Zach’s Strength Workout


Today, I feel like I have trained all day.

From the running of the hills with my daughter in her jogger, to a short yet powerful dumbbell workout in my backyard, to the unplanned full body work I did today at my Underground Strength Gymnasium.

Here's what I did today with my buddy Grif.

Grif warmed up with 2 sets of sled drags and then began squatting. I didn't plan on training but after his squats began the barbell forward lunge, so I decided to jump in.

We hit barbell forward lunges for 3 x 6 each leg.

next was a Kettlebell superset:

2A) double Kettlebell swings 2 x 6

2B) double Kettlebell cleans 2 x 6

I worked up to double 88 lb Kettlebellsย on my last superset.

After the Kettlebell work I hit one set on the sled and one set on the prowler.

People underestimate the power of unilateral leg work and Kettlebell training.

Unilateral leg training is awesome for lower body strength and adding muscle.

Kettlebell training is great for countless reasons, but for the superset I performed, we're working grip, hitting the lower back and hamstrings heavily and developing tremendous hip and lower body power.

After the sled and prowler work I finished with 100 reps of bodyweight pushing exercises broken down like so:

push ups x 50 in a row

rest 60 seconds

push ups on parallel handles x 25

followed by 15 dips and 10 push ups on the gymnastics rings

Before I went home I hit 4 sets of mixed grip pull ups for 10 reps each and a few sets of power wheel roll outs for 6 reps each.

What a day and what a workout!

Feels good to grind out some serious training!

Most days I am waaaaay too busy for these workouts, but I was lucky and got them in today! REALLY lucky!

Now its your turn!

Go get em'! Attack whatever you do!

In Strength,


P.S. - If you like seeing these workouts, I post all our workouts on The Underground Forum on an almost daily basis! Click HERE and get in on the action!

2 Responses

  1. You’re an inspiration, bro!
    Double 88’s, WOW!!!!
    That is rockin’!!!!

  2. Yeah Zach,

    You are the Man!!!!
    Double 88s
    That’s what inspiring by leading is all about.

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