As much as I LOVE bodyweight training I still use the deadlift and the squat in some form of another with added weight. When I bail on deadlifts and squats my legs get WEAK, and as a man, I have NO room for weakness.
The squats and deads help me run faster and jump higher. Running is NOT my forte so anything that helps with my runs is a plus in my book.
Even if you don't squat or deadlift till your eye balls pop out of your head, that's fine, the main thing is that you do "The Thing".
In Pavel's Power to The People, you are deadlifting on an almost daily basis but with a "tamed intensity" if you will, DEFINITELY book you should be checking out, click HERE for this must have book.
In a nut shell, let's close this bad boy out:
- Use the squat or deadlift 1 x week or more. Your frequency of use depends on your intensity, personal physical / emotional effects from these lifts, etc
- Perform jumps of ANY type at least 2 x week. Broad jumps, vertical jumps, box jumps, squat and lunge jumps, etc. To take your jumps to the next level use the power jumper
QOD (Question of the Day): Without talking about lifting or training, what do you think are "2 things every man should do"? This oughtta get interesting. Drop your comments below. Looking forward to reading these!
PS: I'm working on a new bodyweight training course, looks like we'll be ready to open the doors around the first week of August. Make sure you are signed up for updates and members of The Underground Inner Circle will get in FIRST.
Might as well get your 7 FREE Gifts Now, check it HERE
41 Responses
Damn skippy, bro. The dead and squat are the man-makers, and jumping puts the cap on it.
Good call on mentioning the frequency of training these lifts as dependent on the person, too. I’ve found time and time again over my training career that I can pull heavy for about three consecutive weeks, gaining strength each time, and then on the fourth I’ll just plain suck and if I try to push it I’ll be down and out for a long time. The squat doesn’t do this to me.
The lesson here is to pay attention to your body and how it responds! Every time I try to buck experience because I “know better” from reading a book, I end up regretting it.
Better every day, bro!
Outside of lifting and training, 2 things every man should do:
1. Sow wild oats before marriage (taste as many flavors as possible, always using protection of course)
2. Practice what he preaches!
Great article Zach… keep killin it!
Hey man great blog! You know this is exactly how I’ve been kickin it the past while, heavy ass squats and deads, gymnastic upper body work. I don’t care who you are but I think crankin tons of pull ups or ring muscle ups are far more impressive than benching so and so amount of pounds.
But as for your question at the end I really liked it my answer would be the two P’s, to provide and to protect.
I believe it is every man’s job to provide and protect his family and what is his. You have to provide them with a home, food, happiness, safety, etc. Then protect when they’re sad protect them from the saddness and cheer them up, when they’re hungry protect them from hunger and feed them, do whatever it takes to protect them.
In order to achieve these things you have to bust your ass, go out there and work hard get the money in to give them a roof and food. Bust it in the gym to be able to protect them and take care of duties around the house.
I’m not a man of many words, I was always an action kinda guy can’t describe what i’m feeling but i can show you. Many you could explain this better Zach, but just my two cents
Peace brothers
I love it when someone asks me, “How much you bench?” “I don’t know because I don’t bench. Ask me what I deadlift.”
The deadlift is my favorite lift because it is brute strength.
What else makes a man?!
The way they treat their children, and the way they treat their wife!
If you don’t have children or a wife you could say your actions toward children and women.
Let’s see…2 things…
2. Learn some awareness and crisis management skills to be able to keep those you love safe and protected.
1. Choose your actions, words, and thoughts based on the values you profess to believe in. INTEGRITY!
Exactly except I say if you haven’t squatted or deadlifted you haven’t worked out.
Never forsake your children
Learn humility so as to know that despite everything u think u already know, there’s always an opportunity to learn from even the most unexpected teacher.
Self -belief and humility.
Aside from lifting…
1. Every man should work to support his family. There are way to many fathers out there that haven’t grown up or are too F**KIN lazy to earn an honest living.
2. Become a mentor to someone who needs it.
B. Black
Misread that s ‘have’ not ‘do’ -ok, be a gentleman and treat others the way you’d like to be treated.
2 things a man should do. Lead by example and be strong mentally and physically for your family. There are plenty of others. Be a scholar, give it your all, give respect, have the wisdom to make the right decisions in your life and the confidence to make it happen. These are things that I have learned from you and I am becoming the person I want to be. Thanks bro!
Every man should take care of his family and then strength train. Way to set the example Zach.
1) Question and test every thing you know for certain.
2) Always keep an eyeon making progress and never believing something is good enough.
I love deadlifting. Squatting is a necessary evil lol. I recently got the short black bands from elitefts and wanted to see how much I could dead using them. I got to 405 so that is my 1st and new PR. I could have gone for more but I left a little in me for my kids sake, and work of course.
I like the QOD, but my answer will be far from the norm and generally irritate people; “2 things every man should do”?
1 Read their Bible everyday
2 Pray everyday
This should not only be done in private on your own but also with your family, especially the kids. The Bible will teach them everything they need to know.
Awesome vid Z, stay strong
Men must lead by example and mean what they say. There is no price on integrity – as you well know Zach, which is one reason why I read your stuff and respect you.
I am gymless at the moment so cranking out the bodyweight stuff, ring dips, pullups and handstand pushups but MAN do I miss deadlifts! They, perhaps more than any other exercise, changed my MIND as well as my body.
Great post, Michael. I’m with you, but I’ve fallen seriously short lately. Past time to get on it and build a strong spiritual, mental, and physical foundation (in that order).
Zach, thanks! I already deadlift once a week. I guess it’s time for me to squat every week, too.
I’m gonna have to agree with Michael.
I’m glad that he mentioned those two things! I agree! If you don’t have time for the Bible and prayer, then God won’t have time for you. I’m glad there are real men out there who believe this.
i was going to say “squat and be honest”, but if we are limiting it to training… well, be honest is good advice for training too, but i suppose the deadlift has to make an appearance too.
I agree very strongly with the two Michaels. That is definitely the most important thing in life which leads to a solid relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Then love your wife and kids as much as you love yourself and take care of them.
Mmmmmmm, deadlifts and squats! Two of my favorite lifts. I definitely agree that every man should be doing these.
Very glad to see some strong men that remember where they came from and the importance of a spiritual foundation in addition to physical strength. I’ll second those recommendations!
Just two things? ha!
1. Live to serve
2. Be completely present in your close relationships
1) Wear sunscreen
2) Always be striving for bigger and better in all aspects of life. This is the definition of a man.
Love it Zach, keeping it simple and direct!
QOD: 1.)Find something your passionate about and POUR your heart and soul into it.
2.) Remind yourself of your blessings and successes every day!
Two things that come to mind but are COMPLETELY unrelated to working out:
1. Respect and love yourself before you try to love someone else.
2. Make this quote your mantra:
“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution”
As the mother of two small boys who will eventually be strong men, these are the two most important lessons I’m teaching my guys.
Adore you and your blog!
1. Work
2. Rest
Always wear w/sunscreen…love that song. I work at a Psychiatric hospital and run a group based on that song!
1) Make mistakes. Failure early and often. Dust yourself off and try again
2)Dont chase $ – you cant take it with you when you go
i’ve always had trouble with jumping because my knees are soo bad. Any suggestions besides jumping ?
I believe every man should be able to Learn What It Takes to Be A Father …. then Learn What It Takes To MAINTAIN Being A Good Father!
Work and Play.
A few rare individuals are able to combine those into one.
But most of us do what we gotta do, and then do what we wanta do.
By nature, everyman has to love. We do this without even knowing it. It’s who we are. When you realize that love is your center, then you know why you are and what you were meant to do. What was that old Nike add: Do whay you love and Love what you do…
#1- Own up to your mistakes. No one likes someone who makes excuses. When you screw up, take it on the chin, dont try and redirect it. If you made the decision to do it, you must have thought it was right, so own up to it.
#2- Take care of your own. If you are man enough to have sex, you are man enough to take care of the possible end result. Dont be a dead beat dad, show your child how awesome life can be and how much they can succeed if they are willing to do the work. Even if you arent a success. Dont just be a every other weekend or a child support payment.
speaking of deadlifting, check my latest video: Just had surgery March 11th to replace my pacemaker/ICD that I have had since 2000 for a congenital heart problem. I am on the mend and looking forward to competing again.
1. Make the world a better place.
2. Be a good role model. Like it or not, someone is watching.
Jason – ha ha! “sow wild oats” is LEGIT!!! ha ha ha
Jack – this was DEF. not limited to training, hence so many people speaking about taking care of family, honesty, etc. – it’s cool to go beyond our training at my blog, as training is part of my life, but not the end all be all
Friedel – GREAT stuff, my brutha
Gerilyn – U rock the casba for dropping a comment, we need some wisdom from the ladies here and I’m grateful
Thank You 
Rudy – AGREED on both # 1 and #2
Diana – that was AWESOME & thank YOU soooo very much for your kind words about me
I am honored & humbled 
Katy – without seeing you it’s tough to say, BUT, look at technique, make sure you land soft, butt back, knees lined with the big toes. Could be MANY reasons for bad knees but I’ve had 3 knee surgeries on my R knee and I feel GREAAT jumping, keep me posted if you need further help
Elliott – soooo simple yet sooooo true. Thnx 4 poppin in, homie
Craig OC – #TRUTH, I dig it, bruddah!
Njama – soooooo true
Rick – hells yea, bro, welcome back U beast!!
Great post and video. I love deadlifting and bodyweight stuff too. The only real downside to bodyweight exercises is there is no way to replicate the lower body pulling motion like in a deadlift. Lately I’ve been doing all sorts of different deadlifts.
Here’s a recent video of me doing a 705 lb. partial pull.
Haven’t been doing much jumping so I’ll look to add that in. Thanks Zach!
Great question Z…..
1. Seek widom and truth… question our perceived reality and conventional beliefs.
2. Live in the moment… enjoy the ride, be thankful for what you have and don’t waste time dwelling on what you don’t.
Squatting 3x/week and dead lifting once a week here
I don’t do any jump training, but I do perform power cleans once a week, which does have a jumping component to the movement. Does that count?
2 things every man (and woman) should do:
1) Travel. Better yet live in another country & experience another culture.
2) Become financially independent. This will allow more time to raise kids, be with your family, travel, and read awesome blogs like this one
Logan – HOLY SHIT!!!
Rob – NO doubt!!
John – TRUE, live in another country for some time is on my list!
1) Work on being the BEST version of himself in as MANY aspects of an honest,moral,and REAL life quest.
2) a. MAN UP!!! b. Repeat step 1….
Your website is great. I am naturally more suited to the deadlift than the squat. I’ve squatted for the past decade plus. However, it seems I have somehow either lost my form or it just doesn’t work for me anymore. Besides my legs are naturally strong and I have a tough time finiding form fitting pants.
Anyway, I just want to deadlift and drop the squats. Any other substitutes for squats?
Al – incorporate squat jumps and lunge jumps for sets of 10-20 reps, that will get your legs cranking my friend.
Zack bro, I put it up on my site – thanks for letting me link here:
It’s a badass response that I wrote to the question Zack posed, and it is an extension of the answer I gave above in the comments. Enjoy.