right on Z!

    I tell you this from experience. twice as a matter of fact.

    Its cool to visit the Doctors when things are going wrong. But it is your responsibility to take or not take the advice of doctors.

    We have to use our own judgements as well and get second opinions and not go into surgery or take this pil and that pill just because the doctor said.

    Remember that it is a business also.

    Some doctors operate, some prescibe pills and because thats what they went to school for.

    So keep taking care of that little munchkin of yours and show him how to get and stay healthy.

    Stay strong Z

  37. Taylor Lopes says:

    Hey Z I am glad to hear your “Little Beast” is doing good. With all the Bull**** aside nothing test your strength like dealing with a situation with family. I know people who can bench over 400 pounds but when it hits the fan they mentally break, when there courage is tested they fold, they become weak, sweaty and pale. (That’s when you know they workout at a SOFT Gym).

    It takes a true “Beast” to remain strong minded for their family. A man most know if they mentally break then there family will suffer. I have been in a lot of F***** up situations but after I had my daughter nothing measured up. I have had people pull guns, knives and other s*** but when my daughter (16 months) has faced illnesses that was when my Mental toughness was challenged.

    You hit it on the head when you said it is all about family. A lot of people forget that we where given strength to protect our families and to stand strong. People who make excuses to work out or the weak. Those who fold when there kids suffer because they are tired, hungry, or to busy, lost their strength long ago and they will play hell getting it back.

    For the Beast reading your articles and following your training they are the everyday soldiers who keep this world together. For the youngsters doing this at such a young age you guys kick a**. I promise you that that your hard work will reward you in many different ways. Keep it up!!!

    A man is judged by his success, strength, morals, and family. All the money in the world will never make you successful but if you can wake up every morning and look your self in the mirror and be thankful for who you are then you are succeeding and never stop the fight.

    With all that said Z I have expressed my thanks to you more then once through emails. Again all of us are successful because of you and your strength and dedication. You will never know the amount of life’s you have affected but you most look at your self and know that your Strength has made a difference in this WORLD.


    Taylor Lopes

  38. Great post Zach. Been almost 7 years since Nancy and I made a trip to the emergency room with our 11 month old – he didn’t survive, but thanks to faith in God and a rock solid marriage our family did. It was inspiration taken from that situation that finally got me off my fat butt and back into the gym. I figured if I didn’t do something quick I wouldn’t be around long enough to enjoy the rest of my kids. That was the ultimate wake up call that life is too short to be wasting it in front of the tv.

    Thanks for sharing the story Zach – it’s a good reminder why I’ll be up at 5:00am teaching my first bootcamp class to other dedicated people who are fighting to make a change. Sometimes people just need a swift kick in the tail to push them to greater things – I am more than happy to volunteer for that duty.

    Keep killin’ it man!


  39. DUDES!! U guys rock 4 the awesome comments!

    I want to reply to ALL of you and I read EVERY SINGLE comment.

    I am on a lil’ hiatus in a far off mountain area where internet access is super slow at best.

    Upon my return I will be cranking away again.

    The family is great and YOU guys are like family to me, no shit. I am one helluva lucky dude and I feel like after all these comments it’s kinda like we were all just chillin at the pub down the street talking about life after a few good brews.

    Peace My Bruddahs, and talk in a few!


  40. Hey Zach,
    First of all, I’m happy your son is all right. Second, being a firefighter/paramedic, I run on all types of people, some incredibly mentally and emotionally strong, at the worst of times. I hate to say it though, I cannot believe how weak some people are in every sense of the word, even ones with “strong” bodies, in my business, in my experiences, the weak outnumber the strong. This country needs to get back to strength training from day one. I’ve been doing “underground” training for about the last four or five months, its funny how going back and doing some gym lifts, how much stronger I am now. Like you said, just get out there and pick up something heavy.
    Train like a Real Man.

    Thank You for all the inspiration,

  41. Bro thank GOD your son is doing ok.
    You are correct about we have to be ready for anything we have to be strong in mind , spirit and physicaly. I try to be the same but when a doctor scares us bro, that’s the only person that break us down. Bro i competed body building for ten years i usedto do the same routine all of the time but since i started doing crosfit and undergroung bro my workout’s are 30-40 minutes instead of 4 hours and getting better results .

  42. Great………happy to hear that ur sons fine.and man are u right…to come through tough times we do need that awesome mental toughness which comes with the physical…..
    signing of……..

  43. Thank God your son and family are ok. I’ve been in a similar situation with my daughter and wouldn’t want to go through it again. But you never know what life is going to throw at you and you just have to dig in and deal with it.
    This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from the film Rocky Balboa:

    “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! ”

    Z you’re a winner and inspiration through your attitude, your enjoyment of life and training, your priorities in life – thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

  44. Zach, my goodness, you scared me when I first read your post about your son. I am so glad that everything is fine for him now. As you know, my big little boy is almost the same age as your son so as a father, I totaly understand what you have been threw.

    Yes we live in world of excuses. Everybody has excuses. I surely do sometimes too but thanks to you, you give me the strength to go forward. Plus I want my little boy to know that his father is a bad ass mofo in the gym! 😉

    Peace to you and your family, my friend and thanks for sharing.

  45. Walter Dorey says:


    Glad the little guy is alright!

    I agree with you 100%! A man has got to take care of himself if he is going to take care of his family.

    And a lot of times things happen at the worst time.

    I feel every man should be able to take care of everything in the house, repairs, auto work, kitchen duty, bathroom cleaning, etc. What do you do when the wife gets ill, maybe seriously for awhile? Let things pile up for her to do?

    All my friends used to say I would make a good wife someday, but when my wife got deathly ill and we had no insurance, I was working two jobs at just above mininum wage and would stay up with her at night and take care of all the household jobs. My friends would have been cryin’ the blues. We’ve been through some really tough times and yet we have an awesome marriage!

    No matter how bad things would get, I would STILL find time to train and tear it up. It helped keep me going.

    More than once I can say my training has kept me pushin’ on, both physically and mentaly.

    Even now I am making a comeback from a hard spill on my dirt bike which blew out my right shoulder. It’s taking months to get back but I am doing it and starting a new business at the same time.

    When the odds are against you or your family… that’s when you find out what you are made off.

    And it never hurts to test your self with your training…

    Thanks for sharing!


  46. glad the little dude is ok. kids can scare the shit outa yah. relax on the vacation. z lots of love from the 415 for you guys.
    trying to come see you in october.
    kill it z

  47. Yo man, not much else can be said. except isn’t it nice to know how many people care about you? It’s a beautiful thing to know that you’ve touched so many peoples lives whether in person or “just” over the web. Glad to see you taking a well deserved vacation with the folks that matter most … God bless you my brother!

    Keep risin to the top!

  48. good to hear the little guy is well. This brings to mind a saying i once heard.

    If you are hard on yourself, life will be easy on you.
    If you are easy on yourself, life will be hard on you.

  49. That honestly opened my eyes I mean I knew it kind of but I never really felt it this is going to push me to train to a higher level please keep motivating me Zach

    P.s I have a grappling competition in august please pray that I do well

  50. Im a Dad, I train, I compete in powerlifting, I play sports, I run sprints, I love and take care of my wife, son and daughter. I will be 38 this year. Nothing you have ever said has motivated me more. The words are deeply appreciated.

    Shut the fuck up and lift heavy shit!

  51. Great post coach! good to hear, that everything went fine in the end!

    have a great holiday!


  52. Fellas, as you can ALL see by our comments – we are our very own TRIBE. We live and breathe by the same principles, like a band of brothers, and we understand that strength is mental AND physical.

    Family is # 1, and WE ARE family right here.

    This is EXACXTLY what happens with my gym clients. They formed a brotherhood – it’s amazing what has become of them, and I am honored to be part of THIS brotherhood.

    Your support, words of wisdom, encouragement and faith are f**ing priceless and I am always beyond humbled and honored for you guys to lay it down as you do.

    Strength & Honor.



  53. Z,

    One thing that I know about strength training is that if I want to get strong and healthy, I have to put up with pain and hardship. It’s unavaoidable. What I know about life is that being weak and unhealthy is even harder than strength training. I know that I have to be strong and healthy.

    What I’ve learned from all of this is that, in life, hardship is unavoidable. Any attempts to make it eaiser than it should be by being lazy, weak, or inept only results in MAKING IT HARDER THAN IT HAS TO BE IN THE LONG RUN.

    I’m glad that your family is okay.


  54. This post is inspiring. It can be tough to keep up with the demands of family life and sometimes I wonder how much longer I can keep up this hectic pace. Then I come across a post like this and it gives me the inspiration I need to keep on going. I look forward to reading more posts like this one.

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