How To Build Muscle – The Mindset



One of our wrestlers from The Underground Strength Gym just returned from a 28 day intensive wrestling camp. The infamous J Robinson Intensive Camp.

The wrestlers would be awoken at 3, 4 or 5 am and sent off on long distance runs. They trained all day and accountability was pushed BIG time.

Not ALL Wrestlers received their special t shirt at the end of the 28 days because you had to do ALL things correctly:

- Show up on time

- Put out intensity

- Complete written assignments

Some kids were late, others didn't do their written assignments, etc. Showing up doesn't guarantee success, but doing the right things consistently with high degrees of effort sure as heck does.

How do you build muscle? How do you get stronger? It's NOT just about training. It's about the mindset, a mindset that is different than others, empowering you to do the right things in ALL aspects of strength and muscle building. It's the lifestyle.

You can train as hard as you want but if you eat like crap, sleep like crap and don't have the mind - muscle connection there will be slow results and eventually your slow results will come to a halt.

A Navy SEAL I chat with told me how he was consulting with pro teams and although the athletes were physical specimens, he said.....

Watch the video and you'll see what I mean....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

"There are those that do

And those that don't

Those that will

And those that won't"

Live The Code



10 Responses

  1. Awesome! Nothing comes easy! At times it feels like it will never come, but all you can do is keep working for that inch. I have been making partnerships throughout my community with coaches. Yes that group that often wants nothing to do with us, and regardless of record feel they know enough to win. Yet seem to fall short every year, and then blame it on the heart of the athlete. There are a few that “Want to Win”. That hits me hard when I see a coach do just enough. At any level. I don’t expect an in your face wind bag, but have a desire to be better, and instead of belittling your athletes find/seek out the professionals to help you. It is OK to ask for help.
    Side note Big Z I passed the USA Weightlifing Level 1 cert with a 105%. Why give a percentage (not to brag). I tell people all the time, “Go that extra inch!” how would it look if I had an opportunity to go that extra inch and I said, “I passed I don’t need to spend an extra 15-20 minutes.” I was tired from driving there and back 2 hours each way the day before, and then driving back for the second day. I really wanted to hit the road before traffic got too crazy, but I knew that going that extra inch was what I had to do. Sure it took me an extra 20 minutes, traffic was crazy, and I was fading in and out all the way home, but I did what I had to do!
    Add up those inches and it is a difference between winning and losing!
    Live with No Regrets!

    1. Dustin Maynard says:

      Hey dude! Congrats, man! Way to kick ass and put the extra effort in!

  2. DW awesome, brotha!!! So psyched for you, your gym and this new Vision Quest you’re on, brotha, keep crushing it, my man!!!

  3. What were the written assignments about?

  4. If woman actually get upset bc of a word, then I feel they aren’t very focused on kickin’
    a**!!! Its about the message not a silly word!!

    1. Dustin, HOLY shyt I LOVE this style of training, ha ha!! MUCH respect, home boy!!

  5. This is 100% True, build a mental Grit that is untouchable and you can move mountains!! Nice Post, no BS.

  6. Dustin Maynard says:

    Zach! I loved this post! It’s the mindddddd…….set! People just don’t get it. It’s the mindset that separates the champions from the boys.

    Last Saturday, my bro-in-law showed up again. We tore it up for an hour! We took one 50lb dumbbell. Get this—We gave ourselves a 1 hr limit. I snatched for reps. He did a 1-arm dumbbell press for reps. As soon I finished a set, he would attack it and vice versa. After the 27th minute….personally I was really beginning to question my ability. How much longer could I continue? How much more pain could I endure? How much more strength i could put out. After 27 minutes of snatching a 50lb dumbbell—you will feeeeeel it! We both gunned through—to make it worse, the reps kept getting higher, sometimes we went from 10 reps to a 30 rep set (Hand to God), and those sets fried us, but we kept going.

    1 hr was done. We were dead even, matched each other rep for rep, pushed each other all the way. 260 reps per arm. I snatched. He pressed.

    Sore for 2 damn days. Do we do this on a daily basis? Hell no!But the question remains… Do you want to be a champion? Push yourself…in everything. The Mind Set.

    1. You guys are some crazy mofos.
      Same thing with the 1000 burpee-thing. Does it make sense. Hell – No! But it does make a whole lot of sense for your mindset to kick some serious ass after you completed some crazy stuff like that.

      My “little crazy thing of the week”:
      Went spearhunting for fish the other day. Me and my friend went as deep as 60ft to get us some dinner. If you ever snorkeled this deep you know how tiring this is. After I came home I almost couldn’t move my feet. The lack of oxygen combined with labor just kicks the living crap out of you.

      Instead of calling it a day I grabbed a coffee and hit a wod at local hill: hillsprints combined with some heavy stone-lifting. I still dont know how I managed to get home. hahaha

      Again – do I do this every day? Is it healthy? No, but sometimes it does help you a whole lot when the shit hits the fan.

  7. Sven that is awesome! I see dudes here spear fishing a lot! A kid I train caught a few flounder and a lobster!

    Being in the water and out in nature is awesome!

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