3 Ways to Develop Pressing Power & Brute Strength


This is the beginning of an upper body workout with some crazy college athletes - the energy is high and the strength is pretty freaky as well.

Note how we hype them up with a few quick sets of plyometrics and medicine ball throws.

Check these bruddahs out...

Before these college athletes ever touched a barbell we needed them to achieve some "benchmarks".

No need for them to bench if they weren't demonstrating a foundation of strength to bench press.

Push ups, dips, kettlebell pressing, band training and even pushing movements with a sled.

Once a solid foundation is built, teaching athletes how to bench press is MUCH easier.

What bench marks do you have before someone can bench press?

Post your answers below in the comments section!

Peace Bruddahs!


PS: The Underground Strength Gym License will be open SOON. Save the dates if you want in: July 18-19. An e mail announcement will be out soon! I am PSYCHED for this BIG time!

PPS: Every workout I do as well as Every workout my athletes do is posted at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com - if you train athletes or train yourself like an athlete, follow me at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com

6 Responses

  1. Dustin Sanchez says:

    This may sound stupid, but before I teach any client to bench, I make sure they can squat. That’s my bench mark.

  2. How heavy are those chains?

    Also, I noticed your guys keep their upper arms and elbows in close to about a 45 degree angle to the body. I have heard this is best for heavy pressing.

  3. That short dude in the red shirt who entered late has such astounding strength. Kudos to him.

    And that ball against wall bouncing move looks like it really tires the biceps/shoulders. Very good warm-up.

    Thanks Zach!

  4. I mean, before somebody is touching weights they should first handle their bodyweight. They should be able to do some push ups, pull ups, squat, dips and so on!
    At least a couple of each exercise!



  5. Benchmarks to be met before Bench Press:

    Dipping w/ Body weight + 45lbs

    Good Shoulder Girdle Stability- as determined by handstand holds and lock out.

    No anterior shoulder role present (anatomically demonstrating an already pre-existing weakness in back muscles and dominant pushing muscles)- meaning able to do Body weight pull-ups + 15lbs or plyometric pull-ups. Illustrating that the rear delts, lower traps, rhomboids, supra & infraspinatus are all strong and balance the anterior musculature of the body.

    In other words you wanna PUSH HEAVY you should be able to PULL HEAVIER!

    Good job to the athletes on the cam- some pretty sick weight being tossed up! Good luck in your upcoming competitive seasons! Much success your way gentlemen.

    ~ Christopher

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