I was in a bit of a rush Friday before clients were heading in to The Underground Strength Gym and I was finishing up some work on the Blog.
Not to worry, as I knew I could crank out some brutal work for myself with limited time.
Hey, 15 minutes sounds like nothing but when you're as insanely busy as I am, it works when you need it to work, and, you learn to cut out the crap and focus on the meat and potatoes.
Getting stronger in both the physical and mental state is what I TRULY love. Heavy weights challenge you, add a time limit to lifting heavy and now you've got a legit muscle building workout.
So, here's the short & intense workout I cranked at The Underground Strength Gym, where the heat was hovering slightly above 100 degrees thanks to the good ol' jersey humidity π
1A) DB snatch from the floor 4 x 5 reps each hand
1B) lateral jumps over flat bench 4 x 10
2A) weighted pull ups 4 x 5 reps
2B) handstand push ups 4 x 5 reps
On paper, this workout doesn't look like much, but give it a shot and I know you'll be feelin' it.
Don't fear going heavy, either. Rest periods between sets? WHAT rest? You dig?
I hit snatches with a 90 lb dumbbell and my pull ups were with 60 lbs of chains.
My Challenge To YOU: If you can come up with a kick arse 15 minute workout, show me by commenting on this Blog Post.
The BEST 15 minute workout will get a FREE Copy of Bodyweight Bodybuilding.
Post your workout in the comment section below.
Remember, this workout must be no longer than 15 minutes in length and something you actually DID - if you have video proof, even better and your chances of winning will likely increase as well π
-- Z --
94 Responses
The best 15 minute workout doesn’t even take 15 minutes and is the nastiest workout ever if done with intensity
I/We (my athletes) do countdowns 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Jump Squats and Plyo Pushups
10 Squat Jumps Followed by 10 Plyo Pushups, 10 sec rest and then 9/9 and so on…until you get to 5’s then there is no rest..great workout when short on time or great finisher
thanks for all you do
adam moss
james river high school
athletic development coach
Zach, I did this workout the other day and I am still feeling it!
a1. chins with knee up 3 x max reps
a2. sandbag should squat 3x 3 reps per shoulder each set
b1. jungle gym pushup 3 x max
b2. jungle gym recline rows 3 x max
pretty tough. my abs are trashed after this one!
Steve Mutziger
Brutha Z!!!
Here is a workout that hurt like hell that I did on 6/4/2008.
3 min snatch – alternating sides with 1 53lb KB (for 46 total)
Pushups as many as possible in 1 min w/o stopping – 40
Squat Progression – YSquats (20), Reverse Prisoner lunges (12 each side), Step up on bench (12 each side), Single leg Deadlifts (12 each side) and Single leg get-ups (12 each side) all just bodyweight (took about 6-7 mins
Double KB presses – 2 53’s for 20
Single Alternating KB swings for 2 mins – 1 53
Hanging Wipers as many as possible w/o stopping – 10
This took me 14 mins and kicked my ass!!!!!
Later for know,
James De Lara
Albuquerque, NM
1A- Farmers walk- 2 sets of 300 feet
2A- Tire flips- 2 sets of 5 flips
1B- walking lunge- 20 yards
2B- Sprint to where you started rest 30 seconds than sprint back to the weight and lunge back to the start
Around 10-15 minutes long depending on how much you throw up between the farmers walk/tire flip and the lunge/sprints. Have fun!!!
Similar to your workout, but kills me. As many rounds completed in 15 minutes of:
1A) pullups-max reps
1B) dips-max reps
1C) handstand push ups-max reps
Ok guys! If you’ve got the stones……find out what your true 10 rep max is on the deadlift or squat. THEN, DO twenty!
Yup, twenty and don’t let go till you’re done all of them. Take as long as you like. I do it when I’m short on time. Recently I was wondering what my current 10rep max is because when I was entering my dungeon I found myself knocking out a 20 rep set pretty good several times.
IT SHOULD NEVER BE PRETTY GOOD!! It’s a balls to the wall commitment that you’ll never be sorry you made. Here’s how it’s done; take your 10rep max and knock out 8-10 then things get tough. ON number 10 stand there get your breath knock out 2 or 3 more then, if necessary , bar to the floor and you on one knee , don’t let go of the bar if your deadlifting. *If squatting, DON’T RACK THE BAR! Get your breath back the squeeze out a couple few more, get your wind then a couple few more till I hit twenty .
At that point it’s over. You’re seeing stars that only WE know exist and an euphoria/high that is incomparable. Then walk away. You’re done for the day. It’s just that simple. (now you can take the duct tape off your balls)
Hey man, I definitely enjoy readin your stuff. Love it.
Today I just wrapped up:
6 reps x 4 sets of sandbag clean and press
30 seconds active recovery between sets working on the heavy bag.
alternating KB snatches to a 6 count, followed by 6 front squats, and then finished with 3 reps of overhead press, did this for three rounds.
wrapped up my workout doing knees to elbows for 15-12-9 (need to work on that one).
finished up within a 15 minute time frame, was staining my fence before and now headin to a BBQ.
15mn workout 1: circuit
– Kettlebell one hand swing (28kg): 5reps each hand
– Pullups using a triceps rope : 5~10reps
– Kettlebell snatch (28kg): 5 reps heach hand
– Pushups with the purple band around the back: 10 reps
– Kettlebell 1 hand overhead press (28kg): 5 reps each hand
4mn rest, then 2 more sets.
15mn workout 2: circuit
– grappler: 5~10 reps each arm
– kettlebell swing: 10 reps
– clean + press with a neutral grip (no beer keg;-)): as many as possible
4mn breack, 2 more sets
Hello Zach- Morgan from Ohio- I did this routine today in 15 min and 45 sec. at age 60. Limited rest circuit- Here goes-
3min KB swings 24 KG
265# pin bench x3
Hex Bar DL 405# x 3
35 Blast Strap Push ups- legs elevated 24″
16 Inverted Rows holding 2″ rope elevated 24″
10 elevated Sumo squats 105#
12 Incline chain presses 53# of chain 2″PVC handles
10 KB seated cleans L/R
10 1 leg pistol squats L/R Using TRX straps for balance
Zach- You set the circuit up ahead of time. You go from one exercise to the other. Swings for warm-up- BP/DL strength- push/pull and legs. I will usually exchange dips for pushups or chins/pull-ups for inverted rows. I will do this for 2-3 rounds if I have time- You get in great shape- every 3 wks. I tweak the workout. For outside training I do a circuit of Battling ropes,log c/p,sledgehammner, farmers walk-plyo jumps and Conan’s Wheel!
I am an Underground man- Workout hard or don’t workout!!!
Complete as many curcuits in 15 minutes of:
With a Kettlebell of choice (I use 24ks)
10 double Kettlebell clean&jerk
15 pullups
20 kbell swings
30 Bw squats
Great post Zach you are an inspiration to so many man, and your honest, straightforward, from the heart, No BS style is very appealing in a world full of hype, dogma and confusion, especially here on the net and in the fitness realm!Thanks for all you are an do bro!
That said, here is the 15 min ‘PlayOut’ (work out at the Park/Playground) my ladies did at Playground Fit Camp Friday (and later me on my own!)
As many rounds as possible in 15 min of this circuit/course
5 stations on a 100 yd field, a cone at every 20 yds for 100 yds total
Sprint to Cone 1, drop and do 10 pushups
Get right up and Sprint to Cone 2 and bend over, hands on ground and Bear walk 20 yds to cone 3
At cone 3 drop to ground, turn around and crab walk to cone 4
Stand up immediately and quickly and sprint to Cone 5 and do 10 explosive squats thrusting the hips and butt back as you explode the hands up and out (as if to ‘STOP’ an oncoming heavy obect!!)
After tenth explosive squat sprint right back to cone 1, take 45 secs to 1 min to catch your breath and Repeat (as many times as possible in 15 min)
Simple but not EASY and man was it a killer!
See ya at the Park/Playground!
15 min workout:
I. 5 min warm-up
II. Workout
Circuit 1:
3 min timed set (as many sets in 3 mins)
1a. Log bar clean and press x 5-8
1b. Pull-ups x 5-8 reps
Circuit 2:
7 min timed set (as many sets in 7 mins)
2a. Farmers walks-2 trips
2b. Prowler-2 trips
2c. Sledgehammer strikes on tire x 10 L/R
2d. Tire Flips x 3-5 flips
2e. Sandbag shouldering x 5 reps each side
felt like training outside so we did 2 circuits of this
50lb dball clean push press for 10
dbl kb 53s frt sqt 10
kb 2 hand swing 72 10
kb farmers walk 53s 120ft total
heavy sled drag frt and back 40 yds
prowler 40 yds down back push back top bar bearcrawl
Hello Zach aka (The monster)!
Here is my 15 minutes of hell!
as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
Burpees with 5kg weightvest x 5reps
Pull-ups with 5kg weightvest x 5reps
Finish with 5 minutes of sledge hammer swings
This workout sucked the life out of me, in a good way!!
Here is my 15 minute workout.
20 KB swings (24kg)
20 diagonal sledge hits (both sides, 10lb sledge)
3 x 50kg sand bag clean and jerk
2 x tractor tyre flips (unsure of weight)
200m car tyre sled sprint
Repeat 3 times.
hi, here’s my 15 min workout, some explosive training:
– 3Γ7 wrestler’s bridge;
– 3Γ7 pistol squats, each leg;
– 3Γ12 ab crunches;
– 3Γ12 jump squats;
– 3Γ7 pull-ups;
– 3Γ12 clap push-ups;
– 3Γ12 calf raises, each leg.
if there’s still time, then do a simple 3Γ7 dips & 3Γ7 chin-ups routine.
Please note, that I’m not doing full wrestlers bridge: once in bridge, I roll back and forth on my head, from the forehead to the back of my head.
This training sessions is 12 minutes long:
First 6 minutes (as many rounds as possible):
1). Pistols x 5/each leg (alternating)
2). 1 Handed Push Ups x 5/each leg
Second 6 minutes (as many rounds as possible):
1). KB Snatches (heavy) x 5/each side
2). Rope pull ups x 8
If you push yourself on this one(like you should on everything)it could be the training session you will love to hate!
Here’s a short bodyweight circuit I’ll use when pressed for time or if I don’t have any equipment around:
1A) T-Push Up x8-10 reps each side
1B) Bulgarian Split Squat x12-15 reps each
1C) Sprinter Sit Up x12-15 reps each side
1D) Burpees x 20
*Rest for 60 seconds and repeat sequence 3-4 times.
15 min workout:
* 1min Jump Rope
1A) BBClean and Press
1B) Close Grip PullUps with 2in thick rope
total 6 min
2A) Double Kettlebell Squats
2B) Double KB Swings
total 11min
Last 4min KB Snatch Test
2 kettlebells
push press squats 10 reps
kettlebell front squats 10 reps
kettlebell power pulls from the floor 10 reps
ring push-ups 10 reps
pull-ups 10 reps
hanging leg raises 10 reps
renegade rows 10 reps each arm
perform 3 rounds in 15 min.
my brother and i did this workout about a month ago, it is 4-5 sets and continuous no breaks
tire flips 12-15 reps
sledgehammer hit onto tire 10-15 each arm
full keg farmers walk x 20-40 ft
run 70-85 yards
then repeat,
This is the toughest short workout we do. We call it “Reverse Death.” (I hope I am not stealing anyone’s material here with this workout, I don’t think so but if I did it was unintentional.)
10 total sets.
2 exercises.
No rest between sets.
1st set – 10 Burpees/ 1 55lbs. KB Snatch per arm.
2nd set – 9 Burpees/ 2 55 lbs. KB Snatches per arm.
3rd set – 8 Burpees/ 3 55 lbs. KB Snatches per arm.
Continue the sequence for 10 sets.
This goes quick and gets the heart and lungs pumping!
Here’s mostly a power-endurance workout I did at a track yesterday:
1) Double DB snatches x 5
2) Double DB Push-Presses x 5 (use same weight as snatches)
3) Sprint 100 meters
4) Walk back to the start and repeat for 5 rounds
Time yourself and try to finish as fast as possible
SUPER SET (5 sets)
Burpee Pull-Ups with 20 lbs Weight Vest or Body Armor x10 reps (Use a pull up bar you have to jump to reach)
Deadlift 225 x 10 reps
– Sean Herlihy, C.S.C.S., USAF Pararescue Trainee
55 lb Dumbbell Snatches
20 (10 R/10 L), 18 (9 R/9 L), 16 (8 R/8 L), 14 (7 R/7 L), 12 (6 R/6 L), 10 (5 R/5 L), 8 (4 R/4 L), 6 (3 R/3 L), 4 (2 R/2 L), 2 (1 R/1 L). keep rest to a minimum. If you can do the workout in less than 15 minutes, increase weight the next workout.
this circuit i did 2 saturdays ago, it was at a park in ohio, we had the sled but the pull-up bar was 25 yards away from where we could use the sled.
sled rows 75 ft
run 25 yards
8-12 pull-ups
run back 25 yards
repeat for 3-4 sets, or just try to do as many sets in 15 min as u can. i’ve done this twice and i could only get 3 sets in
5 rounds for time of:
5 full squat snatches (power snatch if incapable of fss)75% BWT
5 box jumps 42″ (or highest allowable height for 5 reps)
5 muscle ups
15 1.5 pood KB swing
A1)Dips superset with Pull-Ups 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps on each, walking between stations for recovery.
B1)TRX Press-Ups 4×10
B2)TRX Inverted Pull-Ups 4×10
60s rest.
Heres is one I like. It is 2 min. of each exercise with one min rest between. Get as many reps as possible in each 2 min. cycle.
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
KB Snatch Right
KB Snatch Left
Total of 15 mins.
15 Minute Workout
+ Hand-2-Hand kettlebell swings (20 Kg) : 2 min. rep / 30 sec. rest / 2 sets
+ Renegade Kettlebell rows (reverse pyrimid 5-4-3-2-1) (16 Kg) : 1 min. / 30 sec. rest / 2 sets
+ Kettlebell split squat (24 Kg) : 5 reps / 3 sets
+ Kettlebell Clean & press (20 kg) : 5 reps each arm / 2 sets
+ Kettlebell Farmers walk (24 Kg) : 2-bells 50 feet / 15 sec. rest / 3 sets
Heres 1 i did in the gym lst friday & it wrecked me.
Superset – 5 sets of:
– 250m Row (Switch for 60sec of Burpees if no rower)
– Dumbbell Clean x 3reps (Heavy as possible)
* 60sec rest
Superset: 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2reps of
– L-Pullups
– Hanging Leg Raise
* Rest is literally dropping off the bar after a superset for a few seconds before jumping back up.
15mn workout( I finished in 16)
21 BB Thrusters w/135lbs BB
21 pullups w/ a DB of 20% bwt
15 BB Thrusters w/135lbs BB
15 pullup w/ a DB of 20% bwt
9 BB Thrusters w/135lbs BB
9 pullups w/ a DB of 20% bwt
This is a workout we do at Crossfit Boston!
A thruster is basically a front squat into a push press and be sure to get the head thru the arms not leaning back and bring shoulders up to the ears at the top of the o.h. press
2 Handed arm swing 60lb x 15 reps
spiderman walk with push ups for 10 yards.
Squat to Press 55lb x 15 reps
spiderman walk with push ups for 10 yards back
Push up with DB row 40lb x 10 reps
Bear Crawl 10 yds
Squat Jumps 15
Bear Crawl 10 yds back
Unlimited rounds for 15 mins
Bare Essentials Circuit, with a stopwatch
Repeat 3x:
Bodyweight squats – 1 minute
Pushup variation according to skill level – 30 seconds
Front plank – 30 seconds
Walking lunges w/ or w/o DB’s, KB’s or sandbags, (etc.) – 30 sec./leg
Mixed grip pullups – 30 seconds on the bar, no letting go
Choice of Mountain Climbers or Bear Walk 30 seconds
Rest 1 minute
3 Stations; 5 minutes each
Station #1
Medicine Ball throws- 10 side throws (each side) 10 over head, 10 Push Pass, 10 overhead slam pass {continue with each for 5 minutes}
Station #2
Walking lunges with sandbags- change up with zercher carry, over head carry, farmer carry. {5 minutes straight- BRUTAL}
Station #3
Kettle ball, dumbbell or sandbag
One arm clean and press 5 reps each hand {5 minutes straight}
Training Camp Video Highlight:
30 seconds burpees (w/ push up and jump squat)
30 seconds Dive Bomber push ups
Repeat for a total of 3 minutes with no rest in-between
Rest 45 seconds
Sandbag Complex 6 reps each
Clean and press
Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Bent over Rows
Shoulder and Squat 6 each side
Rest 1 minute
Repeat for 3 rounds
As much rope climbing as you can do in 3 minutes
Rest 45 seconds
Finish with 45 seconds farmers walk or until you drop.
start out with 25 jumping jacks, rest 30 seconds
-the rest of these go non stop
>25 squats holding a 15# with both hands and touching the floor with it
>8 pull ups
>25 prisoner squats
> 25 curls using resistance bands
>15 hop squats
> 12 burpees holding 5# dumbbells ( from a standing position, squat down, kick legs out, do a pushup, bring legs back in and stand up, press dumbbells overhead; that is 1 rep)
> 25 bycicles each side
>curls using resistance bands
>15 jack knife
> 15 hindu pushups
> 8 pull ups
> 25 crunches
> 30 pushups
> 15 squats
Here is a particularly nasty one I created and dubbed “Heavy Metal” because you swing around some heavy ass metal with this workout.
You operate on the Tabata work to rest ratio, so each movement is 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest.
Equipment –
A heavy KB or Dumbbell for snatches, but one you can still get good reps on. I used a 70# KB. Also you need a sledge and a tire, once again a heavier sledge, I used a 16 pounder. Also I recommend using a Gymboss if you have one, just makes Tabata’s so much easier.
The Workout – 7 rounds, Tabata Style of the following circuit.
Snatches Left Side
Sledge Strikes Right Side
Snatches Right Side
Sledge Strikes Left Side
So you’ll snatch on the left side for 20 seconds and rest for 10. Then Sledge strikes on the right side for 20, then rest for 10. Snatches right side for 20 seconds, 10 rest and finally Sledge strikes on the left side, rest for 10. That makes one round, do 7 rounds non stop. 28 total intervals, 14 minutes of workout, but I promise it will be agonizing. Enjoy!
Here’s my favourite 15 minute workout,
1 x 20 kb swings each hand (45lb kb)
1 x double kb front squat (2 x 45lb kb)
1 x 15 weighted pushups (have a training partner place a 45lb plate on your back)
1 x sand bag bent rows (110lb bag)
1 x 10 sand bag “stone lifts” (165lb bag) lift the bag like an atlas stone, complete reps without putting bag down
Finish with alternating 45lb kb squat and push press non stop until the 15 minutes is up. (alternate with the Dragan challenge if so desired.)
You will hurt, this will not be easy, you will love the results.
Train hard, fight easy.
Hey Z
I did not time this but it should be done in less than 15 min. I was short on time Friday so I hit the garage and grabbed a kettlebell and knocked out the following all x 10 reps and using the same kettlebell and of course not putting it down until the power push ups
KB Swings
KB Squat
KB Snatch
KB Clean
KB Press
KB Rows
Power Push Up
I thought my heart was going to explode by the time I was done!
15 Minute Brute Strength Workout
1A) DB Snatch x 6
1B) DB Reverse Lunges x 6
1C) DB Military Press x 6
1D) DB Row x 6
Hey Zach!
It`s great to be back, you probably don`t remember me but i`m one of your “international students” the Chilean Guy from Guatemala, anyway despite going through personal hell and back, i believe you`ll be pleased to read that`i`m stronger than ever both physically and mentally, i may have kept “silent” but i never left the underground. I started training people again and thanks to a friend i opened a combat training program at a local gym. anyway here`s our 15 minute nightmare”:
This is a 3 round circuit, each exercise is performed for 30 secs. then you move to the next station no rest in between ecercises except for the 1 minute rest between rounds.
Exercise 1: resistance Bands: either front presses w/both hands or alternating in a punching motion.
Exercise 2: Medicine ball throws
Exercise 3: Jump rope
Exercise 4: FreestyleGround and pound drill with heavy bag on the floor. (punches, elbows knees from the side or n/s position, slams)
Exercise 5: Pummel drill.
Exercise 6: Hindu Squats.
We finish up with dinamic tensio n exercises, Charles Atlas style.
God bless you Zach, you are a powerful source of inspiration in my life, God bless your family and congratulations though late on being a dad for the 2nd time
Nestor Ahumada,
Guatemala city, Guatemala
2 min speed jump rope
20 pull ups
2 min speed jump rope
20 dips
2 min speed jump rope
20 hand stand push ups
2 min speed jump rope
5 body weight squats
20 yard sprint
5 body weight squats
20 yard sprint
5 body weight squats
20 yard sprint
5 body weight squats
20 yard sprint
5 body weight squats
20 yard sprint
All done for time
burpess+clean/sqt/jerk with 2 70ibs KBs are killers. So, you do a full push up on the KBs and then when you jump with your legs to the outside of the KBs, clean them, then do a front squat and finish with a jerk. Breathe and Repat. Anyone who can get 50 reps in 12 minutes is a BEAST.
Hi Zach,
I’m 49 and still trying to ‘bring it’… here is a killer short workout I do in my tiny basement gym – focus is on compount movements.
1A) Trap Bar Deadlift (2″ handles for grip work)
1B) NeutralGrip Chns to Failure (then 2 negatives)
1C) Sandbag Clean & Press (through legs for max muscle involvement)
1D) 2″ Rope Climb/hang
* 15′ Rope in 8′ Room… hangs from power rack… I can’t yet climb it so I start w butt on ground, feet against power rack, lay backand and hand-over-hand up, then negative down… until I can climb it.
3x in 15 mins kills… more time = more sets.
I also borrow 1/2 a barn from a nearby farmer and have a private underground gym w 60′ strip of carpet. Here is that workout… it’s a puker.
1A) Tire Flips to failure (approx 400lb tire)
1B) Tire Sledge – about 25 (heart rate!)
1C) Backwards Sled Drag – 120′ (quad burner)
1D) Zercher sandbag carry – 240’
if my chest hasn’t exploded yet…
1E) Plyo box jumps
Regain consciousness and repeat!
3 Rounds of this and my heart rate is in the danger zone! Keep a bucket nearby.
Great posts
Used 100# Barbell for the following:
HYBRID (performed 1 rep of each exercise x 7 “reps”)
Bent Row to Power Clean to Overhead Press to Overhead Squat
Rest 30-45 Seconds
COMPLEX (performed 7 reps of each exercise before moving to next one)
Hang Clean
Push Press
Good Morning
Rest 30-45 Seconds & Repeat 4 total sets
Try this and grow if you survive!
2 sets breathing squats (supersetting with breathing pullovers)(resistance as required)
breathing squats 10 breaths for each rep between 1-10 reps. 5 breaths for each rep between 11-15 reps, 3 breaths for each rep between 16-20
NO REST breathing pullovers SUPERSETTED (as above)
2 sets sternum-pull-ups.
(You basically use a shoulder width underhand grip and pull your body up in the same way as a pull-up. However at the last moment, the lower part of the chest is thrust upwards to touch the bar and held for a squeeze. (I started freestyle and worked up to 35kg resistance in six weeks)
2 sets handstand push ups (to failure)
2 sets pec dips (TO FAILURE)
(with heavy waist chain RESISTANCE) {50 kg}
I like to keep my workouts short anyway. This week I am more on a conditioning mood so I give you my last 3 workouts. Only today’s workout took a little bit longer than 20 minutes but I wanted to mention it anyway. Maybe somebody gets an idea from it.
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
1 flip-clean-squat
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
2 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
3 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
4 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
5 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
6 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
7 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
8 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
9 flip-clean-squats
– 10 hindu squats and Kettlebell 2-Hand Swing 24kgx10
10 flip-clean-squats
finish with 50 hindu pushups on the ppu handles
did the same workout by adding the hindu pushups after the flip-clean-squats (same reps) with the exception of the last set when I went for near max reps.
After that I did some 5 minutes of 1 arm clean and press and overhead squat, changing sides every rep but than it took 20 minutes.(so without these you can get the workout done in 15 minutes).
today was also quite simple although I have to admit slightly longer, took me about 17- 18 minutes so honestly it is out of the game, something to work towards:
10 rounds of:
– 10 hindu squats
– 10 left arm swings
– 10 hindu squats
– 10 right arm swings
after that:
– 10 x 10 hindu pushups (ppu handles)
(I wanted to get it done in 15 minutes but like said I failed, so I did add the next section also for a cool down:
finish with:
– 30 sec. front bridge
– 10 double kb shrugs
– 30 secs. back bridge
– 10 double kb shrugs
1A. Barbell Clean and Press @ 80-85% of 1 rep max: 2x max reps OR 4-8 reps
1B. Squats. 70-80% of 1 rep max: 2x max reps. go all the way down ass to the grass. can range from anywhere from 10 to 30 reps. (can substitute with powerlifting squats)
optional rest
2A. Barbell Bent Over Rows: 3×5-8 (use heavy weight that will make you fail within that rep range.)
2B. Plyo Push Ups: 3x max reps
optional rest
3. Big 4: 100 yard all out sprint, 100 yard back pedal in a good athletic stance (butt down chest high and looking forward), 100 yard bear crawl (dont let ur knee touch the ground), and end with 100 yards of an all out sprint.
if the Big 4 is too easy then wear a weighted vest or drag a sled behind you.
my brother and i did this 2 weeks ago, the pull up barwas 25 yards away from where we could use the sled so i improvised
sled rows x 75 ft
run 25 yards
pull-ups 8-12
run 25 yards
repeat 2-3 more times non stop
my brother and i did this 4 weeks ago in 15 minutes
tire flips 10-15 reps
sledgehammer hits onto tire 10-15 each arm
run 70 yards
then repeat 3-4 times, continuous non stop
circuit 2 for the one in crazy good shape
tire flip 10-15 reps
sledgehammer 10-15 each arm
farmers walk with full keg 20-30 yards
run 70 yards
repeat 3-4 times continuous non stop
15 min workout
need two chairs, ball, one full – weight lifting bar
Round 1
25 push ups – using two chairs & placing hands on both of them doing push between them
25 burpees
25 crunches on ball
25 push ups – one chair placing both feet on chair, placing hands on group & doing push ups
25 dips using two chairs
do as many pull up lying on back & placing weight lifting bar between chairs
Do at least three to four rounds if you can within 15 minutes. Goodd Luck
Hey Zach, try this
Sumo squat and shuffle with 10lbs 1min
1leg burpee 20 reps ea leg
Push up walk out combo( you can use a ab wheel if you wish)x10
Bent over db rows, bent over reverse flys
Repeat 2x
100yd walking lunge carrying heavy sandbag
sprint 50yds
50 burpees
sprint 50 yds
100 sledgehammer hits on tire
sprint 100 yds
this is timed
heres 2 short killer workouts i really enjoy
1st :
10KB Swing
1 burpee
10KB Swing
2 burpee
10KB Swing
3 burpee
10KB Swing
4 burpee
10KB Swing
5 burpee
10KB Swing
6 burpee
10KB Swing
7 burpee
10KB Swing
8 burpee
10KB Swing
9 burpee
10KB Swing
10 burpee
so you do 100 KB swing and 50 burpees in less than 5 mins
i personnaly do it with a 20lbs vest on and a 53lbs KB
my goal is to do it under 4 mins… i’m at 4:35 now
try it and give me feedbacks if you have time
2nd :
Do 12 differents handstands for 45 secs with 15 secs break in between
exemples of handstands variantions :
-chest 2 wall
-no wall
-walking with wall
-going side to side on wall
-close grip (fingers in a triangle)
-wide grip (fingers pointing 2 the side)
-inner grip (fingers pointing each others)
-push ups
-wide grip hold down (head 2 inch off the floor)
-candle (close grip and elbows on the floor)
-on hand on medecine ball
-two hands on medecine ball
-one hand
-one hand on medecine ball (still working on it !!)
-head stand (hold on your head without hands)
This one will make my arms as strongs as my legs…
Keep posting your emails on your blog im a big fan of it
Keep training hard
P.S. Thx to everybody who posted workous on reply to this post… i’ll try a lot of them
I’ve gone “back to basics” lately and it’s been a real help in breaking through a plateau. The routine is very basic, but it still kicks my keister!
SS1: A) Deadlift with Clean & Press 4×8 (no rest)
B) Walking Lunges 4×10 (no rest)
1 min rest between super sets.
SS2: A) Renegade Rows in full plank position 4×10 (no rest)
B) One arm Dumbbell snatches 4×10 (no rest)
I blast through these with little to no rest for a quick, uber-sweaty, full body workout.
15min of rss (resistence strength & stretch )aka the flow did this with some pro athletes and they died no one finished, also tried this w/ a 900 lbs bencher who was not afforded the dignity of passing out he tapped in under 8 min- would gladly show this to your faithfull ,will be @ skibas gym soon raymond thx
Here is my 15 minute workout:
One circuit, try and get through as many times as you can in 15 minutes. All exercises are performed with a 20lb vest on.
1. Spiderman Push ups (feet elevated on a bench)
2. Squat Jumps on a Bench
3. Chin ups
4. Wrist to Knee Sit ups
5. Kettle Bell 2 Arm Swings (I used 24kg)
PS. I got through 4 complete circuits and got to 3 pull ups before 15 minutes was up. The vest makes a huge difference.
San Diego, CA
Hey Zach!
About 2 weeks ago I completed the most memory scarring workout of my life. I was short on time so I decided to just combime everything I planned to do into about 10-15 min. This is the circuit I completed 3x
Prowler push PLUS sled pull at the same time(50lb weight)I’m not sure on the distane…clear across an acre..
5x (300lb) tire flip
100ft rope pull(25lb weight on the sled attached to the end of my 100ft rope and pulled it to me)
12 push ups with feet on tire….I may have only wimpered through 10 push ups the second time around….
I have not done this since. I need a little time for memory to fade a little(I do love the vintage look!) Thanks! Kirsten
This is my 15 min workout for the garage warrior.
a) 80lb. Sand Bag burpee to Clean & Press 3x max
b) 80lb. Sand Bag burpee to Snatch 3x max
a) Hindu Squats 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
b) Push-Ups 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
True MAX reps on the sand bag work. Don’t half arse it to save yourself for sets 2 & 3.
Hindu Squats 50 then alt. push-ups 10, squat 40 push-up 20 etc.
Matt Holder M.S. C.S.C.S.
Private Strength Coach
Nashville, TN
ok zack;
here is mine…..
1min- jumping jacks (or jump rope or jogging in place)
30 sec- rest
1min- alternating leg dynamic lunges (start with feet together, put left foot forward, lunge push off left foot back to start and then right leg )
30 sec-rest
1 min- repeat lunges
30 sec- rest
1min- dumbbell military press( with 5-8lbs)
1min- jumping jacks(see above)
30 sec- rest
1min- push ups ( pause during the set if you have to, but only for a few seconds)
1min crunches
30 sec rest
1 min tubing rows or pull downs (rows and pulldowns can be performed seated or standing or while sitting on a stability ball
1min jumping jacks
(if no rest is indicated then no rest is taken)
as many rounds in 15 minutes of the following circuit
5 double kb cleans into front squat 24kg
bear crawl 25 meters
5 picnic table double jumps. ( jump onto the bench then the table and back down)
crab walk 25 meters
5 double kb snatches
bear crawl 25 meters
5 rope pullups
long jump 25m ( multiple long jumps one after the other)
The first round was fun
the second wasnt
3rd sucked
4th was hell
5th well I wish I was that good!
Here’s a work out I did after I put my Muay Thai class through it as a quick cardio routine. This was highly inspired by Ross Enamait.
Round 1 (3 mins)-Every movement done with maximum intensity as if in a fight.
30 sec of Jump Squats
30 sec of Mountain Climbers (done as explosively as possible w/ 5lb db)
30 sec of Jump Squats
30 sec of Burpees
30 sec of Jump Squats
30 sec of Mountain Climbers (w/5lb db)
rest 45 sec
Round 2 and Round 3…repeating the above mentioned except substitute Mountain Climbers with Wall Jumps. This is an old boxing drill where you stand facing a wall and you jump about 6 inches off the ground and touch the wall everytime with your finger tips. You must keep your arms up the entire time as you do this, and never let your heels touch. Jump as many times in 30 secs as you can.
Do this for 3 rounds and you have yourself a quick workout that took you less than 11 mins to complete.
i did this in my room i used a pull up bar a towel and 2 53 lb akc kettlebells
its a circuit it took two short breaks and i got it on film so i had to move the camera around alot but the whole thing took under 15min
l-seat -20 count
handstand pushups-10
pullups 10
isometric hold at top of pullup 20 count
seesaw press 6 left and right
overhead situps/ 2, 53 lb kettlebells
russian twist 6 /1, 53 lb kettlebell
gymnast planche as long as i can hold it
pistols-5 each side
towel pullups 8
isometric hold at the top of pullup 20 count
l-seat-20 count
handstand pushups-10
isometric hold at top of pullup
pistols 5 each side
seesaw press 6 left and right
over head situps 4/ 2, 53 lb kettlebells
russian twist 7
gymnast planche hold as long as you can
i will post the video when i upload it but its very bad quality it was done in my room.
1. Barbell Clean to front squat to push press (talk about a kick ass movement) 3 sets of 5 w/ minimal rest
2a. Heavy Dips 3 sets max reps
2b. Plank 3 sets max time
3. Sled Dragging
This workout is not only quick but it hits your whole body HARD! I love the clean-front squat-push press. It truly works your whole body.
Bulgarian Triple Threat Superset
3-5 sets of 10
Deadlift of Powerclean
3-5 sets of 10
Bench Press
3-5 sets of 10
How ever many sets you have time for. No time to rest between sets. Average strength can start with 135 then progress to 185 and 225. Simple yet brutal.
Hey there Zach,
Here’s a workout that will kick your whole body into high gear.
Using two dumbbells ( I currently use 50s) do alternating squats. Immediately,followed by alternating jumping lunges. Immediately go to the chin-up bar and crank out either one arm or alternating one arm chins, then drop to one arm (feet elevated) pushups.Repeat the pushups and chins (using various hand positions each time lazy). When you feel about to drop…do some deep breathing exercises..like the saying goes…It makes a weak person strong! Then repeat. A suggestion is use a weight vest for the pushups and chins.
You want to be able to complete at least 5 reps.
To finish do as many burpees (with pushups) as possible.
For those twisted sorts wanting a challenge do one arm – one leg burpees. Finish by drinking a tall glass of chocolate milk…you earned it!
Hope you like this workout. Would like to hear your feedback.
Remember: To be the best you have to give your best!!!
Ok heres a quick effective one that you can make for all levels I did it this morning. The reason I liked it is because it was not super crazy I really wanted to his some interval cardio with a little lower and upper body and took a little less than 15 mins.
1A) Weighted Jump Rope intervals using the Tabata Protocol
No rest after you finish
1B) 75lbs Sandbag Walking Zercher Lunges 20 reps
2B) Pull ups on tree(underhand) 15 reps
Rest 60 sec and repeat 3 more times and switch hand position on pull ups.
-Matt Holmes
Body Synergy
THE absolute toughest workout for me was 335# full squat Dr. Ken style followed ( sometimes ) with 315# stiff leg deads x 15 Reps. If you can do something else effectively after that you didn’t work!
5 stations, 10 reps on each station, for 5 sets= 50 reps. of each exercise.
1. tire flip
2. 2 handed KB swing
3. 25lb. med. ball squat and toss above head as hard as you can
4. box or vertical jumps
5. sledghammer swings, 10 each arm.
We usually do 10 sets, but since you were asking for a 15 min. workout, I cut it to 5.
Here is one of our MMA warmups:
Set a timer for 10 min.
perform 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 bodyweight squats continuously with no rest for the entire 10 min.
Underground strength addict, love this shit.
Firefighter Strength
Firefightng, like life, is very unpredictable. A firefighter’s strength and conditioning is not only important to help someone else, but also for their own survival. Here is a short workout to improve the physical devolopment of today’s firefighter.
Wearing full turnout gear (with SCBA or weighted vest/backpack)
Circuit:(2 Rounds)45 seconds work, 15 second rest, Rest 1 minute between circuits.
Pull ups (Surival Ops)
Step ups with Sandbag Shoulder (High rise Ops)
Sledgehammer tire hits (Ventilation Ops)
KB Swings (Pike Pole Ops)
Sled Drag (Hose/Victim Drag)
Bear crawl Sandbag push (Rescue Ops)
Rest 1 minute
Farmer’s walk for 1 minute (Tool carry)
Train hard!
Setup: Stations are 40 yards apart
Station A
Car tire
3 connected bands attached to a pole (for band runs)
24 inch box
Station B
2 70lb kettlebells
100 lb sandbag or grain/feed bag.
Start at station A. Grab the tire and throw it over your head in the direction of Station B. Turn and sprint to the tire, and throw it again. Repeat until you have gone the forty yards to station B. Once you reach station B, pick up the kettle bells and do a farmer’s walk back to station A. Place the band around your waist and complete 25 band runs. Grab the kettlebells again and do another farmer’s walk to Station B. Drop the kettle bells and pick up the sandbag/feedbag and do clean and toss back to station A. Then complete 25 box jumps. Throw up, pass out
Squat’s 70kg 2x 15reps
+ = (superset work none stop)
Mixed Grip weighted pull-up’s 3x 6reps (use ankle weights keep these on troughout 15min workout)
Kettlebell(20kg-24kg) Swing to SingleSnatch 2x 5rep work left & right hands
Weighted (10kg) Dips 2x 6reps
Plyo knee tucks 1x10reps
This whole cycle must be done nonstop Enjoy the pain!!! π
there is some great stuff already posted here, but here is some stuff we have been doing at the fire department. we usually adjust weights for different strength levels, but we always try to keep the intensity level high.
circuit the following for 3 to 5 rounds, or set a timer to try and get max rounds in 10 or 15 minutes:
1) Kettlebell swings x20 (10 two-hand, 5 right, 5 left)
2) KB combo move x5 per side: Turkish Get-up +swing +clean&press +snatch +squat
3) Box Jumps x10 (20-24 inch box or onto flat bench)
4) DB Bicep curl to overhead press x10
5) Pullups x5
2 min sledge hammer left shoulder down
30 secs K2E
2 min sledge hammer right shoulder down
15 sec or 20 pushups
3 min tire flips
15 sec or 10 Pull ups
1 min vehicle push
1 min hindu squats/knuckle draggers
1 min tire sled pulls
30 secs floor wipers w/ 135 lbs barbell
4 min 1/2 mile sprint
Hello Zach..My fifteen minutes of fame is really simple after a little warm up I use a complex of KB movements.High Pullx6r,swingsx6r,squatplus pressx6r,thrustersx6r,rowsx6r after that I do abs and low back for 50r each..pretty simple yet very effective..I do 6r then the next exercise without stopping then cont to next movmnt.1 set equals all exercises for a total body slam of 30r..Keep increasing wt or reps on next workout..Great for conditioning and strength..Hope you like it.
sandbag mile
sanbag load=BW
distance 1 mile
you may have to start with lower than BW load to begin, but should improve upon time and increase load as time improves(ex. 100# in 13:30, 125# in 13:30, 150#in 14:00- stay at 150 til time inproves then increase to 175, or in whatever increment you wish) try it and see if you like it. here in South Carolina we are at heat indexes of 105 degrees so this is a beast in the heat of the day. Plus all of the joggers going at a snails pace are being lapped by guys with huge sanbags on their shoulders,zercher style,bear hug style,etc
Hope Iβm not too late. Given the fact that there are a BUNCH of impressive workouts here, I wouldnβt consider mine the βbestβ by a long shot, but here goes.
1 arm swings 10 each arm
Burpees 10
Do 4x, minimal rest
Weighted pushups between chairs or on rings 10-15
Pullups 6-8
Do 4x, minimal rest
Ab wheel 6-8
V ups 10
Pick and 3 finishers:
Sandbag shouldering
Sledge swings
Farmers walk or sand bag carry
Hi. I’m Dominick and 67 years old. Here my workout titled
Circuit 1.
try doing this circuit: no rest between exercises
195 lbs overhead squat x 5
345 lbs deadlift x 5
195 lbs hang clean x 5
195 lbs push press x 5
repeat as many times as possible in 15 min. (4 is good)
Here is a brutal 15 min workout for the legs & shoulders. I infact do this as my leg & shoulder routine
Using a 40lb DB & without rest during rounds. You should rest 2 minutes between rounds:
15 Sumo deadlift high pulls, left arm
15 Squat front lateral swings, right arm
15 Turkish get-ups, left arm
15 Snatches, right arm
15 Overhead squats, left arm
Rest 2 min
Round 2
15 Sumo deadlift high pulls, right arm
15 Squat front lateral swings, left arm
15 Turkish get-ups, right arm
15 Snatches, left arm
15 Overhead squats, right
This workout is a killa:
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.Try to go through the circuit without any rest, then rest as needed between rounds. Use common sense: safety first.
A)Bench press with 225 pounds x5
B)Pull-up with 225 pounds x5(add extra weight if you weigh less)
C)Dips with 225 pounds x5(add extra weight if you weigh less)
D)Deadlift with 225 pounds x5
Ha, ha Adam at the top – I was going to write the same thing- nasty love that!
maybe this kicks my ass because I’m not as strong as you or other guys but well
a)dips 3xmax (wtd if short on time)
b)pullups 3xmax (wtd if short on time)
a)sandbag clean and push press from the ground 5×8
b)sled dragging x 5x one minute at max speed
3 rounds of the following
BB high pulls x 5
weighted dips x10
prowler push 2 x 30 meteres
simple but effective
Performed as a circuit 3X 40/20 timed
1. Ring pushups
2. Box jumps
3. Battling ropes(waves, jump jacks,circles..15 secs each)
4. Kb swings
5. 135lb BB DL/burpees
1a. kb squat with an overhead press
1b. inverted rows with rings
1c. decline push up..feet on stabilty ball or other unstable enviroment
4 rounds 8-12 reps
for warm up did some smr with foam roller 1 min jump rope, 1 min rope battle, 8 tire flips
Well, I love brutal, yet short workouts. I have a few that are my old standby’s, but here is one that is really killer…
Handstand pushups-3 x max
Weighted pushups-descending reps-15,14…
Finish off with “highspeed burpees” (with pushups till you hit
max and then continue without the pushups) for the rest of the
workout, and if you need to rest, it had better be damn short.
Set the gymboss (or other timer) to a 40/20 split.
1a) Kettlebell Double Snatch (53lbers)
1b) Ring Dips
– do three sets of each hitting as many reps as you can, rest a minute (7 minutes)
2a) Kettlbell Thrusters (53lbers)
2b) L-Sit Pullup
– do another three sets and rest one minute (7 minutes)
For the last minute bang out as many burpees as you can.
Conditioning Work, hit the good ole 20/10 tabatas for 15 minutes alternating between: Double KB Snatch (35s)/ Weighted Rope /Burpees
A favorite from John Hinds:
5 minutes of 15/15 Double Clean and Press w/53s (shoot for 50 reps)
5 minutes of 15/15 w/ Two handed swing and Hindu Squat (or box Jump)
5 minutes of 15/15 power wheel crawls.
Possibilities are as endless as your imagination.
This has killed me – but gonna keep up with it. The results sound worth the sweat (and tears almost!), won’t ever have the excuse that I’ve only got 15 minutes free again.
I hit this in my backyard, aka the “WarZone” with one of my buddies. Perfect weekend workout:
BB squat clean–>oh press 4×5 @ 165lbs.
Rope climb 4 x 1
dips 4 x 12
Axe chops (firewood) x 30sec.
army crawl x 20yds
backwards bear crawl x 20 yds.
push-ups x 20
2 rnds
I’m a firm believer that short, intense training sessions jack up your training and life mentality. Gotta get it done, no matter what!!
At crossfit they call this Cindy
As many round as possible in 15 minutes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
for 4-5min without rest..
1)5-7 rep barbell clean and push press [OR] dead lift and upright row
2)6 squats and dumbell press [OR] jumping dumbell lundge
3)6 Snatch [OR] KB swings
FOR 9-10 min…
30 sec- weighted pull ups/ leg straight pull ups
30 sec- one arm burpees
30 sec-push ups against wall/ 360 rolling clap push ups
50 sec rest
REPEAT THE ABOVE 2.3min workout for 4 times to make it a 9min workout