5 STRONG Life Tips | Everyday Is a Struggle, But, The Struggle IS The Gift


The internet is a funny place.

People don't see your entire life so they generalize your life according to what they see on your Instagram or YouTube channel.

Well guess what, I feel like we are all more similar than we are different. Meaning, we ALL struggle.

But, some of us choose to push through the struggle and emerge victorious where others allow the struggle to win the battle and keep them down, be it emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.

I struggle everyday, but I find ways to trick myself. I find ways to put myself in favorable circumstances to carry me through the tough times.

Here's some of the things I do to get myself in favorable circumstances rather than getting pulled down, held down and ultimately giving up.

  1. Don't quit. The tough times are all temporary. Keep your problems locked in your back pocket. Don't announce them or post them on social media. You will attract naysayers who will only encourage being weak. Instead, You must Push through, put on a smile and know that you WILL emerge victorious. There's winning and learning, NOT losing. So regardless, you will be a winner.

2. Get around inspiring people. I often train right after I train the college wrestlers at Rutgers. My inspiration is high, I am already there in the weight room. So, instead of saying "I'll do this later, I get busy before my mind can come up with excuses. If you don't have inspiring people to be around, listen to The STRONG Life Podcast or watch some Rocky or Jocko, you'll be fired UP.

3. Invest In Yourself. With the internet people are getting very comfortable. Information is so convenient that I see people not taking action like I used to see. If it's not happening in their backyard then they come up with too many excuses that simply self sabotage themselves.

Especially in your younger years, before you have a family, take all your time and work your ass off. Invest in yourself. Attend events, network, learn, apply, LIVE!

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4. Train Daily. I'm basically the biggest A--hole if I don't train daily. And, while listening to a recent Jocko Podcast, he shared something he learned from one of his superiors when he was a younger SEAL, and it was something to the effect of, "There's not a lot of problems that calisthenics can't solve."

This was great to hear because sometimes we get so caught up in HOW we have to train that we ignore the training that is right in front of us, Bodyweight Training.

I have a set of rings in my garage but you can train in your office, the backyard or on some open grass or on a parking deck with NO equipment.

I recently did this and all I did was 2 exercises:

  • Explosive Push Ups (Do a push up and at the top, take one hand and touch the opposite knee, your abs get worked big time on these as well).
  • Alternate Forward, Reverse and Lateral Lunges

I did these in my office for a few rounds to reinvigorate myself mentally and physically. After 2 or 3 minutes of work I felt like a different person, energized and fired up.

5. Don't worry about what others are doing.

I used to do this all the time and it destroyed my attitude. Sure, coaches were copying my web sites and even my gym name but the complaining NEVER helped me. NEVER.

Ultimately, no one can be YOU, and, you can not be like someone else. So be yourself and be f--ing AWESOME.

Take that energy and put it towards action, creativity, positivity and all around actions that make the world a better place. Anytime I get caught up in comparing myself to others I quickly stop and take that energy towards helping others.

If you've got any STRONG Life Tips to add please post them below in the comments. Thanks for reading and keep OWNING your Life.

Live The Code 365,


PS: NO such thing as perfect. Just do your best, that's all we can do!

3 Responses

  1. Love it Zach. I am sitting in my office looking for an original bill of sale for a 1970 car I just sold a guy. It needs to be found because it is important to him and to me. It will be somewhere ‘safe’. I was just about to break something but read your post instead., So I will stay here until I SUCCEED!!!

  2. Zach…same as you but more old..i feel like a loser if i dont workout daily…even if just push uls and bodyweight squats …

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