4 Program Design Tips For Underground Strength Workouts



[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7zV1zjABFI[/youtube]

Now you've got a little insight into how I program workouts at The Underground Strength Gym, as well as how you can tweak these workouts if you utilize CrossFit as your training protocol, here are 4 critical components we focus on when organizing Underground Strength Workouts:

1) We focus on building special strengths: strength endurance & power endurance

2) We focus on building athleticism & being able to move, AKA Agile, Mobile & Hostile. Being big & strong only takes you so far in sports and / or life.

3) We focus on work capacity and a high level of fitness. We want to build individuals that have stamina, strength and power.

4) Mobility, Mobility, Mobility.....

There is More to the puzzle than meets the eye than just these 4 tips. But if you're unsure with how to organize a workout, go back and review this video and these 4 Underground Strength tips and then look at how you program your own workouts. You can also take all the guess work out and follow our Underground Strength Workouts every month HERE.

Make sure you have goals, organize your workouts to meet those goals. If you're not making progress, it's time to fix what is broke.

Please drop your comments and questions below. I am psyched to help you!

Live The Code



11 Responses

  1. Great post. Looking forward to part two.

    1. Nick, BIg thnx, brutha!!! If U have any specific questions, please post below!

  2. Z, thanks for that advice! We follow your type of programming at my gym, and it produces very good results.

    1. Frank! HUGE thnx, brutha and MUCH respect!

  3. 4) Mobility, Mobility, Mobilityโ€ฆ..
    This is so important! Practice this and you’ll really appreciate it as you grow older!

  4. I would like to see your weekly programming template. Training is really the end product of days, weeks, months etc. and I’d love to see the progression. I know for a while you were really hitting high volume, preparing for SEAL fit

    1. Nick – my own training after SEAL Challenge was a high volume of training in respect to strength and muscle, not conditioning

      I got much bigger and stronger, best gains I made in ages

      With new gym in the works, new book, etc I am on more of a simple style of training.

      3 – 5 sessions ea week

      – Olympic Lifting practice

      – Squats and Deadlifts

      – Kettlebell Work

      If you’re inside Inner Circle I’ve posted all these volume workouts and monthly sessions

      Right now I wanna get better at the O Lifts and once my new gym opens I’ll be pushing more sled / prowler work that’s for sure and more overall training!

      1. Pulling a pushing a heavy sled or prowler conditions like nothing else does. Its a summer favorite for me as well

      2. Also, can you give us a tentative release date for the new book, summer perhaps? Really looking forward to it, know you’ve put a TON of work and quality writing into it.

  5. Hi excellent and informative blog, but there is a point where I got confused a little. Guess did not understood your workout philosophy properly.

    In a work out you seem to suggest to do pushups and lunges on the same day, whereas the workout method I follow, I am told to do these on separate days as pushups are meant for upper body and lunges are meant for lower body.

    1. Not ALL workouts are upper / lower splits

      some are full body sessions, especially on work capacity training days

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