STRONG Life Ep 38: Simple Strength, Dr. Ken & Jim Wendler



The other day I got an awesome text message from Jim Wendler. Jim's text messages are awesome to the effect that you feel like you just read a new book even though it's only a text.

Note: Make your text messages awesome!

Jim always reminds me to stick to the basics, keep getting stronger and to live a simple life. These are the 3 topics we tend to chat about often.

We text each other randomly about life and lifting. Jim pulls no punches and tells you the truth, I always respect and appreciate brutal honesty.

His text method was a quote from Dr. Ken Leistner which inspired this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast where I discuss and elaborate on the simple (NOT easy) training program recommended by Dr. Ken.

I was so inspired by Jim's text message that I had to elaborate on his words and go next level with a podcast and update to The Underground Strength Academy.

I cover the following inside this STRONG Life Podcast:

- The Dr. Ken quote that will remind you of which exercises you should focus on and some BIG numbers to push yourself to achieve!

- My thoughts on HIT (High Intensity Training) and the all out, 1 set to failure method for bodybuilding as well as athletics / performance.

- The PDF I added to The Underground Inner Circle inspired by "Simple Strength".

- A reminder of what is the key to getting stronger.

- How I broke PRs in my Bench Press.

- Thoughts on focusing on basics alone VS the conjugate system.

You can listen to this STRONG Life Podcast at any of the links below.

- iTunes

Here's some amazing, rare footage of The Legend, Dr. Ken Leistner.

Please take a moment and share this episode on facebook / twitter with your friends and leave a 5 star review on iTunes. Your support helps us spread the word on kicking ass in life AND lifting.

Drop a comment / question below. I am psyched to hear from you.

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