I have updated my YouTube for you BIG time.
LOTS of new exercises, QnA Videos and More.
Take this info and put it to use.
That's right, DO THE DAMN THING.
* High Performers are Work Horses. Action Takers.
They learn something and take FAST action while others dissect everything until it's too late.
* High performers take the obstacles and turn them into Opportunity.
What else do high performers do?
- - Invest in themselves. Coaching, Mentorships, Seminars, Consultations, etc High Performers are always trying to learn from leaders so they can skip the mistakes and move towards their goals faster and faster!
- - Take massive action + FAST action. Waiting for the perfect opportunity or waiting until you have the money is a waiting game that never ends. Imperfect action is much better than procrastination.
- - Implement Gratitude Journals, writing your goals, setting goals and then, ultimately, CRUSHING YOUR GOALS!!!
- - Maintain your Health as a priority. If you're not feeling energized, it's time to train more, sleep more and eat better. Dial in ALL things health and life gets better.
- - Exercise your Discipline in doing what NEEDS to be done vs only what you want to do / like to do.
- - Find a way vs finding an excuse. If you don't have the answer then you must find the answer.
- - BIGGER thinking. Thinking small holds you back and makes you "normal" aka average.
- - Keep a strong network. Stray away from excuse makers, naysayers and negative people. Find ways to attend events that allow you to connect with high performers.
- - Don't be a taker. Focus on giving and supporting others.
- - Fight resistance. I have found through the writing of Steven Pressfield and through experience, that the very thing I SHOULD be doing always comes with a high level of resistance. Fight that resistance and kick it's a**.
I can write more but I feel you don't need more.
You need to DO.
Do MORE and do what you want to do and need to.
Make it happen!
Live The Code 365,