266 | The History of Ivanko Barbell & The First Ever MASSIVE Sorinex Install


STRONG Life Podcast ep 266 brings you through a time machine of the bodybuilding and fitness world with Ivanko Barbell which began in the mid 60s! Talk about Staying Power!

I also include the inspiring (and CRAZY) story of the first BIG install for Sorinex when Pops Sorin and his team set up the U of Kentucky weight room! 

I met Ivan Lincir at the last Summer Strong a few weeks ago, Summer Strong 14. Ivan is the son of the founder of Ivanko Barbell.

We discuss early days Ivanko all the way to my first experience buying Ivanko equipment in 2002 and everything in between.

Dig in and enjoy this inspiring trip through the history of Ivanko Barbell!

Brought to you by SORINEX.


Enjoy the show and please leave a review on Apple Podcasts HERE.



I feel it's important to know the history of Strength & Strength training equipment, especially from those who were in the early days and have continued to put out GREAT equipment.

Make sure you listen to my other podcasts such as Iron Roots and anything I've done with SORINEX & Richard "Pops" Sorin.

The First Ever MASSIVE Sorinex Install

The Story of Pops Sorin carrying the 170 lb dumbbells across the Football Field to get the job for setting up The U of Kentucky Weight Room is insane & inspiring!

  • Carried 29,000 lbs of dumbbells!
  • Carried 31,000 lbs of barbells!

Talk about TOUGH!

The story begins at the 59 minute mark, but I suggest watching in Full.

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