Zach & Dave Tate on Table Talk: Training Athletes for 20+ Years, Ups & Downs of Building the Business & LIFE Lessons through The IRON


It had been close to 20 years since I had seen Dave Tate. I believe the last time we were together was during a seminar at Joe DeFranco's or possibly a seminar in Pittsburgh that Dave organized and those were around the years of 2005 or so.

To say this trip was good for the soul would be an understatement.

Dave and EliteFTS changed my life. When I tore my ACL and went through rehab I began researching the web for the training of Russian Wrestlers. In my research, I came across EliteFTS and the Russian Conjugate Method.

This is a LONG conversation and Dave and I could have gone on for 4 more hours.

Make sure you visit EliteFTS and see what they offer from training products to online education and resources.

EliteFTS on YouTube 

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During my time in Ohio I got to meet up with my brother, Jim Wendler. Jim wrote the foreword to my new book which I am working on finishing up the design and getting it self published on Amazon. I promise this book will light a fire under your ass!

Jim and I chatted about training high school athletes, training our own kids, calisthenics, building culture in the weight room and everything in between! Trips like these are crucial if you're a Coach and men in general should get away from their normal schedule and take a trip.

These trips are good for the soul. I came home reinvigorated and inspired to push life and business to the next level. I had some truck troubles on the ol' 4Runner so it messed up my plans to train Saturday at The EliteFTS compound. After my truck was repaired and I grabbed some grub from Waffle House, I took a quick trip to visit my bro, Matt Wenning. I jumped in on a training session with his clients and shot a video for The Underground Strength Academy and hit the road back to NJ.

Going through the EliteFTS Compound was awe inspiring. The endless equipment they have was mind blowing and if you don't see something on their website, reach out to them and they likely have it. 

Until the next time, I look forward to seeing Dave and being at EliteFTS again. To go almost 20 years without seeing one another is unacceptable!

Live The Code 365,


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